blob: d61eee4b5639f9222f11e2908c2e9c1d779bd004 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/payments/core/payment_manifest_downloader.h"
class GURL;
template <class T>
class scoped_refptr;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
namespace payments {
class CSPChecker;
// Downloads payment method manifests from the test server.
// Sample usage #1:
// TestDownloader downloader(csp_checker, url_loader_factory);
// downloader.AddTestServerURL("https://", "");
// // Actual URL downloaded is
// downloader.DownloadPaymentMethodManifest(
// "https://alicepay.test/webpay", callback);
// Sample usage #2:
// TestDownloader downloader(csp_checker, url_loader_factory);
// downloader.AddTestServerURL(
// "https://alicepay.test", "");
// downloader.AddTestServerURL(
// "https://bobpay.test", "");
// // Actual URL downloaded is
// downloader.DownloadPaymentMethodManifest(
// "https://alicepay.test/webpay", callback);
// // Actual URL downloaded is
// downloader.DownloadPaymentMethodManifest(
// "https://bobpay.test/webpay", callback);
class TestDownloader : public PaymentManifestDownloader {
base::WeakPtr<CSPChecker> csp_checker,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory);
TestDownloader(const TestDownloader&) = delete;
TestDownloader& operator=(const TestDownloader&) = delete;
~TestDownloader() override;
// Modifies the downloader to replace all instances of |prefix| with
// |test_server_url| when downloading payment method manifests and web app
// manifests.
// For example, if AddTestServerURL("https://", "") is
// called, then all calls to DownloadPaymentMethodManifest(some_url, callback)
// will replace the "https://" prefix of some_url with
// "". This is useful when running a single test server
// that serves files in components/test/data/payments/, which has
// subdirectories that look like hostnames. So, downloading
// "https://alicepay.test/webpay" would actually download
//, which is a file located at
// components/test/data/payments/alicepay.test/webpay.
// For another example, if AddTestServerURL("https://alicepay.test",
// "") is called, then all calls to
// DownloadPaymentMethodManifest(some_url, callback) will replace the
// "https://alicepay.test" prefix of some_url with "".
// This is useful when running multiple test servers, each one serving file
// from individual subdirectories for components/test/data/payments/. So,
// downloading "https://alicepay.test/webpay" would actually download
//, which is a file located at
// components/test/data/payments/alicepay.test/webpay. Multiple test servers
// are useful for testing where the RFC6454 origins should be considered.
// Any call to DownloadPaymentMethodManifest(some_url, callback) where
// some_url does not have a previously added prefix will use the original
// some_url without modifications.
// If you call this method multiple times, avoid |prefix| parameters that are
// prefixes of each other, as that will cause undefined confusion. That is,
// AddTestServerURL("x");AddTestServerURL("y"); is OK, but
// AddTestServerURL("x");AddTestServerURL("xy"); is not.
void AddTestServerURL(const std::string& prefix, const GURL& test_server_url);
// PaymentManifestDownloader:
// The reverse operation as AddTestServerURL: converts |url| back to a test
// server URL so it can be fetched as a normal resource outside of this class.
GURL FindTestServerURL(const GURL& url) const override;
// PaymentManifestDownloader:
// Overrides the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) checker being used.
void SetCSPCheckerForTesting(base::WeakPtr<CSPChecker> csp_checker) override;
// PaymentManifestDownloader:
// Replaces the given URLs with the test server URLs before initiating
// download.
void InitiateDownload(const url::Origin& request_initiator,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& url_before_redirects,
bool did_follow_redirect,
Download::Type download_type,
int allowed_number_of_redirects,
PaymentManifestDownloadCallback callback) override;
// The mapping from the URL prefix to the URL of the test server to be used.
// Example 1:
// {"https://": ""}
// Example 2:
// {
// "https://alicepay.test": "",
// "https://bobpay.test": ""
// }
std::map<std::string, GURL> test_server_url_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TestDownloader> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace payments