blob: 58b1320af8b7ef9798a53524e6da73e2c0817f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
namespace content {
class NavigationHandle;
class RenderFrameHost;
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace extensions {
// Extension frame IDs are exposed through the chrome.* APIs and have the
// following characteristics:
// - The top-level frame has ID 0.
// - Any child frame has a positive ID.
// - A non-existant frame has ID -1.
// - They are only guaranteed to be unique within a tab.
// - The ID does not change during the frame's lifetime and is not re-used after
// the frame is removed. The frame may change its current RenderFrameHost over
// time, so multiple RenderFrameHosts may map to the same extension frame ID.
// This class provides a mapping from a (render_process_id, frame_routing_id)
// pair to a FrameData struct, which includes the extension's frame id (as
// described above), the parent frame id, and the tab id (the latter can be
// invalid if it's not in a tab).
// Unless stated otherwise, the methods can only be called on the UI thread.
// The non-static methods of this class use an internal cache. This cache is
// used to minimize IO->UI->IO round-trips of GetFrameIdOnIO. If the cost of
// attaching FrameTreeNode IDs to requests is negligible (,
// then we can remove all key caching and remove the cache from this class.
// TODO(robwu): Keep an eye on and act upon the outcome.
// TODO(devlin): Also keep an eye on FrameIOData to see if that could help.
class ExtensionApiFrameIdMap {
// The data for a RenderFrame. Every RenderFrameIdKey maps to a FrameData.
struct FrameData {
FrameData(int frame_id, int parent_frame_id, int tab_id);
// The extension API frame ID of the frame.
int frame_id;
// The extension API frame ID of the parent of the frame.
int parent_frame_id;
// The id of the tab that the frame is in, or -1 if the frame isn't in a
// tab.
int tab_id;
using FrameDataCallback = base::Callback<void(const FrameData&)>;
// An invalid extension API frame ID.
static const int kInvalidFrameId;
// Extension API frame ID of the top-level frame.
static const int kTopFrameId;
static ExtensionApiFrameIdMap* Get();
// Get the extension API frame ID for |rfh|.
static int GetFrameId(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Get the extension API frame ID for |navigation_handle|.
static int GetFrameId(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// Get the extension API frame ID for the parent of |rfh|.
static int GetParentFrameId(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Get the extension API frame ID for the parent of |navigation_handle|.
static int GetParentFrameId(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// Find the current RenderFrameHost for a given WebContents and extension
// frame ID.
// Returns nullptr if not found.
static content::RenderFrameHost* GetRenderFrameHostById(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
int frame_id);
// Runs |callback| with the result that is equivalent to calling GetFrameId()
// on the UI thread. Thread hopping is minimized if possible. Callbacks for
// the same |render_process_id| and |frame_routing_id| are guaranteed to be
// run in order. The order of other callbacks is undefined.
void GetFrameDataOnIO(int render_process_id,
int frame_routing_id,
const FrameDataCallback& callback);
// Attempts to populate |frame_data_out| with the FrameData for the specified
// frame, but only does so if the data is already cached. Returns true if
// cached frame data was found.
bool GetCachedFrameDataOnIO(int render_process_id,
int frame_routing_id,
FrameData* frame_data_out);
// Looks up the frame ID and stores it in the map. This method should be
// called as early as possible, e.g. in a
// WebContentsObserver::RenderFrameCreated notification.
void CacheFrameData(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Removes the frame ID mapping for a given frame. This method can be called
// at any time, but it is typically called when a frame is destroyed.
// If this method is not called, the cached mapping for the frame is retained
// forever.
void RemoveFrameData(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<ExtensionApiFrameIdMap>;
// A set of identifiers that uniquely identifies a RenderFrame.
struct RenderFrameIdKey {
RenderFrameIdKey(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id);
// The process ID of the renderer that contains the RenderFrame.
int render_process_id;
// The routing ID of the RenderFrame.
int frame_routing_id;
bool operator<(const RenderFrameIdKey& other) const;
bool operator==(const RenderFrameIdKey& other) const;
struct FrameDataCallbacks {
// This is a std::list so that iterators are not invalidated when the list
// is modified during an iteration.
std::list<FrameDataCallback> callbacks;
// To avoid re-entrant processing of callbacks.
bool is_iterating;
using FrameDataMap = std::map<RenderFrameIdKey, FrameData>;
using FrameDataCallbacksMap = std::map<RenderFrameIdKey, FrameDataCallbacks>;
// Determines the value to be stored in |frame_id_map_| for a given key. This
// method is only called when |key| is not in |frame_id_map_|.
// virtual for testing.
virtual FrameData KeyToValue(const RenderFrameIdKey& key) const;
FrameData LookupFrameDataOnUI(const RenderFrameIdKey& key);
// Called as soon as the frame ID is found for the given |key|, and runs all
// queued callbacks with |cached_frame_id_pair|.
void ReceivedFrameDataOnIO(const RenderFrameIdKey& key,
const FrameData& cached_frame_id_pair);
// Implementation of CacheFrameId(RenderFrameHost), separated for testing.
void CacheFrameData(const RenderFrameIdKey& key);
// Implementation of RemoveFrameId(RenderFrameHost), separated for testing.
void RemoveFrameData(const RenderFrameIdKey& key);
// Queued callbacks for use on the IO thread.
FrameDataCallbacksMap callbacks_map_;
// This map is only modified on the UI thread and is used to minimize the
// number of thread hops on the IO thread.
FrameDataMap frame_data_map_;
// This lock protects |frame_id_map_| from being concurrently written on the
// UI thread and read on the IO thread.
base::Lock frame_data_map_lock_;
} // namespace extensions