blob: f9d8b02d9bfe9adbf06f57eecac7ed644b37a4c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_controller.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace ui {
class Layer;
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
// Enum of the different splitview mode animations. Sorted by property
// (opacity/transform) and then alphabetically.
enum SplitviewAnimationType {
// Used to fade in and out the highlights on either side which indicate where
// to drag a selector item.
// Used to fade in and out the other highlight. There are normally two
// highlights, one on each side. When entering a state with a preview
// highlight, one highlight is the preview highlight, and the other highlight
// is the other highlight.
// Used to fade in and out the label on the overview item which warns users
// the item cannot be snapped. The label appears on the overview item after
// another window has been snapped.
// Used to fade in and out the preview area highlight which indicates the
// bounds of the window that is about to get snapped.
// Used to fade in and out the labels which appear on either side of overview
// mode when a overview item is selected. They indicate where to drag the
// selector item if it is snappable, or if an item cannot be snapped.
// Used when the text fades in or out with the highlights, as opposed to
// fading in when the highlights change bounds. Has slightly different
// animation values.
// Used to slide in and out the other highlight.
// Used to slide in and out the text label on the other highlight.
// Used to animate the inset of the preview area to nothing.
// Used to slide in and out the preview area highlight.
// Used to slide in and out the text label on the preview area highlight.
// Used to apply window transform on the selector item after it gets snapped
// or on the dragged window after the drag ends.
// This class observes the window transform animation and relayout the window's
// transient bubble dialogs when animation is completed. This is needed in some
// splitview and overview cases as in splitview or overview, the window can have
// an un-identity transform in place when its bounds changed. And when this
// happens, its transient bubble dialogs won't have the correct bounds as the
// bounds are calculated based on the transformed window bounds. We'll need to
// manually relayout the bubble dialogs after the window's transform reset to
// the identity transform so that the bubble dialogs can have correct bounds.
class ASH_EXPORT WindowTransformAnimationObserver
: public ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver,
public aura::WindowObserver {
explicit WindowTransformAnimationObserver(aura::Window* window);
~WindowTransformAnimationObserver() override;
// ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver:
void OnImplicitAnimationsCompleted() override;
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) override;
aura::Window* const window_;
WindowTransformAnimationObserver(const WindowTransformAnimationObserver&) =
WindowTransformAnimationObserver& operator=(
const WindowTransformAnimationObserver&) = delete;
// Animates |layer|'s opacity based on |type|.
void DoSplitviewOpacityAnimation(ui::Layer* layer, SplitviewAnimationType type);
// Animates |layer|'s transform based on |type|.
void DoSplitviewTransformAnimation(
ui::Layer* layer,
SplitviewAnimationType type,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
std::unique_ptr<ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver> animation_observer);
// Animates |layer|'s clip rect based on |type|.
void DoSplitviewClipRectAnimation(
ui::Layer* layer,
SplitviewAnimationType type,
const gfx::Rect& target_clip_rect,
std::unique_ptr<ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver> animation_observer);
// Restores split view and overview based on the current split view's state.
// If |refresh_snapped_windows| is true, it will update the left and right
// snapped windows based on the MRU windows snapped states.
void MaybeRestoreSplitView(bool refresh_snapped_windows);
// Returns true if we allow dragging an overview window to snap to split view in
// clamshell mode.
ASH_EXPORT bool IsClamshellSplitViewModeEnabled();
// Checks multi-display support for overview and split view.
ASH_EXPORT bool AreMultiDisplayOverviewAndSplitViewEnabled();
// Returns true if split view mode is supported.
ASH_EXPORT bool ShouldAllowSplitView();
// Displays a toast notifying users the application selected for split view is
// not compatible.
ASH_EXPORT void ShowAppCannotSnapToast();
// Calculates the snap position for a dragged window at |location_in_screen|,
// ignoring any properties of the window itself. The |root_window| is of the
// current screen. |initial_location_in_screen| is the location at drag start if
// the drag began in |root_window|, and is empty otherwise. To be snappable
// (meaning the return value is not |SplitViewController::NONE|),
// |location_in_screen| must be either inside |snap_distance_from_edge| or
// dragged toward the edge for at least |minimum_drag_distance| distance until
// it's dragged into a suitable edge of the work area of |root_window| (i.e.,
// |horizontal_edge_inset| if dragged horizontally to snap, or
// |vertical_edge_inset| if dragged vertically).
ASH_EXPORT SplitViewController::SnapPosition GetSnapPositionForLocation(
aura::Window* root_window,
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen,
const base::Optional<gfx::Point>& initial_location_in_screen,
int snap_distance_from_edge,
int minimum_drag_distance,
int horizontal_edge_inset,
int vertical_edge_inset);
// Returns the desired snap position. To be snappable, |window| must 1)
// satisfy |SplitViewController::CanSnapWindow| for |root_window|, and
// 2) be snappable according to |GetSnapPositionForLocation| above.
// |initial_location_in_screen| is the window location at drag start in
// its initial window. Otherwise, the arguments are the same as above.
ASH_EXPORT SplitViewController::SnapPosition GetSnapPosition(
aura::Window* root_window,
aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen,
const gfx::Point& initial_location_in_screen,
int snap_distance_from_edge,
int minimum_drag_distance,
int horizontal_edge_inset,
int vertical_edge_inset);
} // namespace ash