blob: 4c4d9df2f52b0c09adb95675e4850aecee920e20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains test infrastructure for multiple files
// (current and
// that need to test out CookieMonster interactions with the backing store.
// It should only be included by test code.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace net {
// Wrapper class for posting a loaded callback. Since the Callback class is not
// reference counted, we cannot post a callback to the message loop directly,
// instead we post a LoadedCallbackTask.
class LoadedCallbackTask
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<LoadedCallbackTask> {
typedef CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore::LoadedCallback LoadedCallback;
LoadedCallbackTask(LoadedCallback loaded_callback,
std::vector<CanonicalCookie*> cookies);
void Run() { loaded_callback_.Run(cookies_); }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<LoadedCallbackTask>;
LoadedCallback loaded_callback_;
std::vector<CanonicalCookie*> cookies_;
}; // Wrapper class LoadedCallbackTask
// Describes a call to one of the 3 functions of PersistentCookieStore.
struct CookieStoreCommand {
enum Type {
CookieStoreCommand(Type type, const CanonicalCookie& cookie)
: type(type), cookie(cookie) {}
Type type;
CanonicalCookie cookie;
// Implementation of PersistentCookieStore that captures the
// received commands and saves them to a list.
// The result of calls to Load() can be configured using SetLoadExpectation().
class MockPersistentCookieStore : public CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore {
typedef std::vector<CookieStoreCommand> CommandList;
void SetLoadExpectation(bool return_value,
const std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>& result);
const CommandList& commands() const { return commands_; }
void Load(const LoadedCallback& loaded_callback) override;
void LoadCookiesForKey(const std::string& key,
const LoadedCallback& loaded_callback) override;
void AddCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cookie) override;
void UpdateCookieAccessTime(const CanonicalCookie& cookie) override;
void DeleteCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cookie) override;
void Flush(const base::Closure& callback) override;
void SetForceKeepSessionState() override;
~MockPersistentCookieStore() override;
CommandList commands_;
// Deferred result to use when Load() is called.
bool load_return_value_;
std::vector<CanonicalCookie*> load_result_;
// Indicates if the store has been fully loaded to avoid returning duplicate
// cookies.
bool loaded_;
// Mock for CookieMonsterDelegate
class MockCookieMonsterDelegate : public CookieMonsterDelegate {
typedef std::pair<CanonicalCookie, bool> CookieNotification;
const std::vector<CookieNotification>& changes() const { return changes_; }
void reset() { changes_.clear(); }
void OnCookieChanged(const CanonicalCookie& cookie,
bool removed,
CookieMonsterDelegate::ChangeCause cause) override;
void OnLoaded() override;
~MockCookieMonsterDelegate() override;
std::vector<CookieNotification> changes_;
// Helper to build a single CanonicalCookie.
CanonicalCookie BuildCanonicalCookie(const std::string& key,
const std::string& cookie_line,
const base::Time& creation_time);
// Helper to build a list of CanonicalCookie*s.
void AddCookieToList(const std::string& key,
const std::string& cookie_line,
const base::Time& creation_time,
std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>* out_list);
// Just act like a backing database. Keep cookie information from
// Add/Update/Delete and regurgitate it when Load is called.
class MockSimplePersistentCookieStore
: public CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore {
void Load(const LoadedCallback& loaded_callback) override;
void LoadCookiesForKey(const std::string& key,
const LoadedCallback& loaded_callback) override;
void AddCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cookie) override;
void UpdateCookieAccessTime(const CanonicalCookie& cookie) override;
void DeleteCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cookie) override;
void Flush(const base::Closure& callback) override;
void SetForceKeepSessionState() override;
~MockSimplePersistentCookieStore() override;
typedef std::map<int64, CanonicalCookie> CanonicalCookieMap;
CanonicalCookieMap cookies_;
// Indicates if the store has been fully loaded to avoid return duplicate
// cookies in subsequent load requests
bool loaded_;
// Helper function for creating a CookieMonster backed by a
// MockSimplePersistentCookieStore for garbage collection testing.
// Fill the store through import with |num_cookies| cookies, |num_old_cookies|
// with access time Now()-days_old, the rest with access time Now().
// Do two SetCookies(). Return whether each of the two SetCookies() took
// longer than |gc_perf_micros| to complete, and how many cookie were
// left in the store afterwards.
CookieMonster* CreateMonsterFromStoreForGC(int num_cookies,
int num_old_cookies,
int days_old);
} // namespace net