blob: 05dfdd8df42dd3f79d6f5cccd0da4176483455cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/common/event_matcher.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "extensions/common/event_filtering_info.h"
namespace {
const char kUrlFiltersKey[] = "url";
const char kWindowTypesKey[] = "windowTypes";
namespace extensions {
const char kEventFilterServiceTypeKey[] = "serviceType";
EventMatcher::EventMatcher(scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> filter,
int routing_id)
: filter_(std::move(filter)), routing_id_(routing_id) {}
EventMatcher::~EventMatcher() {
bool EventMatcher::MatchNonURLCriteria(
const EventFilteringInfo& event_info) const {
if (event_info.has_instance_id()) {
return event_info.instance_id() == GetInstanceID();
if (event_info.has_window_type()) {
for (int i = 0; i < GetWindowTypeCount(); i++) {
std::string window_type;
if (GetWindowType(i, &window_type) &&
window_type == event_info.window_type())
return true;
return false;
if (event_info.has_window_exposed_by_default()) {
// An event with a |window_exposed_by_default| set is only
// relevant to the listener if no window type filter is set.
if (HasWindowTypes())
return false;
return event_info.window_exposed_by_default();
const std::string& service_type_filter = GetServiceTypeFilter();
return service_type_filter.empty() ||
service_type_filter == event_info.service_type();
int EventMatcher::GetURLFilterCount() const {
base::ListValue* url_filters = nullptr;
if (filter_->GetList(kUrlFiltersKey, &url_filters))
return url_filters->GetSize();
return 0;
bool EventMatcher::GetURLFilter(int i, base::DictionaryValue** url_filter_out) {
base::ListValue* url_filters = nullptr;
if (filter_->GetList(kUrlFiltersKey, &url_filters)) {
return url_filters->GetDictionary(i, url_filter_out);
return false;
bool EventMatcher::HasURLFilters() const {
return GetURLFilterCount() != 0;
std::string EventMatcher::GetServiceTypeFilter() const {
std::string service_type_filter;
filter_->GetStringASCII(kEventFilterServiceTypeKey, &service_type_filter);
return service_type_filter;
int EventMatcher::GetInstanceID() const {
int instance_id = 0;
filter_->GetInteger("instanceId", &instance_id);
return instance_id;
int EventMatcher::GetWindowTypeCount() const {
base::ListValue* window_type_filters = nullptr;
if (filter_->GetList(kWindowTypesKey, &window_type_filters))
return window_type_filters->GetSize();
return 0;
bool EventMatcher::GetWindowType(int i, std::string* window_type_out) const {
base::ListValue* window_types = nullptr;
if (filter_->GetList(kWindowTypesKey, &window_types)) {
return window_types->GetString(i, window_type_out);
return false;
bool EventMatcher::HasWindowTypes() const {
return GetWindowTypeCount() != 0;
int EventMatcher::GetRoutingID() const {
return routing_id_;
} // namespace extensions