blob: 254c151a37ba856129c9fec6571eb8af6289482a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
// A collection of error-related strings and utilities for parsing API
// invocations.
namespace extensions {
namespace api_errors {
// Strings for the expected types.
extern const char kTypeString[];
extern const char kTypeDouble[];
extern const char kTypeBoolean[];
extern const char kTypeInteger[];
extern const char kTypeObject[];
extern const char kTypeList[];
extern const char kTypeBinary[];
extern const char kTypeFunction[];
extern const char kTypeUndefined[];
extern const char kTypeNull[];
extern const char kTypeAny[];
// Methods to return a formatted string describing an error related to argument
// parsing.
std::string InvalidEnumValue(const std::set<std::string>& valid_enums);
std::string MissingRequiredProperty(const char* property_name);
std::string UnexpectedProperty(const char* property_name);
std::string TooFewArrayItems(int minimum, int found);
std::string TooManyArrayItems(int maximum, int found);
std::string TooFewStringChars(int minimum, int found);
std::string TooManyStringChars(int maximum, int found);
std::string NumberTooSmall(int minimum);
std::string NumberTooLarge(int maximum);
std::string InvalidType(const char* expected_type, const char* actual_type);
std::string NotAnInstance(const char* instance_type);
std::string InvalidChoice();
std::string UnserializableValue();
std::string ScriptThrewError();
std::string TooManyArguments();
std::string MissingRequiredArgument(const char* argument_name);
// Returns an message indicating an error was found while parsing a given index
// in an array.
std::string IndexError(uint32_t index, const std::string& error);
// Returns a message indicating that an error was found while parsing a given
// property on an object.
std::string PropertyError(const char* property_name, const std::string& error);
// Returns a message indicating that an error was found while parsing a given
// parameter in an API signature.
std::string ArgumentError(const std::string& parameter_name,
const std::string& error);
// Returns a message indicating that an API method was called with an invalid
// signature.
std::string InvocationError(const std::string& method_name,
const std::string& expected_signature,
const std::string& error);
} // namespace api_errors
} // namespace extensions