blob: 1b745ef3fc191c30a960adb233667e17dc2a148c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
// WebDriver standard status codes.
enum StatusCode {
kOk = 0,
kInvalidSessionId = 6,
kNoSuchElement = 7,
kNoSuchFrame = 8,
kUnknownCommand = 9,
kStaleElementReference = 10,
kElementNotVisible = 11,
kInvalidElementState = 12,
kUnknownError = 13,
kJavaScriptError = 17,
kXPathLookupError = 19,
kTimeout = 21,
kNoSuchWindow = 23,
kInvalidCookieDomain = 24,
kUnableToSetCookie = 25,
kUnexpectedAlertOpen = 26,
kNoSuchAlert = 27,
kScriptTimeout = 28,
kInvalidSelector = 32,
kSessionNotCreated = 33,
kMoveTargetOutOfBounds = 34,
kElementNotInteractable = 60,
kInvalidArgument = 61,
kNoSuchCookie = 62,
kElementClickIntercepted = 64,
kUnsupportedOperation = 405,
// Chrome-specific status codes.
kChromeNotReachable = 100,
kForbidden = 103,
// Represents a WebDriver status, which may be an error or ok.
class Status {
explicit Status(StatusCode code);
Status(StatusCode code, const std::string& details);
Status(StatusCode code, const Status& cause);
Status(StatusCode code, const std::string& details, const Status& cause);
void AddDetails(const std::string& details);
bool IsOk() const;
bool IsError() const;
StatusCode code() const;
const std::string& message() const;
const std::string& stack_trace() const;
StatusCode code_;
std::string msg_;
std::string stack_trace_;
// Returns the standard error code string associated with a StatusCode, as
// defined by W3C (
const char* StatusCodeToString(StatusCode code);