blob: b40dfb47a0a380e528e301f9dffc2487d0698fc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// Pixel formats roughly based on FOURCC labels, see:
// and
// Logged to UMA, so never reuse values. Leave gaps if necessary.
// Ordered as planar, semi-planar, YUV-packed, and RGB formats.
enum VideoPixelFormat {
PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, // Unknown or unspecified format value.
1, // 12bpp YUV planar 1x1 Y, 2x2 UV samples, a.k.a. YU12.
PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 = 2, // 12bpp YVU planar 1x1 Y, 2x2 VU samples.
PIXEL_FORMAT_YV16 = 3, // 16bpp YVU planar 1x1 Y, 2x1 VU samples.
PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12A = 4, // 20bpp YUVA planar 1x1 Y, 2x2 VU, 1x1 A samples.
PIXEL_FORMAT_YV24 = 5, // 24bpp YUV planar, no subsampling.
6, // 12bpp with Y plane followed by a 2x2 interleaved UV plane.
7, // 12bpp with Y plane followed by a 2x2 interleaved VU plane.
8, // 16bpp interleaved 2x1 U, 1x1 Y, 2x1 V, 1x1 Y samples.
9, // 16bpp interleaved 1x1 Y, 2x1 U, 1x1 Y, 2x1 V samples.
PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB = 10, // 32bpp ARGB, 1 plane.
PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB = 11, // 24bpp XRGB, 1 plane.
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24 = 12, // 24bpp BGR, 1 plane.
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB32 = 13, // 32bpp BGRA, 1 plane.
PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG = 14, // MJPEG compressed.
// MediaTek proprietary format. MT21 is similar to NV21 except the memory
// layout and pixel layout (swizzles). 12bpp with Y plane followed by a 2x2
// interleaved VU plane. Each image contains two buffers -- Y plane and VU
// plane. Two planes can be non-contiguous in memory. The starting addresses
// of Y plane and VU plane are 4KB alignment.
// Suppose image dimension is (width, height). For both Y plane and VU plane:
// Row pitch = ((width+15)/16) * 16.
// Plane size = Row pitch * (((height+31)/32)*32)
// Please update UMA histogram enumeration when adding new formats here.
PIXEL_FORMAT_MT21, // Must always be equal to largest entry logged.
// Color space or color range used for the pixels.
// Logged to UMA, so never reuse values. Leave gaps if necessary.
enum ColorSpace {
COLOR_SPACE_UNSPECIFIED = 0, // In general this is Rec601.
// The JPEG color space is the combination of Rec.601 and full range colors
// (aka pc range colors).
COLOR_SPACE_HD_REC709 = 2, // Rec709 "HD" color space.
COLOR_SPACE_SD_REC601 = 3, // Rec601 "SD" color space.
// Returns the name of a Format as a string.
MEDIA_EXPORT std::string VideoPixelFormatToString(VideoPixelFormat format);
// Returns true if |format| is a YUV format with multiple planes.
MEDIA_EXPORT bool IsYuvPlanar(VideoPixelFormat format);
} // namespace media