blob: 0e6fb8d4bd0b0acc494cade4a210f33905607415 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "chrome/common/privacy_budget/field_trial_param_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiable_surface.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiable_token.h"
// Common container and map types. In order to verify successful encoding and
// decoding, each of these must be tested in
// In all cases, the choice of container assumes that:
// 1. Size is relatively low: Use of a contiguous container helps with data
// locality.
// 2. Mutations are uncommon: A contiguous container is usually expensive to
// mutate, but fast lookups and locality make up for it.
// If other characteristics are desired, then we should consider other container
// types. Please test encoding/decoding when using new container types.
using IdentifiableSurfaceSet = base::flat_set<blink::IdentifiableSurface>;
using IdentifiableSurfaceTypeSet =
using IdentifiableSurfaceList = std::vector<blink::IdentifiableSurface>;
using IdentifiableSurfaceTypeList =
// Sampling rates are represented as the denominator of a quotient 1/R. I.e.
// A sampling rate of 1 in 100 is represented using the integer 100.
using IdentifiableSurfaceSampleRateMap =
base::flat_map<blink::IdentifiableSurface, unsigned int>;
// Sampling rates are represented as the denominator of a quotient 1/R. I.e.
// A sampling rate of 1 in 100 is represented using the integer 100.
using IdentifiableSurfaceTypeSampleRateMap =
base::flat_map<blink::IdentifiableSurface::Type, unsigned int>;
// See SurfaceSetValuation for details on the costing model and the units for
// cost.
using PrivacyBudgetCost = double;
using IdentifiableSurfaceCostMap =
base::flat_map<blink::IdentifiableSurface, PrivacyBudgetCost>;
using IdentifiableSurfaceTypeCostMap =
base::flat_map<blink::IdentifiableSurface::Type, PrivacyBudgetCost>;
// See SurfaceSetEquivalence for details on how equivalence classes work.
// SurfaceSetEquivalentClassesList contains a list of equivalence classes. Each
// class is encoded as a list of surfaces.
// **The first element in the list is considered to be the representative
// surface for that class.
// Obv an equivalence set which contains just zero or one members is
// nonsensical. For the purpose of ecoding/decoding such instances are ignored.
using SurfaceSetEquivalentClassesList = std::vector<IdentifiableSurfaceList>;
// Similar to the SurfaceSetEquivalentClassesList, but is semantically different
// in that the ordering doesn't matter. There's no assumption that the first
// element of each list is special in any meaningful way.
using IdentifiableSurfaceBlocks = std::vector<IdentifiableSurfaceList>;
namespace privacy_budget_internal {
template <>
struct SortWhenSerializing<IdentifiableSurfaceSet> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct SortWhenSerializing<IdentifiableSurfaceTypeSet> : std::true_type {};
} // namespace privacy_budget_internal