blob: 7b5901dca83f3b8b7c2a534341eace55cd229452 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/payments/core/payments_profile_comparator.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_test_utils.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/payments/core/payment_options_provider.h"
#include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
using autofill::AutofillProfile;
namespace payments {
constexpr uint32_t kRequestPayerName = 1 << 0;
constexpr uint32_t kRequestPayerEmail = 1 << 1;
constexpr uint32_t kRequestPayerPhone = 1 << 2;
constexpr uint32_t kRequestShipping = 1 << 3;
class MockPaymentOptionsProvider : public PaymentOptionsProvider {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider(uint32_t options) : options_(options) {}
~MockPaymentOptionsProvider() override {}
bool request_payer_name() const override {
return options_ & kRequestPayerName;
bool request_payer_email() const override {
return options_ & kRequestPayerEmail;
bool request_payer_phone() const override {
return options_ & kRequestPayerPhone;
bool request_shipping() const override { return options_ & kRequestShipping; }
PaymentShippingType shipping_type() const override {
return PaymentShippingType::SHIPPING;
uint32_t options_;
AutofillProfile CreateProfileWithContactInfo(const char* name,
const char* email,
const char* phone) {
AutofillProfile profile(
autofill::test::SetProfileInfo(&profile, name, "", "", email, "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", phone);
return profile;
AutofillProfile CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress(const char* name,
const char* phone) {
AutofillProfile profile(
autofill::test::SetProfileInfo(&profile, name, "", "", "", "", "123 Fake St.",
"", "Fakesville", "MN", "54000", "US", phone);
return profile;
AutofillProfile CreateProfileWithPartialAddress(const char* name,
const char* phone) {
AutofillProfile profile(
autofill::test::SetProfileInfo(&profile, name, "", "", "", "", "123 Fake St.",
"", "", "", "54000", "", phone);
return profile;
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, FilterProfilesForContact) {
// These profiles are subset/equal, so only the first complete one is
// included.
AutofillProfile exclude_1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile exclude_2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
AutofillProfile include_1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile exclude_3 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
// This profile is different, so it should also be included. Since it is
// less complete than |include_1|, it will appear after.
AutofillProfile include_2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Marge", "", "");
// This profile is different, so it should also be included. Since it is
// equally complete with |include_1|, it will appear before |include_2|, but
// after |include_1| since order is preserved amongst profiles of equal
// completeness.
AutofillProfile include_3 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo(
"Bart", "", "6515553226");
std::vector<raw_ptr<AutofillProfile, VectorExperimental>> profiles = {
&exclude_1, &exclude_2, &include_1, &exclude_3, &include_2, &include_3};
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerEmail |
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
std::vector<raw_ptr<AutofillProfile, VectorExperimental>> filtered =
ASSERT_EQ(3u, filtered.size());
EXPECT_EQ(&include_1, filtered[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(&include_3, filtered[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(&include_2, filtered[2]);
// Repeat the filter using a provider set to only request phone numbers.
// Under these rules, since all profiles have the same (or no) phone number,
// we should only see the first profile with a phone number, |exclude_1|.
MockPaymentOptionsProvider phone_only_provider(kRequestPayerPhone);
PaymentsProfileComparator phone_only_comp("en-US", phone_only_provider);
std::vector<raw_ptr<AutofillProfile, VectorExperimental>> filtered_phones =
ASSERT_EQ(1u, filtered_phones.size());
EXPECT_EQ(&exclude_1, filtered_phones[0]);
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, IsContactEqualOrSuperset) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerEmail |
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
AutofillProfile p1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
// Candidate subset profile is equal.
AutofillProfile p2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p1, p2));
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p2, p1));
// Candidate subset profile has non-matching fields.
AutofillProfile p3 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo(
"Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_FALSE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p1, p3));
EXPECT_FALSE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p3, p1));
// Candidate subset profile is equal, except for missing fields.
AutofillProfile p4 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p1, p4));
EXPECT_FALSE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p4, p1));
// One field is common, but each has a field which the other is missing.
AutofillProfile p5 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
AutofillProfile p6 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_FALSE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p5, p6));
EXPECT_FALSE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p6, p5));
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, IsContactEqualOrSuperset_WithFieldIgnored) {
// Discrepancies in email should be ignored throughout this test.
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
AutofillProfile p1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
// Candidate subset profile is equal.
AutofillProfile p2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p1, p2));
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p2, p1));
// Email fields don't match, but profiles are still equal.
AutofillProfile p3 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo(
"Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p1, p3));
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p3, p1));
// Profile without an email is mutual subset of profile with an email.
AutofillProfile p4 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p1, p4));
EXPECT_TRUE(comp.IsContactEqualOrSuperset(p4, p1));
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, GetContactCompletenessScore) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// Two completeness points: One each for name and phone number, but not email
// as it was not requested.
AutofillProfile p1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_EQ(2, comp.GetContactCompletenessScore(&p1));
// One completeness point for name, no points for phone number (missing) or
// email (not requested).
AutofillProfile p2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
EXPECT_EQ(1, comp.GetContactCompletenessScore(&p2));
// No completeness points, as the only field present was not requested.
AutofillProfile p3 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
EXPECT_EQ(0, comp.GetContactCompletenessScore(&p3));
// Null profile returns 0.
EXPECT_EQ(0, comp.GetContactCompletenessScore(nullptr));
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, IsContactInfoComplete) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerEmail);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// If name and email are present, return true regardless of the (ignored)
// phone value.
AutofillProfile p1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile p2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
// If name is not present, return false regardless of the (ignored)
// phone value.
AutofillProfile p3 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile p4 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
// If no fields are requested, any profile (even empty or null) is complete.
MockPaymentOptionsProvider empty_provider(0);
PaymentsProfileComparator empty_comp("en-US", empty_provider);
AutofillProfile p5 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, FilterProfilesForShipping) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
AutofillProfile address_only = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("", "");
AutofillProfile no_name = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile no_phone = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "");
AutofillProfile empty = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
AutofillProfile complete1 =
CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile partial_address =
CreateProfileWithPartialAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile no_address =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile complete2 =
CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Bart", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile partial_no_phone =
CreateProfileWithPartialAddress("", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile partial_no_name =
CreateProfileWithPartialAddress("Homer", "");
std::vector<raw_ptr<AutofillProfile, VectorExperimental>> profiles = {
&address_only, &no_name, &no_phone, &empty,
&complete1, &partial_address, &no_address, &complete2,
&partial_no_phone, &partial_no_name};
std::vector<raw_ptr<AutofillProfile, VectorExperimental>> filtered =
// Current logic does not remove profiles, only reorder them.
ASSERT_EQ(10u, filtered.size());
// First, the complete profiles should be hoisted to the top, keeping their
// relative order.
EXPECT_EQ(&complete1, filtered[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(&complete2, filtered[1]);
// Next are profiles with a complete address but missing one other field.
EXPECT_EQ(&no_name, filtered[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(&no_phone, filtered[3]);
// A profile with only a complete address should still appear before profiles
// with partial/empty addresses.
EXPECT_EQ(&address_only, filtered[4]);
// Profiles with partial/no address then are sorted by whether or not they
// have names and/or phone numbers.
EXPECT_EQ(&partial_address, filtered[5]);
EXPECT_EQ(&no_address, filtered[6]);
EXPECT_EQ(&partial_no_phone, filtered[7]);
EXPECT_EQ(&partial_no_name, filtered[8]);
EXPECT_EQ(&empty, filtered[9]);
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, GetShippingCompletenessScore) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// 12 points for a complete profile: 10 for address, 1 each for name/phone.
AutofillProfile p1 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
EXPECT_EQ(12, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p1));
// 11 points if name or phone is missing.
AutofillProfile p2 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("", "6515553226");
AutofillProfile p3 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "");
EXPECT_EQ(11, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p2));
EXPECT_EQ(11, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p3));
// 10 points for complete address only.
AutofillProfile p4 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("", "");
EXPECT_EQ(10, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p4));
// 2 points for name and phone without address.
AutofillProfile p5 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_EQ(2, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p5));
// 1 point for name or phone alone.
AutofillProfile p6 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
AutofillProfile p7 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "6515553226");
EXPECT_EQ(1, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p6));
EXPECT_EQ(1, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p7));
// No points for empty profile, or profile with only a partial address.
AutofillProfile p8 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
AutofillProfile p9 = CreateProfileWithPartialAddress("", "");
EXPECT_EQ(0, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p8));
EXPECT_EQ(0, comp.GetShippingCompletenessScore(&p9));
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, IsShippingComplete) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// True if name, phone, and address are all populated.
AutofillProfile p1 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
// False if address is partially populated.
AutofillProfile p2 = CreateProfileWithPartialAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
// False if name isn't populated.
AutofillProfile p3 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("", "6515553226");
// False if phone isn't populated.
AutofillProfile p4 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "");
// False if only contact info (no address fields) is populated.
AutofillProfile p5 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider_no_shipping(0);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp_no_shipping("en-US", provider_no_shipping);
// nullptr is handled correctly: false if shipping requested, true if not.
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, GetStringForMissingContactFields) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone |
kRequestPayerEmail | kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// No error message for complete profile.
AutofillProfile p1 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider_no_email(
kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone | kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp_no_email("en-US", provider_no_email);
// No error message if missing field wasn't required.
AutofillProfile p2 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
// Error message for email address if email address is missing and required.
// Error message for phone number if phone is missing and required.
AutofillProfile p3 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
// Error message for name if name is missing and required.
AutofillProfile p4 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "6515553226");
// Generic error message if multiple fields missing.
AutofillProfile p5 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, GetTitleForMissingContactFields) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone |
kRequestPayerEmail | kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// Error message for email address if email address is missing and required.
AutofillProfile p1 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
// Error message for phone number if phone is missing and required.
AutofillProfile p2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "");
// Error message for name if name is missing and required.
AutofillProfile p3 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "6515553226");
// Generic error message if multiple fields missing.
AutofillProfile p4 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
TEST(PaymentRequestProfileUtilTest, GetStringForMissingShippingFields) {
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider(kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone |
kRequestPayerEmail | kRequestShipping);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp("en-US", provider);
// No error message for complete profile.
AutofillProfile p1 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
// Error message for shipping if shipping requested and not present.
AutofillProfile p2 =
CreateProfileWithContactInfo("Homer", "", "6515553226");
// Error message for shipping if shipping requested and only partially
// complete.
AutofillProfile p3 = CreateProfileWithPartialAddress("Homer", "6515553226");
// Error message for name if name requested and missing.
AutofillProfile p4 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("", "6515553226");
// Error message for phone if phone requested and missing.
AutofillProfile p5 = CreateProfileWithCompleteAddress("Homer", "");
// Generic error message if multiple fields missing.
AutofillProfile p6 = CreateProfileWithContactInfo("", "", "");
MockPaymentOptionsProvider provider_no_shipping(
kRequestPayerName | kRequestPayerPhone | kRequestPayerEmail);
PaymentsProfileComparator comp_no_shipping("en-US", provider_no_shipping);
// No error message if everything is missing but shipping wasn't requested.
} // namespace payments