blob: df7bca259949039e6fd7a2c55ff6656e613464a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
namespace storage {
class FileSystemURL;
class MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate;
// This class provides media transfer protocol (MTP) device delegate to
// complete media file system operations.
// Lives on the IO thread in production.
// TODO(gbillock): Make this class owned by the MediaFileSystemRegistry.
class MTPDeviceMapService {
static MTPDeviceMapService* GetInstance();
MTPDeviceMapService(const MTPDeviceMapService&) = delete;
MTPDeviceMapService& operator=(const MTPDeviceMapService&) = delete;
// Gets the media device delegate associated with |url|'s filesystem
// id. Return NULL if |url| is no longer valid (e.g. because the
// corresponding device is detached, etc).
// Called on the IO thread.
MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate* GetMTPDeviceAsyncDelegate(
const storage::FileSystemURL& url);
// Register that an MTP filesystem is in use for the given |device_location|.
void RegisterMTPFileSystem(const base::FilePath::StringType& device_location,
const std::string& filesystem_id,
const bool read_only);
// Removes the MTP entry associated with the given
// |device_location|. Signals the MTPDeviceMapService to destroy the
// delegate if there are no more uses of it.
void RevokeMTPFileSystem(const std::string& filesystem_id);
friend struct base::LazyInstanceTraitsBase<MTPDeviceMapService>;
// Adds the MTP device delegate to the map service. |device_location|
// specifies the mount location of the MTP device.
// Called on the IO thread.
void AddAsyncDelegate(const base::FilePath::StringType& device_location,
const bool read_only,
MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate* delegate);
// Removes the MTP device delegate from the map service. |device_location|
// specifies the mount location of the MTP device.
// Called on the IO thread.
void RemoveAsyncDelegate(const base::FilePath::StringType& device_location,
const bool read_only);
// A key to be used in AsyncDelegateMap and MTPDeviceUsageMap.
typedef base::FilePath::StringType AsyncDelegateKey;
// Gets a key from |device_location| and |read_only|.
static AsyncDelegateKey GetAsyncDelegateKey(
const base::FilePath::StringType& device_location,
const bool read_only);
// Mapping of device_location and MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate* object. It is safe
// to store and access the raw pointer. This class operates on the IO thread.
typedef std::map<AsyncDelegateKey, MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate*> AsyncDelegateMap;
// Map a filesystem id (fsid) to an MTP device location.
typedef std::pair<base::FilePath::StringType, bool> MTPDeviceInfo;
typedef std::map<std::string, MTPDeviceInfo> MTPDeviceFileSystemMap;
// Map a MTP or PTP device location to a count of current uses of that
// location.
typedef std::map<AsyncDelegateKey, int> MTPDeviceUsageMap;
// Get access to this class using GetInstance() method.
// Map of attached mtp device async delegates.
AsyncDelegateMap async_delegate_map_;
MTPDeviceFileSystemMap mtp_device_map_;
MTPDeviceUsageMap mtp_device_usage_map_;