blob: 8d8b51ce6650602e796d1a9e4920775ab01f5b2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/navigation_tracker.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/browser_info.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/devtools_client.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/javascript_dialog_manager.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/status.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/net/timeout.h"
namespace {
const char kAutomationExtensionBackgroundPage[] =
Status MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(Status command_status) {
if (command_status.code() == kUnexpectedAlertOpen)
return Status(kUnexpectedAlertOpen);
else if (command_status.code() == kTimeout)
return Status(kTimeout);
return Status(kUnknownError, "cannot determine loading status",
} // namespace
DevToolsClient* client,
const BrowserInfo* browser_info,
const JavaScriptDialogManager* dialog_manager,
const bool is_eager)
: client_(client),
timed_out_(false) {
DevToolsClient* client,
LoadingState known_state,
const BrowserInfo* browser_info,
const JavaScriptDialogManager* dialog_manager,
const bool is_eager)
: client_(client),
timed_out_(false) {
NavigationTracker::~NavigationTracker() {}
Status NavigationTracker::IsPendingNavigation(const std::string& frame_id,
const Timeout* timeout,
bool* is_pending) {
if (dialog_manager_->IsDialogOpen()) {
// The render process is paused while modal dialogs are open, so
// Runtime.evaluate will block and time out if we attempt to call it. In
// this case we can consider the page to have loaded, so that we return
// control back to the test and let it dismiss the dialog.
*is_pending = false;
return Status(kOk);
// Some DevTools commands (e.g. Input.dispatchMouseEvent) are handled in the
// browser process, and may cause the renderer process to start a new
// navigation. We need to call Runtime.evaluate to force a roundtrip to the
// renderer process, and make sure that we notice any pending navigations
// (see
base::DictionaryValue params;
params.SetString("expression", "1");
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result;
Status status = client_->SendCommandAndGetResultWithTimeout(
"Runtime.evaluate", params, timeout, &result);
int value = 0;
if (status.code() == kDisconnected) {
// If we receive a kDisconnected status code from Runtime.evaluate, don't
// wait for pending navigations to complete, since we won't see any more
// events from it until we reconnect.
*is_pending = false;
return Status(kOk);
} else if (status.code() == kUnexpectedAlertOpen) {
// The JS event loop is paused while modal dialogs are open, so return
// control to the test so that it can dismiss the dialog.
*is_pending = false;
return Status(kOk);
} else if (status.IsError() ||
!result->GetInteger("result.value", &value) ||
value != 1) {
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
if (loading_state_ == kUnknown) {
// In the case that a http request is sent to server to fetch the page
// content and the server hasn't responded at all, a dummy page is created
// for the new window. In such case, the baseURL will be 'about:blank'.
base::DictionaryValue empty_params;
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result;
Status status = client_->SendCommandAndGetResultWithTimeout(
"DOM.getDocument", empty_params, timeout, &result);
std::string base_url;
std::string doc_url;
if (status.IsError() || !result->GetString("root.baseURL", &base_url) ||
!result->GetString("root.documentURL", &doc_url))
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
if (doc_url != "about:blank" && base_url == "about:blank") {
*is_pending = true;
loading_state_ = kLoading;
return Status(kOk);
// If we're loading the ChromeDriver automation extension background page,
// look for a known function to determine the loading status.
if (base_url == kAutomationExtensionBackgroundPage) {
bool function_exists = false;
status = CheckFunctionExists(timeout, &function_exists);
if (status.IsError())
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
loading_state_ = function_exists ? kNotLoading : kLoading;
status = DetermineUnknownLoadingState();
if (status.IsError())
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
*is_pending = loading_state_ == kLoading;
return Status(kOk);
Status NavigationTracker::CheckFunctionExists(const Timeout* timeout,
bool* exists) {
base::DictionaryValue params;
params.SetString("expression", "typeof(getWindowInfo)");
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result;
Status status = client_->SendCommandAndGetResultWithTimeout(
"Runtime.evaluate", params, timeout, &result);
std::string type;
if (status.IsError() || !result->GetString("result.value", &type))
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
*exists = type == "function";
return Status(kOk);
void NavigationTracker::set_timed_out(bool timed_out) {
timed_out_ = timed_out;
bool NavigationTracker::IsNonBlocking() const {
return false;
Status NavigationTracker::OnConnected(DevToolsClient* client) {
loading_state_ = kUnknown;
// Enable page domain notifications to allow tracking navigation state.
base::DictionaryValue empty_params;
return client_->SendCommand("Page.enable", empty_params);
Status NavigationTracker::OnEvent(DevToolsClient* client,
const std::string& method,
const base::DictionaryValue& params) {
if (method == "Page.loadEventFired" ||
(is_eager_ && method == "Page.domContentEventFired")) {
loading_state_ = kNotLoading;
} else if (method == "Page.frameStartedLoading") {
// If frame that started loading is the top frame
// set loading_state_ to loading. If it is a subframe
// the loading state should not change
std::string frame_id;
if (!params.GetString("frameId", &frame_id))
return Status(kUnknownError, "missing or invalid 'frameId'");
if (frame_id == top_frame_id_) {
loading_state_ = kLoading;
} else if (method == "Page.frameStoppedLoading") {
// Sometimes Page.frameStoppedLoading fires without
// an associated Page.loadEventFired. If this happens
// for the top frame, assume loading has finished.
std::string frame_id;
if (!params.GetString("frameId", &frame_id))
return Status(kUnknownError, "missing or invalid 'frameId'");
if (frame_id == top_frame_id_) {
loading_state_ = kNotLoading;
} else if (method == "Inspector.targetCrashed") {
loading_state_ = kNotLoading;
} else if (method == "Page.interstitialShown") {
client_->SendCommandAndIgnoreResponse("Page.stopLoading", {});
return Status(kUnexpectedAlertOpen, "Interstitial popups not supported");
if (timed_out_)
loading_state_ = kNotLoading;
return Status(kOk);
Status NavigationTracker::DetermineUnknownLoadingState() {
base::DictionaryValue params;
params.SetString("expression", "document.readyState");
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result;
Status status =
client_->SendCommandAndGetResult("Runtime.evaluate", params, &result);
std::string ready_state;
if (status.IsError() || !result->GetString("result.value", &ready_state)) {
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
if (ready_state == "complete") {
loading_state_ = kNotLoading;
} else {
loading_state_ = kLoading;
return Status(kOk);
Status NavigationTracker::OnCommandSuccess(
DevToolsClient* client,
const std::string& method,
const base::DictionaryValue& result,
const Timeout& command_timeout) {
// Check for start of navigation. In some case response to navigate is delayed
// until after the command has already timed out, in which case it has already
// been cancelled or will be cancelled soon, and should be ignored.
if ((method == "Page.navigate" || method == "Page.navigateToHistoryEntry") &&
loading_state_ != kLoading && !command_timeout.IsExpired()) {
// At this point the browser has initiated the navigation, but besides that,
// it is unknown what will happen.
// There are a few cases (perhaps more):
// 1 The RenderFrameHost has already queued FrameMsg_Navigate and loading
// will start shortly.
// 2 The RenderFrameHost has already queued FrameMsg_Navigate and loading
// will never start because it is just an in-page fragment navigation.
// 3 The RenderFrameHost is suspended and hasn't queued FrameMsg_Navigate
// yet. This happens for cross-site navigations. The RenderFrameHost
// will not queue FrameMsg_Navigate until it is ready to unload the
// previous page (after running unload handlers and such).
// TODO(nasko): Revisit case 3, since now unload handlers are run in the
// background.
// To determine whether a load is expected, do a round trip to the
// renderer to ask what the URL is.
// If case #1, by the time the command returns, the frame started to load
// event will also have been received, since the DevTools command will
// be queued behind FrameMsg_Navigate.
// If case #2, by the time the command returns, the navigation will
// have already happened, although no frame start/stop events will have
// been received.
// If case #3, the URL will be blank if the navigation hasn't been started
// yet. In that case, expect a load to happen in the future.
loading_state_ = kUnknown;
base::DictionaryValue params;
params.SetString("expression", "document.URL");
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result;
Status status = client_->SendCommandAndGetResultWithTimeout(
"Runtime.evaluate", params, &command_timeout, &result);
std::string url;
if (status.IsError() || !result->GetString("result.value", &url))
return MakeNavigationCheckFailedStatus(status);
if (loading_state_ == kUnknown && url.empty())
loading_state_ = kLoading;
return Status(kOk);