blob: 186d39344ec041fa2b3e8bdc6025f70581527f25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/web_view/public/interfaces/web_view.mojom.h"
namespace web_view {
class FindControllerDelegate;
class Frame;
// Contains all the find code used by WebViewImpl.
class FindController {
FindController(FindControllerDelegate* delegate);
// Starts a find session looking for |search_text|. This method will first
// scan through frames one by one to look for the first instance of
// |search_text|, and return the data through
// OnFindInPageSelectionUpdated(). If found, it will highlight all instances
// of the text and report the final total count through
// FindInPageMatchCountUpdated().
void Find(int32_t request_id, const mojo::String& search_text);
// Unhighlights all find instances on the page.
void StopFinding();
void OnFindInFrameCountUpdated(int32_t request_id,
Frame* frame,
int32_t count,
bool final_update);
void OnFindInPageSelectionUpdated(int32_t request_id,
Frame* frame,
int32_t active_match_ordinal);
void DidDestroyFrame(Frame* frame);
struct MatchData {
int count;
bool final_update;
// Callback method invoked by Find().
void OnContinueFinding(int32_t request_id,
const mojo::String& search_text,
bool found);
// Our owner.
FindControllerDelegate* delegate_;
// A list of Frames which we have not sent a Find() command to. Initialized
// in Find(), and read from OnContinueFinding().
std::deque<Frame*> pending_find_frames_;
// Current find session number. We keep track of this to prevent recording
// stale callbacks.
int current_find_request_;
// The current callback data from various frames.
std::map<Frame*, MatchData> returned_find_data_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FindController> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace web_view