blob: cdd0443d254a34da1337b342184f8045c23136f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "google_apis/drive/drive_api_requests.h"
namespace drive {
class JobScheduler;
namespace internal {
// Loads from the server and caches the start page token for a given team drive
// id. This class is used to determine where to start retrieving changes from
// the server, and as an optimization will cache the result until an
// update is triggered using UpdateStartPageToken.
class StartPageTokenLoader {
StartPageTokenLoader(const std::string& team_drive_id,
JobScheduler* scheduler);
// Returns the cached start page token. If there is no cached start page token
// then nullptr is returned.
const google_apis::StartPageToken* cached_start_page_token() const;
// Gets the most recent start page token and asynchronously runs |callback|.
// How this works is:
// - If there is an UpdateStartPageToken in flight, wait for the result and
// return it.
// - It there is NOT an UpdateStartPageToken in flight, and there is a
// cached start page token, then return the cached value.
// - If neither of the above are true, then start an UpdateStartPageToken
// request and return the result.
void GetStartPageToken(const google_apis::StartPageTokenCallback& callback);
// Gets the start page token from the server, and caches it if successful.
// This function calls JobScheduler::GetStartPageToken internally. The
// cached result will be used by GetStartPageToken.
void UpdateStartPageToken(
const google_apis::StartPageTokenCallback& callback);
// This callback is used when the result of UpdateStartPage token returns from
// the server.
void UpdateStartPageTokenAfterGet(
int task_id,
google_apis::DriveApiErrorCode status,
std::unique_ptr<google_apis::StartPageToken> start_page_token);
// This start page token loader is bound to a single team_drive_id, and will
// always request the token for it. If team_drive_id_ is empty, then it
// retrieves the start page token for the users corpus.
const std::string team_drive_id_;
JobScheduler* scheduler_; // Not owned
// We may have more than one update in flight at any time (multiple calls
// to UpdateStartPageToken will produce this scenario). We ensure that any
// calls to GetStartPageToken are bound to the update that was in progress
// when the GetStartPageToken was called, using the callback map below.
int current_update_task_id_;
std::map<int, std::vector<google_apis::StartPageTokenCallback>>
std::unique_ptr<google_apis::StartPageToken> cached_start_page_token_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StartPageTokenLoader> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace drive