blob: 6fd0f0facce2d25e9c439fa214ec37e334ab7eb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/devtools/serialize_host_descriptions.h"
#include <map>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
namespace {
// Returns the serialization of |root|. It expects |children[x]| to be the
// vector of child nodes for all descendants |x| of |root|. The serialization
// consists of taking the |representation| value of each node, starting in
// leaves, and injecting children's representations into a list under the
// key |child_key| in the parent's |representation|. This is destructive to the
// representation stored with the nodes (which gets moved out of them).
base::Value Serialize(
std::string_view child_key,
base::Value* root,
const std::map<base::Value*, std::vector<base::Value*>>& children) {
base::Value::List children_list;
auto child_it = children.find(root);
if (child_it != children.end()) {
for (base::Value* child : child_it->second) {
children_list.Append(Serialize(child_key, child, children));
if (!children_list.empty())
root->GetDict().Set(child_key, std::move(children_list));
return std::move(*root);
// Takes a vector of host description and converts it into:
// |children|: a map from a host's representation to representations of its
// children,
// |roots|: a set of representations of hosts with no parents, and
// |representations|: a vector actually storing all those representations to
// which the rest just points.
void CreateDictionaryForest(
std::vector<HostDescriptionNode> hosts,
std::map<base::Value*, std::vector<base::Value*>>* children,
std::unordered_set<base::Value*>* roots,
base::Value::List* representations) {
std::map<std::string_view, base::Value*> name_to_representation;
// First move the representations and map the names to them.
for (HostDescriptionNode& node : hosts) {
// If there are multiple nodes with the same name, subsequent insertions
// will be ignored, so only the first node with a given name will be
// referenced by |roots| and |children|.
name_to_representation.emplace(, &representations->back());
// Now compute children.
for (HostDescriptionNode& node : hosts) {
base::Value* node_rep = name_to_representation[];
std::string_view parent_name = node.parent_name;
if (parent_name.empty()) {
auto node_it = name_to_representation.find(parent_name);
if (node_it == name_to_representation.end()) {
} // namespace
base::Value::List SerializeHostDescriptions(
std::vector<HostDescriptionNode> hosts,
std::string_view child_key) {
// |representations| must outlive |children| and |roots|, which contain
// pointers to objects in |representations|.
base::Value::List representations;
std::map<base::Value*, std::vector<base::Value*>> children;
std::unordered_set<base::Value*> roots;
CreateDictionaryForest(std::move(hosts), &children, &roots, &representations);
base::Value::List result;
for (auto* root : roots) {
result.Append(Serialize(child_key, root, children));
return result;