blob: 3d98f9095d2ed07e3712a08b985aeb44ada473bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant.mojom-forward.h"
namespace base {
class UnguessableToken;
} // namespace base
namespace ash {
class AssistantResponseObserver;
class AssistantUiElement;
// TODO(dmblack): Remove ProcessingState after launch of response processing v2.
// Models a renderable Assistant response.
// It is refcounted so that views that display the response can safely
// reference the data inside this response.
: public base::RefCounted<AssistantResponse> {
using AssistantSuggestion = chromeos::assistant::mojom::AssistantSuggestion;
using AssistantSuggestionPtr =
using ProcessingCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
enum class ProcessingState {
kUnprocessed, // Response has not yet been processed.
kProcessing, // Response is currently being processed.
kProcessed, // Response has finished processing.
// Adds/removes the specified |observer|.
// NOTE: only the AssistantInteractionController is able to obtain non-const
// access to an AssistantResponse through its owned model, but there are const
// accessors who wish to observe the response for changes in its underlying
// data. To accomplish this, we make AddObserver() and RemoveObserver() const,
// though these methods do modify the underlying ObserverList. This is safe to
// do as AssistantResponseObserver only exposes const access to the underlying
// response data and so doesn't expose AssistantResponse for modification.
void AddObserver(AssistantResponseObserver* observer) const;
void RemoveObserver(AssistantResponseObserver* observer) const;
// Adds the specified |ui_element| that should be rendered for the
// interaction.
void AddUiElement(std::unique_ptr<AssistantUiElement> ui_element);
// Returns all UI elements belonging to the response.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AssistantUiElement>>& GetUiElements() const;
// Adds the specified |suggestions| that should be rendered for the
// interaction.
void AddSuggestions(std::vector<AssistantSuggestionPtr> suggestions);
// Returns the suggestion uniquely identified by |id|.
const AssistantSuggestion* GetSuggestionById(
const base::UnguessableToken& id) const;
// Returns all suggestions belongs to the response.
std::vector<const AssistantSuggestion*> GetSuggestions() const;
// Gets/sets the processing state for the response.
ProcessingState processing_state() const { return processing_state_; }
void set_processing_state(ProcessingState processing_state) {
processing_state_ = processing_state;
// Gets/sets if the response has TTS. This can only be reliably checked after
// the response is finalized for obvious reasons.
bool has_tts() const { return has_tts_; }
void set_has_tts(bool has_tts) { has_tts_ = has_tts; }
// Invoke to begin processing the response. The specified |callback| will be
// run to indicate whether or not the processor has completed processing of
// all UI elements in the response.
void Process(ProcessingCallback callback);
void NotifyUiElementAdded(const AssistantUiElement* ui_element);
void NotifySuggestionsAdded(const std::vector<const AssistantSuggestion*>&);
struct PendingUiElement;
class Processor;
friend class base::RefCounted<AssistantResponse>;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<PendingUiElement>> pending_ui_elements_;
std::vector<AssistantSuggestionPtr> suggestions_;
ProcessingState processing_state_ = ProcessingState::kUnprocessed;
bool has_tts_ = false;
// We specify the declaration order below as intended because we want
// |processor_| to be destroyed before |ui_elements_| (we also forced this
// order in the destructor), so that when the response processing got
// interrupted, the |ProcessingCallback| can have a chance to return false
// during the destruction to indicate the failure of completion.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AssistantUiElement>> ui_elements_;
std::unique_ptr<Processor> processor_;
mutable base::ObserverList<AssistantResponseObserver> observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AssistantResponse> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash