blob: 31b105d6839bfc7c746e6bbd8fe4825832a039da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace payments {
// Describes an Android activity with org.chromium.intent.action.PAY intent
// filter. Documentation:
struct AndroidActivityDescription {
// Disallow copy and assign.
AndroidActivityDescription(const AndroidActivityDescription& other) = delete;
AndroidActivityDescription& operator=(
const AndroidActivityDescription& other) = delete;
// The name of the activity, e.g., "".
std::string name;
// The payment method identifier from the
// "org.chromium.default_payment_method_name" metadata value of this activity.
// For example, "".
// The metadata value of "org.chromium.payment_method_names" is not yet used
// here, so it's omitted from the struct at this time.
std::string default_payment_method;
// Describes an Android app that can handle payments.
struct AndroidAppDescription {
// Disallow copy and assign.
AndroidAppDescription(const AndroidAppDescription& other) = delete;
AndroidAppDescription& operator=(const AndroidAppDescription& other) = delete;
// The name of the Android package of this app, e.g., "".
std::string package;
// The list of activities with org.chromium.intent.action.PAY intent filters
// in this app.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AndroidActivityDescription>> activities;
// The list of service names with org.chromium.intent.action.IS_READY_TO_PAY
// intent filters in this app. For example,
// [""].
// Note that it's a mistake to declare multiple IS_READY_TO_PAY services in an
// app. This mistake would be reported to the developer.
std::vector<std::string> service_names;
} // namespace payments