blob: 8eead403922575e65f224b6db34e4f743c7064f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/attestation/fake_attestation_flow.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/constants/attestation_constants.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace attestation {
namespace {
constexpr char kFakeCert[] = "cert";
} // namespace
// This constructor passes |nullptr|s to the base class
// |AttestationFlow| because we don't use cryptohome client and server
// proxy in |AttestationFlowIntegrated|.
// TOOD(b/158955123): Remove this transitional state along with the removal of
// |AttestationFlow|.
: AttestationFlow(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) {}
FakeAttestationFlow::~FakeAttestationFlow() = default;
void FakeAttestationFlow::GetCertificate(
AttestationCertificateProfile /*certificate_profile*/,
const AccountId& /*account_id*/,
const std::string& /*request_origin*/,
bool /*force_new_key*/,
const std::string& /*key_name*/,
CertificateCallback callback) {
AttestationStatus::ATTESTATION_SUCCESS, kFakeCert));
} // namespace attestation
} // namespace chromeos