blob: d129d6f75783ee7e9d41672ff8ad9f40443f7a74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/web_view/find_controller.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "components/web_view/find_controller_delegate.h"
#include "components/web_view/frame.h"
namespace web_view {
FindController::FindController(FindControllerDelegate* delegate)
: delegate_(delegate), current_find_request_(-1), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {}
FindController::~FindController() {}
void FindController::Find(int32_t request_id, const mojo::String& search_text) {
// TODO(erg): While this deals with multiple frames, it does not deal with
// going forward or backwards. To do that, we'll have to port all frame
// traversal and focusing concepts from blink::WebFrame to mojo::Frame.
// TODO(erg): This isn't great and causes flashes on character
// entry. However, it's needed for now because the internals of TextFinder
// still track the entire state of the blink frame tree, and if there are any
// frames that have marked text, doing a find clears the results of all
// frames _except_ for the first frame that it finds a result on.
// TODO(erg): This cheap method does not traverse in the order that blink
// does.
pending_find_frames_ = delegate_->GetAllFrames();
current_find_request_ = request_id;
// Prime the continue loop.
OnContinueFinding(request_id, search_text, false);
void FindController::StopFinding() {
// Don't report any callbacks that we get after this.
current_find_request_ = -1;
for (Frame* f : delegate_->GetAllFrames())
void FindController::OnFindInFrameCountUpdated(int32_t request_id,
Frame* frame,
int32_t count,
bool final_update) {
if (request_id != current_find_request_)
auto it = returned_find_data_.find(frame);
if (it == returned_find_data_.end()) {
it->second.count = count;
it->second.final_update = final_update;
int merged_count = 0;
bool merged_final_update = true;
for (auto const& data : returned_find_data_) {
merged_count += data.second.count;
merged_final_update = merged_final_update && data.second.final_update;
// We can now take the individual FindInFrame messages and construct a
// FindInPage message.
request_id, merged_count, merged_final_update);
void FindController::OnFindInPageSelectionUpdated(
int32_t request_id,
Frame* frame,
int32_t active_match_ordinal) {
if (request_id != current_find_request_)
// TODO(erg): This is the one that's really hard. To give an accurate count
// here, we need to have all the results for frames that are before the Frame
// that contains the selected match so we can add their sums together.
// Thankfully, we don't have to worry about this now. Since there aren't
// back/forward controls yet, active_match_ordinal will always be 1.
request_id, active_match_ordinal);
void FindController::DidDestroyFrame(Frame* frame) {
auto it =
find(pending_find_frames_.begin(), pending_find_frames_.end(), frame);
if (it != pending_find_frames_.end())
void FindController::OnContinueFinding(int32_t request_id,
const mojo::String& search_text,
bool found) {
if (!found && !pending_find_frames_.empty()) {
// No match found, search on the next frame.
Frame* next_frame = pending_find_frames_.front();
request_id, search_text,
weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), request_id, search_text));
// TODO(erg): This doesn't deal with wrapping around the document at the
// end when there are multiple frames.
// We either found a match or we got the final rejection. Either way, we
// alert our caller.
// If nothing is found, set result to "0 of 0", otherwise, set it to
// "-1 of 1" to indicate that we found at least one item, but we don't know
// yet what is active.
int ordinal = found ? -1 : 0; // -1 here means, we might know more later.
int match_count = found ? 1 : 0; // 1 here means possibly more coming.
// If we find no matches then this will be our last status update.
// Otherwise the scoping effort will send more results.
bool final_status_update = !found;
// Send priming messages.
request_id, match_count, final_status_update);
// TODO(erg): This doesn't iterate in the same order as the current code
// because we don't have the correct iteration primitives.
std::deque<Frame*> frames = delegate_->GetAllFrames();
for (Frame* f : frames) {
if (found) {
MatchData& match_data = returned_find_data_[f];
match_data.count = 0;
match_data.final_update = false;
f->HighlightFindResults(request_id, search_text, true);
} // namespace web_view