blob: 367953946d05522932fe583c4d0f543b0343c4cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/mime_util.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/build_info.h"
namespace media {
// Singleton utility class for mime types.
class MimeUtil {
enum Codec {
bool IsSupportedMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool AreSupportedMediaCodecs(const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const;
void ParseCodecString(const std::string& codecs,
std::vector<std::string>* codecs_out,
bool strip);
bool IsStrictMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
SupportsType IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const;
void RemoveProprietaryMediaTypesAndCodecsForTests();
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<MimeUtil>;
typedef base::hash_set<int> CodecSet;
typedef std::map<std::string, CodecSet> StrictMappings;
struct CodecEntry {
CodecEntry() : codec(INVALID_CODEC), is_ambiguous(true) {}
CodecEntry(Codec c, bool ambiguous) : codec(c), is_ambiguous(ambiguous) {}
Codec codec;
bool is_ambiguous;
typedef std::map<std::string, CodecEntry> StringToCodecMappings;
// For faster lookup, keep hash sets.
void InitializeMimeTypeMaps();
// Returns IsSupported if all codec IDs in |codecs| are unambiguous
// and are supported by the platform. MayBeSupported is returned if
// at least one codec ID in |codecs| is ambiguous but all the codecs
// are supported by the platform. IsNotSupported is returned if at
// least one codec ID is not supported by the platform.
SupportsType AreSupportedCodecs(
const CodecSet& supported_codecs,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const;
// Converts a codec ID into an Codec enum value and indicates
// whether the conversion was ambiguous.
// Returns true if this method was able to map |codec_id| to a specific
// Codec enum value. |codec| and |is_ambiguous| are only valid if true
// is returned. Otherwise their value is undefined after the call.
// |is_ambiguous| is true if |codec_id| did not have enough information to
// unambiguously determine the proper Codec enum value. If |is_ambiguous|
// is true |codec| contains the best guess for the intended Codec enum value.
bool StringToCodec(const std::string& codec_id,
Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) const;
// Returns true if |codec| is supported by the platform.
// Note: This method will return false if the platform supports proprietary
// codecs but |allow_proprietary_codecs_| is set to false.
bool IsCodecSupported(Codec codec) const;
// Returns true if |codec| refers to a proprietary codec.
bool IsCodecProprietary(Codec codec) const;
// Returns true and sets |*default_codec| if |mime_type| has a default codec
// associated with it. Returns false otherwise and the value of
// |*default_codec| is undefined.
bool GetDefaultCodecLowerCase(const std::string& mime_type_lower_case,
Codec* default_codec) const;
// Returns true if |mime_type_lower_case| has a default codec associated with
// it and IsCodecSupported() returns true for that particular codec.
bool IsDefaultCodecSupportedLowerCase(
const std::string& mime_type_lower_case) const;
using MimeTypes = base::hash_set<std::string>;
MimeTypes media_map_;
// A map of mime_types and hash map of the supported codecs for the mime_type.
StrictMappings strict_format_map_;
// Keeps track of whether proprietary codec support should be
// advertised to callers.
bool allow_proprietary_codecs_;
// Lookup table for string compare based string -> Codec mappings.
StringToCodecMappings string_to_codec_map_;
}; // class MimeUtil
// This variable is Leaky because it is accessed from WorkerPool threads.
static base::LazyInstance<MimeUtil>::Leaky g_media_mime_util =
// A list of media types:
// A comprehensive mime type list:
// This set of codecs is supported by all variations of Chromium.
static const char* const common_media_types[] = {
// Ogg.
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) // Android doesn't support Ogg Theora.
// WebM.
// Wav.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// HLS.
// List of proprietary types only supported by Google Chrome.
static const char* const proprietary_media_types[] = {
// MPEG-4.
// MP3.
// MPEG-2 TS.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
static bool IsCodecSupportedOnAndroid(MimeUtil::Codec codec) {
switch (codec) {
case MimeUtil::INVALID_CODEC:
return false;
case MimeUtil::PCM:
case MimeUtil::MP3:
case MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC:
case MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBR_v1:
case MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBR_PS_v2:
case MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE:
case MimeUtil::H264_MAIN:
case MimeUtil::H264_HIGH:
case MimeUtil::VP8:
case MimeUtil::VORBIS:
return true;
case MimeUtil::HEVC_MAIN:
// HEVC/H.265 is supported in Lollipop+ (API Level 21), according to
return base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int() >= 21;
return false;
case MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_LC:
case MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_MAIN:
case MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_SSR:
// MPEG-2 variants of AAC are not supported on Android.
return false;
case MimeUtil::VP9:
// VP9 is supported only in KitKat+ (API Level 19).
return base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int() >= 19;
case MimeUtil::OPUS:
// Opus is supported only in Lollipop+ (API Level 21).
return base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int() >= 21;
case MimeUtil::THEORA:
return false;
return false;
struct MediaFormatStrict {
const char* const mime_type;
const char* const codecs_list;
// Following is the list of RFC 6381 compliant codecs:
// mp4a.66 - MPEG-2 AAC MAIN
// mp4a.67 - MPEG-2 AAC LC
// mp4a.68 - MPEG-2 AAC SSR
// mp4a.69 - MPEG-2 extension to MPEG-1
// mp4a.6B - MPEG-1 audio
// mp4a.40.2 - MPEG-4 AAC LC
// mp4a.40.02 - MPEG-4 AAC LC (leading 0 in aud-oti for compatibility)
// mp4a.40.5 - MPEG-4 HE-AAC v1 (AAC LC + SBR)
// mp4a.40.05 - MPEG-4 HE-AAC v1 (AAC LC + SBR) (leading 0 in aud-oti for
// compatibility)
// mp4a.40.29 - MPEG-4 HE-AAC v2 (AAC LC + SBR + PS)
// avc1.42E0xx - H.264 Baseline
// avc1.4D40xx - H.264 Main
// avc1.6400xx - H.264 High
static const char kMP4AudioCodecsExpression[] =
static const char kMP4VideoCodecsExpression[] =
// This is not a complete list of supported avc1 codecs. It is simply used
// to register support for the corresponding Codec enum. Instead of using
// strings in these three arrays, we should use the Codec enum values.
// This will avoid confusion and unnecessary parsing at runtime.
// kUnambiguousCodecStringMap/kAmbiguousCodecStringMap should be the only
// mapping from strings to codecs. See
// Any valid unambiguous HEVC codec id will work here, since these strings
// are parsed and mapped to MimeUtil::Codec enum values.
// These containers are also included in
// common_media_types/proprietary_media_types. See
static const MediaFormatStrict format_codec_mappings[] = {
{"video/webm", "opus,vorbis,vp8,vp8.0,vp9,vp9.0"},
{"audio/webm", "opus,vorbis"},
{"audio/wav", "1"},
{"audio/x-wav", "1"},
// Android does not support Opus in Ogg container.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
{"video/ogg", "theora,vorbis"},
{"audio/ogg", "vorbis"},
{"application/ogg", "theora,vorbis"},
{"video/ogg", "opus,theora,vorbis"},
{"audio/ogg", "opus,vorbis"},
{"application/ogg", "opus,theora,vorbis"},
{"audio/mpeg", "mp3"},
{"audio/mp3", ""},
{"audio/x-mp3", ""},
{"audio/aac", ""},
{"audio/mp4", kMP4AudioCodecsExpression},
{"audio/x-m4a", kMP4AudioCodecsExpression},
{"video/mp4", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression},
{"video/x-m4v", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression},
{"application/x-mpegurl", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression},
{"application/", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression}};
struct CodecIDMappings {
const char* const codec_id;
MimeUtil::Codec codec;
// List of codec IDs that provide enough information to determine the
// codec and profile being requested.
// The "mp4a" strings come from RFC 6381.
static const CodecIDMappings kUnambiguousCodecStringMap[] = {
{"1", MimeUtil::PCM}, // We only allow this for WAV so it isn't ambiguous.
// avc1/avc3.XXXXXX may be unambiguous; handled by ParseH264CodecID().
{"mp3", MimeUtil::MP3},
{"mp4a.66", MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_MAIN},
{"mp4a.67", MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_LC},
{"mp4a.68", MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_SSR},
{"mp4a.69", MimeUtil::MP3},
{"mp4a.6B", MimeUtil::MP3},
{"mp4a.40.2", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC},
{"mp4a.40.02", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC},
{"mp4a.40.5", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBR_v1},
{"mp4a.40.05", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBR_v1},
{"mp4a.40.29", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBR_PS_v2},
{"vorbis", MimeUtil::VORBIS},
{"opus", MimeUtil::OPUS},
{"vp8", MimeUtil::VP8},
{"vp8.0", MimeUtil::VP8},
{"vp9", MimeUtil::VP9},
{"vp9.0", MimeUtil::VP9},
{"theora", MimeUtil::THEORA}};
// List of codec IDs that are ambiguous and don't provide
// enough information to determine the codec and profile.
// The codec in these entries indicate the codec and profile
// we assume the user is trying to indicate.
static const CodecIDMappings kAmbiguousCodecStringMap[] = {
{"mp4a.40", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC},
{"avc1", MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE},
{"avc3", MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE},
// avc1/avc3.XXXXXX may be ambiguous; handled by ParseH264CodecID().
MimeUtil::MimeUtil() : allow_proprietary_codecs_(false) {
SupportsType MimeUtil::AreSupportedCodecs(
const CodecSet& supported_codecs,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const {
SupportsType result = IsSupported;
for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
bool is_ambiguous = true;
Codec codec = INVALID_CODEC;
if (!StringToCodec(codecs[i], &codec, &is_ambiguous))
return IsNotSupported;
if (!IsCodecSupported(codec) ||
supported_codecs.find(codec) == supported_codecs.end()) {
return IsNotSupported;
if (is_ambiguous)
result = MayBeSupported;
return result;
void MimeUtil::InitializeMimeTypeMaps() {
// Initialize the supported media types.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(common_media_types); ++i)
allow_proprietary_codecs_ = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(proprietary_media_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kUnambiguousCodecStringMap); ++i) {
string_to_codec_map_[kUnambiguousCodecStringMap[i].codec_id] =
CodecEntry(kUnambiguousCodecStringMap[i].codec, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kAmbiguousCodecStringMap); ++i) {
string_to_codec_map_[kAmbiguousCodecStringMap[i].codec_id] =
CodecEntry(kAmbiguousCodecStringMap[i].codec, true);
// Initialize the strict supported media types.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(format_codec_mappings); ++i) {
std::vector<std::string> mime_type_codecs;
CodecSet codecs;
for (size_t j = 0; j < mime_type_codecs.size(); ++j) {
Codec codec = INVALID_CODEC;
bool is_ambiguous = true;
CHECK(StringToCodec(mime_type_codecs[j], &codec, &is_ambiguous));
strict_format_map_[format_codec_mappings[i].mime_type] = codecs;
bool MimeUtil::IsSupportedMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return media_map_.find(base::ToLowerASCII(mime_type)) != media_map_.end();
bool MimeUtil::AreSupportedMediaCodecs(
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
Codec codec = INVALID_CODEC;
bool is_ambiguous = true;
if (!StringToCodec(codecs[i], &codec, &is_ambiguous) ||
!IsCodecSupported(codec)) {
return false;
return true;
void MimeUtil::ParseCodecString(const std::string& codecs,
std::vector<std::string>* codecs_out,
bool strip) {
*codecs_out = base::SplitString(
base::TrimString(codecs, "\"", base::TRIM_ALL),
// Convert empty or all-whitespace input to 0 results.
if (codecs_out->size() == 1 && (*codecs_out)[0].empty())
if (!strip)
// Strip everything past the first '.'
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = codecs_out->begin();
it != codecs_out->end();
++it) {
size_t found = it->find_first_of('.');
if (found != std::string::npos)
bool MimeUtil::IsStrictMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return strict_format_map_.find(base::ToLowerASCII(mime_type)) !=
SupportsType MimeUtil::IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const {
const std::string mime_type_lower_case = base::ToLowerASCII(mime_type);
StrictMappings::const_iterator it_strict_map =
if (it_strict_map == strict_format_map_.end())
return codecs.empty() ? MayBeSupported : IsNotSupported;
if (it_strict_map->second.empty()) {
// We get here if the mimetype does not expect a codecs parameter.
return (codecs.empty() &&
? IsSupported
: IsNotSupported;
if (codecs.empty()) {
// We get here if the mimetype expects to get a codecs parameter,
// but didn't get one. If |mime_type_lower_case| does not have a default
// codec the best we can do is say "maybe" because we don't have enough
// information.
Codec default_codec = INVALID_CODEC;
if (!GetDefaultCodecLowerCase(mime_type_lower_case, &default_codec))
return MayBeSupported;
return IsCodecSupported(default_codec) ? IsSupported : IsNotSupported;
return AreSupportedCodecs(it_strict_map->second, codecs);
void MimeUtil::RemoveProprietaryMediaTypesAndCodecsForTests() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(proprietary_media_types); ++i)
allow_proprietary_codecs_ = false;
static bool IsValidH264Level(const std::string& level_str) {
uint32 level;
if (level_str.size() != 2 || !base::HexStringToUInt(level_str, &level))
return false;
// Valid levels taken from Table A-1 in ISO-14496-10.
// Essentially |level_str| is toHex(10 * level).
return ((level >= 10 && level <= 13) ||
(level >= 20 && level <= 22) ||
(level >= 30 && level <= 32) ||
(level >= 40 && level <= 42) ||
(level >= 50 && level <= 51));
// Handle parsing H.264 codec IDs as outlined in RFC 6381 and ISO-14496-10.
// avc1.42x0yy - H.264 Baseline
// avc1.4Dx0yy - H.264 Main
// avc1.64x0yy - H.264 High
// avc1.xxxxxx & avc3.xxxxxx are considered ambiguous forms that are trying to
// signal H.264 Baseline. For example, the idc_level, profile_idc and
// constraint_set3_flag pieces may explicitly require decoder to conform to
// baseline profile at the specified level (see Annex A and constraint_set0 in
// ISO-14496-10).
static bool ParseH264CodecID(const std::string& codec_id,
MimeUtil::Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) {
// Make sure we have avc1.xxxxxx or avc3.xxxxxx , where xxxxxx are hex digits
if (!base::StartsWith(codec_id, "avc1.", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) &&
!base::StartsWith(codec_id, "avc3.", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
return false;
if (codec_id.size() != 11 ||
!base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[5]) || !base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[6]) ||
!base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[7]) || !base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[8]) ||
!base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[9]) || !base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[10])) {
return false;
// Validate constraint flags and reserved bits.
if (!base::IsHexDigit(codec_id[7]) || codec_id[8] != '0') {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE;
*is_ambiguous = true;
return true;
// Extract the profile.
std::string profile = base::ToUpperASCII(codec_id.substr(5, 2));
if (profile == "42") {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE;
} else if (profile == "4D") {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_MAIN;
} else if (profile == "64") {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_HIGH;
} else {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE;
*is_ambiguous = true;
return true;
// Validate level.
*is_ambiguous = !IsValidH264Level(base::ToUpperASCII(codec_id.substr(9)));
return true;
// ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-15 standard section E.3 describes the syntax of codec ids
// reserved for HEVC. According to that spec HEVC codec id must start with
// either "hev1." or "hvc1.". We don't yet support full parsing of HEVC codec
// ids, but since no other codec id starts with those string we'll just treat
// any string starting with "hev1." or "hvc1." as valid HEVC codec ids.
static bool ParseHEVCCodecID(const std::string& codec_id,
MimeUtil::Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) {
if (base::StartsWith(codec_id, "hev1.", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::StartsWith(codec_id, "hvc1.", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
*codec = MimeUtil::HEVC_MAIN;
// TODO(servolk): Full HEVC codec id parsing is not implemented yet (see
// So treat HEVC codec ids as ambiguous for now.
*is_ambiguous = true;
// TODO(servolk): Most HEVC codec ids are treated as ambiguous (see above),
// but we need to recognize at least one valid unambiguous HEVC codec id,
// which is added into kMP4VideoCodecsExpression. We need it to be
// unambiguous to avoid DCHECK(!is_ambiguous) in InitializeMimeTypeMaps. We
// also use these in unit tests (see
// content/browser/media/
// Remove this workaround after is fixed.
if (codec_id == "hev1.1.6.L93.B0" || codec_id == "hvc1.1.6.L93.B0") {
*is_ambiguous = false;
return true;
return false;
bool MimeUtil::StringToCodec(const std::string& codec_id,
Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) const {
StringToCodecMappings::const_iterator itr =
if (itr != string_to_codec_map_.end()) {
*codec = itr->second.codec;
*is_ambiguous = itr->second.is_ambiguous;
return true;
// If |codec_id| is not in |string_to_codec_map_|, then we assume that it is
// either H.264 or HEVC/H.265 codec ID because currently those are the only
// ones that are not added to the |string_to_codec_map_| and require parsing.
if (ParseHEVCCodecID(codec_id, codec, is_ambiguous)) {
return true;
return ParseH264CodecID(codec_id, codec, is_ambiguous);
bool MimeUtil::IsCodecSupported(Codec codec) const {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (!IsCodecSupportedOnAndroid(codec))
return false;
return allow_proprietary_codecs_ || !IsCodecProprietary(codec);
bool MimeUtil::IsCodecProprietary(Codec codec) const {
switch (codec) {
case MP3:
case MPEG2_AAC_LC:
case MPEG4_AAC_LC:
case MPEG4_AAC_SBR_v1:
case MPEG4_AAC_SBR_PS_v2:
case H264_BASELINE:
case H264_MAIN:
case H264_HIGH:
return true;
case PCM:
case VORBIS:
case OPUS:
case VP8:
case VP9:
case THEORA:
return false;
return true;
bool MimeUtil::GetDefaultCodecLowerCase(const std::string& mime_type_lower_case,
Codec* default_codec) const {
if (mime_type_lower_case == "audio/mpeg" ||
mime_type_lower_case == "audio/mp3" ||
mime_type_lower_case == "audio/x-mp3") {
*default_codec = MimeUtil::MP3;
return true;
if (mime_type_lower_case == "audio/aac") {
*default_codec = MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC;
return true;
return false;
bool MimeUtil::IsDefaultCodecSupportedLowerCase(
const std::string& mime_type_lower_case) const {
Codec default_codec = Codec::INVALID_CODEC;
if (!GetDefaultCodecLowerCase(mime_type_lower_case, &default_codec))
return false;
return IsCodecSupported(default_codec);
bool IsSupportedMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_media_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedMediaMimeType(mime_type);
bool AreSupportedMediaCodecs(const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) {
return g_media_mime_util.Get().AreSupportedMediaCodecs(codecs);
bool IsStrictMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_media_mime_util.Get().IsStrictMediaMimeType(mime_type);
SupportsType IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) {
return g_media_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
mime_type, codecs);
void ParseCodecString(const std::string& codecs,
std::vector<std::string>* codecs_out,
const bool strip) {
g_media_mime_util.Get().ParseCodecString(codecs, codecs_out, strip);
void RemoveProprietaryMediaTypesAndCodecsForTests() {
} // namespace media