blob: 56e04619b292d07b0e477d77ccac250c69a760d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/version_info/version_info.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_thread_observer.h"
#include "extensions/common/event_filter.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/extensions_client.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature_session_type.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/resource_bundle_source_map.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/script_context.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/script_context_set.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/user_script_set_manager.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/v8_schema_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_string.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
class ChromeRenderViewTest;
class GURL;
class ModuleSystem;
struct ExtensionMsg_DispatchEvent_Params;
struct ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo;
struct ExtensionMsg_Loaded_Params;
struct ExtensionMsg_TabConnectionInfo;
struct ExtensionMsg_UpdatePermissions_Params;
struct ExtensionMsg_UpdateDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions_Params;
namespace blink {
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebServiceWorkerContextProxy;
namespace base {
class ListValue;
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace content {
class RenderThread;
} // namespace content
namespace extensions {
class ContentWatcher;
class DispatcherDelegate;
class Extension;
class NativeExtensionBindingsSystem;
class IPCMessageSender;
class ScriptContext;
class ScriptContextSetIterable;
class ScriptInjectionManager;
class WorkerScriptContextSet;
struct EventFilteringInfo;
struct Message;
struct PortId;
// Dispatches extension control messages sent to the renderer and stores
// renderer extension related state.
class Dispatcher : public content::RenderThreadObserver,
public UserScriptSetManager::Observer {
explicit Dispatcher(std::unique_ptr<DispatcherDelegate> delegate);
~Dispatcher() override;
// Returns Service Worker ScriptContexts belonging to current worker thread.
static WorkerScriptContextSet* GetWorkerScriptContextSet();
const ScriptContextSet& script_context_set() const {
return *script_context_set_;
// Returns iterator to iterate over all main thread ScriptContexts.
ScriptContextSetIterable* script_context_set_iterator() {
return script_context_set_.get();
V8SchemaRegistry* v8_schema_registry() { return v8_schema_registry_.get(); }
const std::string& webview_partition_id() { return webview_partition_id_; }
bool activity_logging_enabled() const { return activity_logging_enabled_; }
void OnRenderThreadStarted(content::RenderThread* render_thread);
void OnRenderFrameCreated(content::RenderFrame* render_frame);
bool IsExtensionActive(const std::string& extension_id) const;
void DidCreateScriptContext(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const v8::Local<v8::Context>& context,
int32_t world_id);
// This is called when a service worker is ready to evaluate the toplevel
// script. This method suspends the service worker if:
// * the service worker is background of a service worker based extension,
// and
// * the extension isn't loaded yet.
// Suspending background service worker is required because we need to
// install extension API bindings before executing the service worker.
// TODO( Figure out better way to coalesce them.
// Runs on the service worker thread and should only use thread-safe member
// variables.
void DidInitializeServiceWorkerContextOnWorkerThread(
blink::WebServiceWorkerContextProxy* context_proxy,
const GURL& service_worker_scope,
const GURL& script_url);
// This is called immediately before a service worker evaluates the
// toplevel script. This method installs extension API bindings.
// Runs on a different thread and should only use thread-safe member
// variables.
void WillEvaluateServiceWorkerOnWorkerThread(
blink::WebServiceWorkerContextProxy* context_proxy,
v8::Local<v8::Context> v8_context,
int64_t service_worker_version_id,
const GURL& service_worker_scope,
const GURL& script_url);
void WillReleaseScriptContext(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const v8::Local<v8::Context>& context,
int32_t world_id);
// Runs on worker thread and should not use any member variables.
void DidStartServiceWorkerContextOnWorkerThread(
int64_t service_worker_version_id,
const GURL& service_worker_scope,
const GURL& script_url);
// Runs on a different thread and should not use any member variables.
void WillDestroyServiceWorkerContextOnWorkerThread(
v8::Local<v8::Context> v8_context,
int64_t service_worker_version_id,
const GURL& service_worker_scope,
const GURL& script_url);
// This method is not allowed to run JavaScript code in the frame.
void DidCreateDocumentElement(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame);
// These methods may run (untrusted) JavaScript code in the frame, and
// cause |render_frame| to become invalid.
void RunScriptsAtDocumentStart(content::RenderFrame* render_frame);
void RunScriptsAtDocumentEnd(content::RenderFrame* render_frame);
void RunScriptsAtDocumentIdle(content::RenderFrame* render_frame);
void OnExtensionResponse(int request_id,
bool success,
const base::ListValue& response,
const std::string& error);
// Dispatches the event named |event_name| to all render views.
void DispatchEvent(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& event_name,
const base::ListValue& event_args,
const EventFilteringInfo* filtering_info) const;
// Shared implementation of the various MessageInvoke IPCs.
void InvokeModuleSystemMethod(content::RenderFrame* render_frame,
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& module_name,
const std::string& function_name,
const base::ListValue& args);
struct JsResourceInfo {
const char* name = nullptr;
int id = 0;
// Returns a list of resources for the JS modules to add to the source map.
static std::vector<JsResourceInfo> GetJsResources();
static void RegisterNativeHandlers(
ModuleSystem* module_system,
ScriptContext* context,
Dispatcher* dispatcher,
NativeExtensionBindingsSystem* bindings_system,
V8SchemaRegistry* v8_schema_registry);
NativeExtensionBindingsSystem* bindings_system() {
return bindings_system_.get();
// The RendererPermissionsPolicyDelegateTest.CannotScriptWebstore test needs
// to call the OnActivateExtension IPCs.
friend class ::ChromeRenderViewTest;
// RenderThreadObserver implementation:
bool OnControlMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
void OnActivateExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
void OnCancelSuspend(const std::string& extension_id);
void OnDeliverMessage(int worker_thread_id,
const PortId& target_port_id,
const Message& message);
void OnDispatchOnConnect(int worker_thread_id,
const PortId& target_port_id,
const std::string& channel_name,
const ExtensionMsg_TabConnectionInfo& source,
const ExtensionMsg_ExternalConnectionInfo& info);
void OnDispatchOnDisconnect(int worker_thread_id,
const PortId& port_id,
const std::string& error_message);
void OnLoaded(
const std::vector<ExtensionMsg_Loaded_Params>& loaded_extensions);
void OnMessageInvoke(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& module_name,
const std::string& function_name,
const base::ListValue& args);
void OnDispatchEvent(const ExtensionMsg_DispatchEvent_Params& params,
const base::ListValue& event_args);
void OnSetSessionInfo(version_info::Channel channel,
FeatureSessionType session_type,
bool lock_screen_context);
void OnSetScriptingWhitelist(
const ExtensionsClient::ScriptingWhitelist& extension_ids);
void OnSetSystemFont(const std::string& font_family,
const std::string& font_size);
void OnSetWebViewPartitionID(const std::string& partition_id);
void OnShouldSuspend(const std::string& extension_id, uint64_t sequence_id);
void OnSuspend(const std::string& extension_id);
void OnTransferBlobs(const std::vector<std::string>& blob_uuids);
void OnUnloaded(const std::string& id);
void OnUpdatePermissions(const ExtensionMsg_UpdatePermissions_Params& params);
void OnUpdateDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions(
const ExtensionMsg_UpdateDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions_Params& params);
void OnUpdateTabSpecificPermissions(const GURL& visible_url,
const std::string& extension_id,
const URLPatternSet& new_hosts,
bool update_origin_whitelist,
int tab_id);
void OnClearTabSpecificPermissions(
const std::vector<std::string>& extension_ids,
bool update_origin_whitelist,
int tab_id);
void OnSetActivityLoggingEnabled(bool enabled);
// UserScriptSetManager::Observer implementation.
void OnUserScriptsUpdated(const std::set<HostID>& changed_hosts) override;
void UpdateActiveExtensions();
// Sets up the host permissions for |extension|.
void InitOriginPermissions(const Extension* extension);
// Updates the host permissions for the extension url to include only those
// the extension currently has, removing any old entries.
void UpdateOriginPermissions(const Extension& extension);
// Enable custom element whitelist in Apps.
void EnableCustomElementWhiteList();
// Adds or removes bindings for all contexts.
void UpdateAllBindings();
// Adds or removes bindings for every context belonging to |extension|, due to
// permissions change in the extension.
void UpdateBindingsForExtension(const Extension& extension);
void RegisterNativeHandlers(ModuleSystem* module_system,
ScriptContext* context,
NativeExtensionBindingsSystem* bindings_system,
V8SchemaRegistry* v8_schema_registry);
// Inserts static source code into |source_map_|.
void PopulateSourceMap();
// Returns whether the current renderer hosts a platform app.
bool IsWithinPlatformApp();
// Requires the GuestView modules in the module system of the ScriptContext
// |context|.
void RequireGuestViewModules(ScriptContext* context);
// Creates the NativeExtensionBindingsSystem. Note: this may be called on any
// thread, and thus cannot mutate any state or rely on state which can be
// mutated in Dispatcher.
std::unique_ptr<NativeExtensionBindingsSystem> CreateBindingsSystem(
std::unique_ptr<IPCMessageSender> ipc_sender);
void ResumeEvaluationOnWorkerThread(const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// The delegate for this dispatcher to handle embedder-specific logic.
std::unique_ptr<DispatcherDelegate> delegate_;
// The IDs of extensions that failed to load, mapped to the error message
// generated on failure.
std::map<std::string, std::string> extension_load_errors_;
// All the bindings contexts that are currently loaded for this renderer.
// There is zero or one for each v8 context.
std::unique_ptr<ScriptContextSet> script_context_set_;
std::unique_ptr<ContentWatcher> content_watcher_;
std::unique_ptr<UserScriptSetManager> user_script_set_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<ScriptInjectionManager> script_injection_manager_;
// The extensions and apps that are active in this process.
ExtensionIdSet active_extension_ids_;
ResourceBundleSourceMap source_map_;
// Cache for the v8 representation of extension API schemas.
std::unique_ptr<V8SchemaRegistry> v8_schema_registry_;
// The bindings system associated with the main thread.
std::unique_ptr<NativeExtensionBindingsSystem> bindings_system_;
// The platforms system font family and size;
std::string system_font_family_;
std::string system_font_size_;
// It is important for this to come after the ScriptInjectionManager, so that
// the observer is destroyed before the UserScriptSet.
ScopedObserver<UserScriptSetManager, UserScriptSetManager::Observer>
// Whether or not extension activity is enabled.
bool activity_logging_enabled_;
// The WebView partition ID associated with this process's storage partition,
// if this renderer is a WebView guest render process. Otherwise, this will be
// empty.
std::string webview_partition_id_;
// Used to hold a service worker information which is ready to execute but the
// onloaded message haven't been received yet. We need to defer service worker
// execution until the ExtensionMsg_Loaded message is received because we can
// install extension bindings only after the onload message is received.
// TODO(bashi): Consider to have a separate class to put this logic?
struct PendingServiceWorker {
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner;
blink::WebServiceWorkerContextProxy* context_proxy;
PendingServiceWorker(blink::WebServiceWorkerContextProxy* context_proxy);
// This will be accessed both from the main thread and worker threads.
std::map<ExtensionId, std::unique_ptr<PendingServiceWorker>>
base::Lock service_workers_paused_for_on_loaded_message_lock_;
} // namespace extensions