blob: 6c48281c69d90bf0a4c95642f8a8c3b85f4946c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/privacy_budget/types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiability_study_settings_provider.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiable_surface.h"
// A IdentifiabilityStudySettingsProvider that's based on the identifiability
// study feature flags and field trial configuration.
// These features and field trial parameters are found in
// privacy_budget_features.h.
// In the browser process these settings are used to filter out metrics that
// should be excluded from the study. In the renderer they are used to prevent
// certain surfaces from being sampled at all.
// Note: The ONLY parameters that should be exposed to the renderer are those
// that are shared across a large number of clients since it is possible to
// indirectly observe the set of surfaces that are sampled. Thus the set of
// sampled surfaces itself could become an identifier.
// Renderer-exposed controls are meant to act as a granular kill switches in
// cases where the act of sampling itself has unforeseen adverse side-effects.
// Filtering done in the browser are privacy controls and cannot address
// issues arising at the point of sampling.
class PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider final
: public blink::IdentifiabilityStudySettingsProvider {
explicit PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider(bool meta_experiment_active);
PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider(const PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider&);
~PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider() override;
bool operator=(const PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider&) const = delete;
bool operator=(const PrivacyBudgetSettingsProvider&&) const = delete;
// blink::IdentifiabilityStudySettingsProvider
bool IsMetaExperimentActive() const override;
bool IsActive() const override;
bool IsAnyTypeOrSurfaceBlocked() const override;
bool IsSurfaceAllowed(blink::IdentifiableSurface surface) const override;
bool IsTypeAllowed(blink::IdentifiableSurface::Type type) const override;
// Set of identifiable surfaces for which we will NOT collect metrics. This
// list is server controlled.
const IdentifiableSurfaceSet blocked_surfaces_;
// Set of identifiable surface types for which we will NOT collect metrics.
// This list is server controlled.
const IdentifiableSurfaceTypeSet blocked_types_;
// True if identifiability study is enabled.
const bool enabled_ = false;
// True if the meta experiment is enabled for this client.
const bool meta_experiment_active_ = false;