blob: f7b6ad4cabbdeb566dad5e9f4c36a2de80b733a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_anonymization_key.h"
#include "net/dns/public/dns_query_type.h"
#include "net/dns/public/host_resolver_source.h"
namespace net {
class HostResolverInternalResult;
// Cache used by HostResolverManager to save previously resolved information.
class NET_EXPORT HostResolverCache final {
struct StaleLookupResult {
StaleLookupResult(const HostResolverInternalResult& result,
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> expired_by,
bool stale_by_generation);
~StaleLookupResult() = default;
const raw_ref<const HostResolverInternalResult> result;
// Time since the result's TTL has expired. nullopt if not expired.
const std::optional<base::TimeDelta> expired_by;
// True if result is stale due to a call to
// HostResolverCache::MakeAllResultsStale().
const bool stale_by_generation;
bool IsStale() const {
return stale_by_generation || expired_by.has_value();
explicit HostResolverCache(
size_t max_results,
const base::Clock& clock = *base::DefaultClock::GetInstance(),
const base::TickClock& tick_clock =
// Move-only.
HostResolverCache& operator=(HostResolverCache&&);
// Lookup an active (non-stale) cached result matching the given criteria. If
// `query_type` is `DnsQueryType::UNSPECIFIED`, `source` is
// `HostResolverSource::ANY`, or `secure` is `std::nullopt`, it is a wildcard
// that can match for any cached parameter of that type. In cases where a
// wildcard lookup leads to multiple matching results, only one result will be
// returned, preferring first the most secure result and then the most
// recently set one. Additionally, if a cached result has
// `DnsQueryType::UNSPECIFIED`, it will match for any argument of
// `query_type`.
// Returns nullptr on cache miss (no active result matches the given
// criteria).
const HostResolverInternalResult* Lookup(
std::string_view domain_name,
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key,
DnsQueryType query_type = DnsQueryType::UNSPECIFIED,
HostResolverSource source = HostResolverSource::ANY,
std::optional<bool> secure = std::nullopt) const;
// Lookup a cached result matching the given criteria. Unlike Lookup(), may
// return stale results. In cases where a wildcard lookup leads to multiple
// matching results, only one result will be returned, preferring active
// (non-stale) results, then the least stale by generation, then the least
// stale by time expiration, then the most secure, then the most recently set.
// Used to implement
// `HostResolver::ResolveHostParameters::CacheUsage::STALE_ALLOWED` behavior,
// which is itself primarily for usage by cronet::StaleHostResolver, but no
// assumptions are made here that this is Cronet-only behavior.
// Returns nullopt on cache miss (no active or stale result matches the given
// criteria).
std::optional<StaleLookupResult> LookupStale(
std::string_view domain_name,
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key,
DnsQueryType query_type = DnsQueryType::UNSPECIFIED,
HostResolverSource source = HostResolverSource::ANY,
std::optional<bool> secure = std::nullopt) const;
// Sets the result into the cache, replacing any previous result entries that
// would match the same criteria, even if a previous entry would have matched
// more criteria than the new one, e.g. if the previous entry used a wildcard
// `DnsQueryType::UNSPECIFIED`.
void Set(std::unique_ptr<HostResolverInternalResult> result,
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key,
HostResolverSource source,
bool secure);
// Makes all cached results considered stale. Typically used for network
// change to ensure cached results are only considered active for the current
// network.
void MakeAllResultsStale();
// Serialization to later be deserialized. Only serializes the results likely
// to still be of value after serialization and deserialization, that is that
// results with a transient anonymization key are not included.
// Used to implement cronet::HostCachePersistenceManager, but no assumptions
// are made here that this is Cronet-only functionality.
base::Value Serialize() const;
// Deserialize value received from Serialize(). Results already contained in
// the cache are preferred, thus deserialized results are ignored if any
// previous result entries would match the same criteria, and deserialization
// stops on reaching max size, rather than evicting anything. Deserialized
// results are also always considered stale by generation.
// Returns false if `value` is malformed to be deserialized.
// Used to implement cronet::HostCachePersistenceManager, but no assumptions
// are made here that this is Cronet-only functionality.
bool RestoreFromValue(const base::Value& value);
// Serialize for output to debug logs, e.g. netlog. Serializes all results,
// including those with transient anonymization keys, and also serializes
// cache-wide data. Incompatible with base::Values returned from Serialize(),
// and cannot be used in RestoreFromValue().
base::Value SerializeForLogging() const;
bool AtMaxSizeForTesting() const { return entries_.size() >= max_entries_; }
struct Key {
std::string domain_name;
NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key;
struct KeyRef {
~KeyRef() = default;
std::string_view domain_name;
const raw_ref<const NetworkAnonymizationKey> network_anonymization_key;
// Allow comparing Key to KeyRef to allow refs for entry lookup.
struct KeyComparator {
using is_transparent = void;
~KeyComparator() = default;
bool operator()(const Key& lhs, const Key& rhs) const {
return std::tie(lhs.domain_name, lhs.network_anonymization_key) <
std::tie(rhs.domain_name, rhs.network_anonymization_key);
bool operator()(const Key& lhs, const KeyRef& rhs) const {
return std::tie(lhs.domain_name, lhs.network_anonymization_key) <
std::tie(rhs.domain_name, *rhs.network_anonymization_key);
bool operator()(const KeyRef& lhs, const Key& rhs) const {
return std::tie(lhs.domain_name, *lhs.network_anonymization_key) <
std::tie(rhs.domain_name, rhs.network_anonymization_key);
struct Entry {
Entry(std::unique_ptr<HostResolverInternalResult> result,
HostResolverSource source,
bool secure,
int staleness_generation);
Entry& operator=(Entry&&);
bool IsStale(base::Time now,
base::TimeTicks now_ticks,
int current_staleness_generation) const;
base::TimeDelta TimeUntilExpiration(base::Time now,
base::TimeTicks now_ticks) const;
std::unique_ptr<HostResolverInternalResult> result;
HostResolverSource source;
bool secure;
// The `HostResolverCache::staleness_generation_` value at the time this
// entry was created. Entry is stale if this does not match the current
// value.
int staleness_generation;
using EntryMap = std::multimap<Key, Entry, KeyComparator>;
// Get all matching results, from most to least recently added.
std::vector<EntryMap::const_iterator> LookupInternal(
std::string_view domain_name,
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key,
DnsQueryType query_type,
HostResolverSource source,
std::optional<bool> secure) const;
void Set(std::unique_ptr<HostResolverInternalResult> result,
const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key,
HostResolverSource source,
bool secure,
bool replace_existing,
int staleness_generation);
void EvictEntries();
// If `require_persistable_anonymization_key` is true, will not serialize
// any entries that do not have an anonymization key that supports
// serialization and restoration. If false, will serialize all entries, but
// the result may contain anonymization keys that are malformed for
// restoration.
base::Value SerializeEntries(
bool serialize_staleness_generation,
bool require_persistable_anonymization_key) const;
EntryMap entries_;
size_t max_entries_;
// Number of times MakeAllEntriesStale() has been called.
int staleness_generation_ = 0;
raw_ref<const base::Clock> clock_;
raw_ref<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
} // namespace net