blob: 8418740de61c4383bb693440b113e99fbf3d536e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
package autofill_assistant;
// A field trial containing the name of the trial and the name of the
// randomly selected trial group.
message FieldTrialProto {
optional string trial_name = 1;
optional string group_name = 2;
// Context contains client environment details.
message ClientContextProto {
message Chrome {
optional string chrome_version = 1;
repeated FieldTrialProto active_field_trials = 2;
oneof client { Chrome chrome = 1; }
// locale should be a comma separated list of language tags. Each tag should
// be a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag with language and country code
// (e.g., "en-US").
// The intent is to communicate the client language preferences to the server.
optional string locale = 5;
// country should be a country code as defined by ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.
// The intent is to communicate the client's location to the server.
optional string country = 6;
// Get the list of scripts that can potentially be run on a url.
message SupportsScriptRequestProto {
optional string url = 1;
// Parameters that can be used to filter the scripts suitable for execution.
repeated ScriptParameterProto script_parameters = 2;
optional ClientContextProto client_context = 3;
message ScriptParameterProto {
// Parameter name, as found in the Intent, without prefix.
optional string name = 3;
optional string value = 2;
// Response of the list of supported scripts.
message SupportsScriptResponseProto {
repeated SupportedScriptProto scripts = 1;
// Supported script.
message SupportedScriptProto {
// This is the internal name of the script.
optional string path = 1;
message PresentationProto {
// Script name.
optional string name = 1;
// Precondition contains a set of conditions that must hold for a script to
// be executed. No precondition means that a script can run in any case.
optional ScriptPreconditionProto precondition = 3;
// Text display at the same time as the script is proposed. If more than one
// script has an initial prompt, the prompt of the highest-priority script
// wins.
optional string initial_prompt = 4;
// Display priority of the script. Lowest number has highest priority, which
// means a script with priority 0 should be displayed before a script with
// priority 1.
optional int32 priority = 5;
// Whether the script should be highlighted.
optional bool highlight = 7;
// When set to true this script can be run in 'autostart mode'. Script won't
// be shown.
optional bool autostart = 8;
// When set to true this script will be run from WaitForDom actions with
// allow_interrupt=true.
optional bool interrupt = 9;
optional PresentationProto presentation = 2;
enum ScriptStatusProto {
// Never explicitly set. Reading this value means the enum field is either
// not set or set to a value not listed here.
// The script finished successfully.
// The script failed.
// The user cancelled the script.
// The script is currently running.
// The script was not run.
// Condition on the status of a previous script run.
message ScriptStatusMatchProto {
enum Comparator {
EQUAL = 1;
// Required. Path of the script whose status should be checked.
optional string script = 1;
// Required. The status the script should have for the condition to hold.
optional ScriptStatusProto status = 2;
// Optional. The comparison performed when checking the status. It will be
// interpreted as EQUAL if not set.
optional Comparator comparator = 3;
message ScriptPreconditionProto {
// Combined with AND: the elements referenced here must be present.
repeated ElementReferenceProto elements_exist = 3;
// Pattern of the path parts of the URL, including query and '#''.
repeated string path_pattern = 5;
// Domain (exact match) excluding the last '/' character.
repeated string domain = 6;
// Combined with AND: all matches must be true for precondition to hold.
repeated ScriptParameterMatchProto script_parameter_match = 7;
repeated ScriptStatusMatchProto script_status_match = 8;
repeated FormValueMatchProto form_value_match = 9;
message ScriptParameterMatchProto {
// Parameter name, as found in the Intent, without prefix.
optional string name = 4;
// Checks whether the script parameter is present.
optional bool exists = 2 [default = true];
// Checks whether the script parameter has exact value. Empty or missing value
// is treated as wildcard - any value will pass.
optional string value_equals = 3;
message FormValueMatchProto {
// Required. The selector associated to the form element whose value should be
// checked.
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 1;
// Optional value. If specified, the element value must match the given value,
// even if it's empty. If not specified, we just check that the element value
// is non empty.
optional string value = 2;
enum PolicyType {
message ScriptActionRequestProto {
optional ClientContextProto client_context = 7;
// Global payload from the previous response, possibly for another script.
optional bytes global_payload = 8;
// Script payload from the previous response, for the same script.
// For backward compatibility, for initial requests, forward the last returned
// script_payload.
optional bytes script_payload = 2;
oneof request {
InitialScriptActionsRequestProto initial_request = 4;
NextScriptActionsRequestProto next_request = 5;
// Initial request to get a script's actions.
message InitialScriptActionsRequestProto {
message QueryProto {
// The backend expects the |script_path| to be a repeated field. This field
// is expected to contain only one element.
repeated string script_path = 1;
// The exact URL on which the script is triggered.
optional string url = 2;
optional PolicyType policy = 3;
optional QueryProto query = 3;
repeated ScriptParameterProto script_parameters = 2;
// Next request to get a script's actions.
message NextScriptActionsRequestProto {
// The result of processing each ActionProto from the previous response. This
// field must be in the same order as the actions in the original response.
// It may have less actions in case of failure.
repeated ProcessedActionProto processed_actions = 1;
// Response of a script's actions.
message ActionsResponseProto {
// Opaque data to send to the next ScriptActionRequestProto.
optional bytes global_payload = 4;
// Opaque data to send to the next ScriptActionRequestProto for the same
// script.
optional bytes script_payload = 2;
// Actions to be performed in order.
// Should stop processing as soon as an action fails.
repeated ActionProto actions = 3;
// List of scripts to update.
// The client is expected to update the cache of scripts with this new
// information. No action is needed when this field is not set. If the field
// is set with an empty list of scripts, then no script is eligible to run
// anymore.
// Note: This is an intermediate solution and the logic associated with this
// field will eventually be absorbed into the supports script response from
// the backend.
message UpdateScriptListProto { repeated SupportedScriptProto scripts = 1; }
optional UpdateScriptListProto update_script_list = 5;
// An action could be performed.
message ActionProto {
// Wait these many milliseconds before executing the action, if set.
optional int32 action_delay_ms = 3;
// Opaque data that should not be interpreted by the client. The client must
// pass this back unchanged in the next request
optional bytes server_payload = 4;
oneof action_info {
ClickProto click = 5;
SetFormFieldValueProto set_form_value = 6;
SelectOptionProto select_option = 7;
NavigateProto navigate = 9;
PromptProto prompt = 10;
TellProto tell = 11;
FocusElementProto focus_element = 12;
WaitForDomProto wait_for_dom = 19;
UseCreditCardProto use_card = 28;
UseAddressProto use_address = 29;
UploadDomProto upload_dom = 18;
ShowProgressBarProto show_progress_bar = 24;
HighlightElementProto highlight_element = 31;
ShowDetailsProto show_details = 32;
ResetProto reset = 34;
StopProto stop = 35;
GetPaymentInformationProto get_payment_information = 36;
SetAttributeProto set_attribute = 37;
// Set to true to make the client remove any contextual information if the
// script finishes with this action. It has no effect if there is any other
// action sent to the client after this one. Default is false.
optional bool clean_contextual_ui = 33;
// Result message used to send payment request related data to the server.
message PaymentDetails {
optional string card_issuer_network = 1;
// Whether the integrated terms and conditions approval checkbox was checked.
optional bool is_terms_and_conditions_accepted = 2;
// The email address of the payer.
optional string payer_email = 3;
message ProcessedActionProto {
// The action that was processed.
optional ActionProto action = 1;
optional ProcessedActionStatusProto status = 2;
oneof result_data {
PromptProto.Choice prompt_choice = 5;
string html_source = 12;
// Should be set as a result of GetPaymentInformationAction.
PaymentDetails payment_details = 15;
enum ProcessedActionStatusProto {
// Element could not be found.
// The action was applied successfully.
// The action failed (generic error).
// The action failed to get payment information.
// Server asked the client to execute an unknown or unsupported action.
// The action decided to fallback to manual mode, stopping the script.
// This can happen:
// - if an autofill action or an update details action cancels the script,
// possibly, not necessarily, as a result of a user action.
// - if an interrupt explicitly stops the main script, for wait for dom
// The WaitForDom action failed because an interrupt that ran during
// that action failed.
// The script was canceled by the user, while it was running.
// This only report such events that happen while a script is running. It can
// affect any action. It is a signal that the action or script ran in an
// abnormal situation and its outcome cannot be trusted.
// The pseudo type values come from
enum PseudoType {
AFTER = 4;
// A reference to an unique element on the page, possibly nested in frames.
message ElementReferenceProto {
// A sequence of CSS selectors. Any non-final CSS selector is expected to
// arrive at a frame or an iframe, i.e. an element that contains another
// document.
// APIs are free to reject element references that do not refer to unique
// elements (i.e. resolve to more than one element on the page).
repeated string selectors = 2;
// An optional pseudo type. This pseudo type is associated to the final
// element matched by |selector|, which means that we currently don't handle
// matching an element inside a pseudo element.
optional PseudoType pseudo_type = 3;
// Contain all arguments to perform a click.
message ClickProto {
optional ElementReferenceProto element_to_click = 1;
// Contain all arguments to perform a select option action.
message SelectOptionProto {
// The drop down element on which to select an option.
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 2;
// Value of the option to use.
optional string selected_option = 3;
// Contain a localized text message from the server.
message TellProto {
optional string message = 1;
// Contain all arguments to focus on an element.
message FocusElementProto {
// Element to focus on.
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 1;
// Optional title to show in the status bar.
optional string title = 2;
// Restrict interaction to the area spanned by the given elements.
repeated ElementReferenceProto touchable_element_area = 5;
message AutofillStrings {
optional string fill_manually = 1;
optional string fill_form = 2;
optional string check_form = 3;
// Fill a form with an address if there is, otherwise fail this action.
message UseAddressProto {
// Message used to indicate what form fields should be filled with what
// information coming from the address.
message RequiredField {
enum AddressField {
EMAIL = 5;
REGION = 8; // e.g. state
LOCALITY = 10; // e.g. city
optional AddressField address_field = 1;
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 2;
// Whether we should simulate actual key presses when filling |element| with
// its corresponding value.
optional bool simulate_key_presses = 3;
// An optional name to allow to handle multiple addresses selection (for
// instance a billing and a delivery address).
optional string name = 1;
// An optional message to show to the user when asking to select an address.
// TODO( Make the prompt a required field.
optional string prompt = 2;
// Reference to an element in the form that should be filled.
optional ElementReferenceProto form_field_element = 4;
// An optional list of fields that should be filled by this action.
repeated RequiredField required_fields = 6;
// If set to false, clear the overlay for the duration of the action.
optional bool show_overlay = 7 [default = true];
optional AutofillStrings strings = 8;
// Fill a form with a credit card if there is, otherwise fail this action.
message UseCreditCardProto {
// An optional message to show to the user when asking to select a card.
// TODO( Make the prompt a required field.
optional string prompt = 1;
// A reference to the card number field in the form that should be filled.
optional ElementReferenceProto form_field_element = 3;
// If set to false, clear the overlay for the duration of the action.
optional bool show_overlay = 5 [default = true];
optional AutofillStrings strings = 8;
// Ask Chrome to wait for an element in the DOM. This can be used to only
// proceed to the next action once the page is ready.
message WaitForDomProto {
// Fail after waiting this amount of time.
optional int32 timeout_ms = 1;
// The element to wait for.
// TODO( Use ElementReferenceProto instead.
repeated string selectors = 2;
// If true, run scripts flagged with 'interrupt=true' as soon as their
// preconditions match.
optional bool allow_interrupt = 3;
// Volatile upload of a portion of the dom for backend analysis, does not store
// anything.
message UploadDomProto {
// The element that should be a root of uploaded DOM. If empty then the whole
// page is returned.
optional ElementReferenceProto tree_root = 1;
// Shows the progress bar.
message ShowProgressBarProto {
// Specifies whether the progress is done and should be removed.
optional bool done = 2;
// Message to show on the progress bar while loading.
optional string message = 3;
// Value between 0 and 100 indicating the current progress. Values above 100
// will be capped to 100, values below 0 will be capped to 0 by the client.
// NOTE: Setting |progress| to 100 is an equivalent of setting |done| to true.
optional int32 progress = 6;
// Contain all arguments to perform a highlight element action.
message HighlightElementProto {
// The element to highlight.
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 1;
// Load the given URL in the current tab.
message NavigateProto {
optional string url = 1;
// Allow choosing one or more possibility. If FocusElement was called just
// before, allow interaction with the touchable element area, otherwise don't
// allow any interactions.
message PromptProto {
// Display this message to the user.
optional string message = 1;
// A choice that is made either directly by clicking on a chip or button, or
// implicitly by making a change on the website that is then detected by
// looking for the existence of an element.
// One of these protos must is transmitted as-is back to the server as part of
// ProcessedActionProto.
message Choice {
// Localized text message to display. Not required if element_exists is set.
optional string name = 2;
// If set, the choice should be highlighted. Ignored unless name is set.
optional bool highlight = 3;
// Optionally auto-select this choice if the given element exist.
optional ElementReferenceProto element_exists = 4;
// Server payload originally sent by the server. This should
// be transmitted as-is by the client without interpreting.
optional bytes server_payload = 5;
repeated Choice choices = 4;
message ContactDetailsProto {
// Data saved under this name can be reused by UseAddressAction.
optional string contact_details_name = 1;
// If true asks user for full name.
optional bool request_payer_name = 2;
// If true asks user for email.
optional bool request_payer_email = 3;
// If true asks user for phone.
optional bool request_payer_phone = 4;
// Asks to provide the data used by UseAddressAction and
// UseCreditCardAction.
message GetPaymentInformationProto {
optional string prompt = 1;
// NOTE: Payment request does not ask separately for billing address.
// The billing address is associated with the credit card that was picked.
optional string billing_address_name = 2;
// If present will save the shipping address inside the memory under the
// specified name. If empty we won't ask for the shipping address. Data saved
// under this name can be reused by UseAddressAction.
optional string shipping_address_name = 3;
// When 'true' will ask for the credit card.
optional bool ask_for_payment = 4;
// If non-empty, the UI will filter the available basic-card networks
// accordingly (e.g., only `visa' and `mastercard').
repeated string supported_basic_card_networks = 6;
// Contact details that should be gathered.
optional ContactDetailsProto contact_details = 5;
// Resets Autofill Assistant: clears any state and server payload.
message ResetProto {}
// Stop Autofill Assistant.
message StopProto {}
message DateProto {
optional int64 year = 1;
// Month of the year in the range [1-12].
optional int32 month = 2;
// Day of the month in the range [1-31].
optional int32 day = 3;
message TimeProto {
// Hour in the range [0-23].
optional int32 hour = 1;
// Minute in the range [0-59].
optional int32 minute = 2;
// Second in the range [0-59].
optional int32 second = 3;
message DateTimeProto {
optional DateProto date = 1;
optional TimeProto time = 2;
message DetailsProto {
optional string title = 1;
optional string url = 2;
optional DateTimeProto datetime = 3;
optional string description = 4;
// Mid that comes from Knowledge Graph. Uniquely identify the object that this
// proto describes.
optional string m_id = 5;
// Price label containing the total amount and the currency to pay, formatted
// in the client's locale (e.g., $123.00).
optional string total_price = 6;
// Show contextual information.
message ShowDetailsProto {
optional DetailsProto details = 1;
// Set the value of an form element.
message SetFormFieldValueProto {
message KeyPress {
oneof keypress {
// Text to insert as-is into a form field.
string text = 1;
// DEPRECATED: A single US-ASCII character (e.g., 13 for carriage return).
int32 keycode = 2;
// Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard
// layout. This can also be used for keyboard control sequences such
// as "\r" or "\t".
string keyboard_input = 3;
// A reference to the form element whose value should be set.
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 1;
// The value to set.
repeated KeyPress value = 2;
// Set an element attribute to a specific value.
message SetAttributeProto {
// A reference to the form element whose attribute should be set.
optional ElementReferenceProto element = 1;
// The attribute to set, e.g. ["style", "position"] to change
repeated string attribute = 2;
// The value to set.
optional string value = 3;