blob: d4ba4ca15012763a3fdf4bd1712b4208a687c253 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/linked_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/safe_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/address_family.h"
#include "net/base/network_anonymization_key.h"
#include "net/base/network_handle.h"
#include "net/base/prioritized_dispatcher.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_task_results_manager.h"
#include "net/dns/host_cache.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver_dns_task.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver_manager.h"
#include "net/dns/public/dns_query_type.h"
#include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_mode.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
namespace net {
class ResolveContext;
class HostResolverMdnsTask;
class HostResolverNat64Task;
// Key used to identify a HostResolverManager::Job.
struct HostResolverManager::JobKey {
JobKey(HostResolver::Host host, ResolveContext* resolve_context);
JobKey(const JobKey& other);
JobKey& operator=(const JobKey& other);
bool operator<(const JobKey& other) const;
bool operator==(const JobKey& other) const;
HostResolver::Host host;
NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key;
DnsQueryTypeSet query_types;
HostResolverFlags flags;
HostResolverSource source;
SecureDnsMode secure_dns_mode;
base::WeakPtr<ResolveContext> resolve_context;
HostCache::Key ToCacheKey(bool secure) const;
handles::NetworkHandle GetTargetNetwork() const;
// Aggregates all Requests for the same Key. Dispatched via
// PrioritizedDispatcher.
class HostResolverManager::Job : public PrioritizedDispatcher::Job,
public HostResolverDnsTask::Delegate,
public DnsTaskResultsManager::Delegate {
// Creates new job for |key| where |request_net_log| is bound to the
// request that spawned it.
Job(const base::WeakPtr<HostResolverManager>& resolver,
JobKey key,
ResolveHostParameters::CacheUsage cache_usage,
HostCache* host_cache,
std::deque<TaskType> tasks,
RequestPriority priority,
const NetLogWithSource& source_net_log,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock,
const HostResolver::HttpsSvcbOptions& https_svcb_options);
~Job() override;
// Add this job to the dispatcher. If "at_head" is true, adds at the front
// of the queue.
void Schedule(bool at_head);
void AddRequest(RequestImpl* request);
void ChangeRequestPriority(RequestImpl* req, RequestPriority priority);
// Detach cancelled request. If it was the last active Request, also finishes
// this Job.
void CancelRequest(RequestImpl* request);
void AddServiceEndpointRequest(ServiceEndpointRequestImpl* request);
// Similar to CancelRequest(), if `request` was the last active one, finishes
// this job.
void CancelServiceEndpointRequest(ServiceEndpointRequestImpl* request);
// Called from AbortJobsWithoutTargetNetwork(). Completes all requests and
// destroys the job. This currently assumes the abort is due to a network
// change.
// TODO This should not delete |this|.
void Abort();
// Gets a closure that will abort an insecure DnsTask (see
// AbortInsecureDnsTask()) iff |this| is still valid. Useful if aborting a
// list of Jobs as some may be cancelled while aborting others.
base::OnceClosure GetAbortInsecureDnsTaskClosure(int error,
bool fallback_only);
// Aborts or removes any current/future insecure DnsTasks if a
// HostResolverSystemTask is available for fallback. If no fallback is
// available and |fallback_only| is false, a job that is currently running an
// insecure DnsTask will be completed with |error|.
void AbortInsecureDnsTask(int error, bool fallback_only);
// Called by HostResolverManager when this job is evicted due to queue
// overflow. Completes all requests and destroys the job. The job could have
// waiting requests that will receive completion callbacks, so cleanup
// asynchronously to avoid reentrancy.
void OnEvicted();
// Attempts to serve the job from HOSTS. Returns true if succeeded and
// this Job was destroyed.
bool ServeFromHosts();
void OnAddedToJobMap(JobMap::iterator iterator);
void OnRemovedFromJobMap();
void RunNextTask();
const JobKey& key() const { return key_; }
bool is_queued() const { return !handle_.is_null(); }
bool is_running() const { return job_running_; }
bool HasTargetNetwork() const {
return key_.GetTargetNetwork() != handles::kInvalidNetworkHandle;
DnsTaskResultsManager* dns_task_results_manager() const {
return dns_task_results_manager_.get();
// Keeps track of the highest priority.
class PriorityTracker {
explicit PriorityTracker(RequestPriority initial_priority)
: highest_priority_(initial_priority) {}
RequestPriority highest_priority() const { return highest_priority_; }
size_t total_count() const { return total_count_; }
void Add(RequestPriority req_priority) {
if (highest_priority_ < req_priority) {
highest_priority_ = req_priority;
void Remove(RequestPriority req_priority) {
DCHECK_GT(total_count_, 0u);
DCHECK_GT(counts_[req_priority], 0u);
size_t i;
for (i = highest_priority_; i > MINIMUM_PRIORITY && !counts_[i]; --i) {
highest_priority_ = static_cast<RequestPriority>(i);
// In absence of requests, default to MINIMUM_PRIORITY.
if (total_count_ == 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(MINIMUM_PRIORITY, highest_priority_);
RequestPriority highest_priority_;
size_t total_count_ = 0;
size_t counts_[NUM_PRIORITIES] = {};
base::Value::Dict NetLogJobCreationParams(const NetLogSource& source);
void Finish();
void KillDnsTask();
// Reduce the number of job slots occupied and queued in the dispatcher by
// one. If the next Job slot is queued in the dispatcher, cancels the queued
// job. Otherwise, the next Job has been started by the PrioritizedDispatcher,
// so signals it is complete.
void ReduceByOneJobSlot();
// Common helper methods for adding and canceling a request.
void AddRequestCommon(RequestPriority request_priority,
const NetLogWithSource& request_net_log,
bool is_speculative);
void CancelRequestCommon(RequestPriority request_priority,
const NetLogWithSource& request_net_log);
void UpdatePriority();
// PrioritizedDispatcher::Job:
void Start() override;
// TODO(szym): Since DnsTransaction does not consume threads, we can increase
// the limits on |dispatcher_|. But in order to keep the number of
// ThreadPool threads low, we will need to use an "inner"
// PrioritizedDispatcher with tighter limits.
void StartSystemTask();
// Called by HostResolverSystemTask when it completes.
void OnSystemTaskComplete(base::TimeTicks start_time,
const AddressList& addr_list,
int /*os_error*/,
int net_error);
void InsecureCacheLookup();
void StartDnsTask(bool secure);
void StartNextDnsTransaction();
// Called if DnsTask fails. It is posted from StartDnsTask, so Job may be
// deleted before this callback. In this case dns_task is deleted as well,
// so we use it as indicator whether Job is still valid.
void OnDnsTaskFailure(const base::WeakPtr<HostResolverDnsTask>& dns_task,
base::TimeDelta duration,
bool allow_fallback,
const HostCache::Entry& failure_results,
bool secure);
// HostResolverDnsTask::Delegate implementation:
void OnDnsTaskComplete(base::TimeTicks start_time,
bool allow_fallback,
HostCache::Entry results,
bool secure) override;
void OnIntermediateTransactionsComplete(
single_transaction_results) override;
void AddTransactionTimeQueued(base::TimeDelta time_queued) override;
// DnsTaskResultsManager::Delegate implementation:
void OnServiceEndpointsUpdated() override;
void StartMdnsTask();
void OnMdnsTaskComplete();
void OnMdnsImmediateFailure(int rv);
void StartNat64Task();
void OnNat64TaskComplete();
void RecordJobHistograms(const HostCache::Entry& results,
std::optional<TaskType> task_type);
void MaybeCacheResult(const HostCache::Entry& results,
base::TimeDelta ttl,
bool secure);
// Performs Job's last rites. Completes all Requests. Deletes this.
// If not |allow_cache|, result will not be stored in the host cache, even if
// result would otherwise allow doing so. Update the key to reflect |secure|,
// which indicates whether or not the result was obtained securely.
void CompleteRequests(const HostCache::Entry& results,
base::TimeDelta ttl,
bool allow_cache,
bool secure,
std::optional<TaskType> task_type);
void CompleteRequestsWithoutCache(
const HostCache::Entry& results,
std::optional<HostCache::EntryStaleness> stale_info,
TaskType task_type);
// Convenience wrapper for CompleteRequests in case of failure.
void CompleteRequestsWithError(int net_error,
std::optional<TaskType> task_type);
RequestPriority priority() const override;
// Number of non-canceled requests in |requests_|.
size_t num_active_requests() const { return priority_tracker_.total_count(); }
base::WeakPtr<HostResolverManager> resolver_;
const JobKey key_;
const ResolveHostParameters::CacheUsage cache_usage_;
// TODO( Consider allowing requests within a single Job to
// have different HostCaches.
const raw_ptr<HostCache> host_cache_;
struct CompletionResult {
const HostCache::Entry entry;
base::TimeDelta ttl;
bool secure;
// Results to use in last-ditch attempt to complete request.
std::vector<CompletionResult> completion_results_;
// The sequence of tasks to run in this Job. Tasks may be aborted and removed
// from the sequence, but otherwise the tasks will run in order until a
// successful result is found.
std::deque<TaskType> tasks_;
// Whether the job is running.
bool job_running_ = false;
// Tracks the highest priority across |requests_|.
PriorityTracker priority_tracker_;
bool had_non_speculative_request_ = false;
// Number of slots occupied by this Job in |dispatcher_|. Should be 0 when
// the job is not registered with any dispatcher.
int num_occupied_job_slots_ = 0;
// True once this Job has been sent to `resolver_->dispatcher_`.
bool dispatched_ = false;
// Result of DnsTask.
int dns_task_error_ = OK;
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
base::TimeTicks start_time_;
HostResolver::HttpsSvcbOptions https_svcb_options_;
NetLogWithSource net_log_;
// Resolves the host using the system DNS resolver, which can be overridden
// for tests.
std::unique_ptr<HostResolverSystemTask> system_task_;
// Resolves the host using a DnsTransaction.
std::unique_ptr<HostResolverDnsTask> dns_task_;
// Resolves the host using MDnsClient.
std::unique_ptr<HostResolverMdnsTask> mdns_task_;
// Perform NAT64 address synthesis to a given IPv4 literal.
std::unique_ptr<HostResolverNat64Task> nat64_task_;
// All Requests waiting for the result of this Job. Some can be canceled.
base::LinkedList<RequestImpl> requests_;
// All ServiceEndpointRequests waiting for the result of this Job. Some can
// be canceled.
base::LinkedList<ServiceEndpointRequestImpl> service_endpoint_requests_;
// Builds and updates intermediate service endpoints while executing
// a DnsTransaction.
std::unique_ptr<DnsTaskResultsManager> dns_task_results_manager_;
// A handle used for |dispatcher_|.
PrioritizedDispatcher::Handle handle_;
// Iterator to |this| in the JobMap. |nullopt| if not owned by the JobMap.
std::optional<JobMap::iterator> self_iterator_;
base::TimeDelta total_transaction_time_queued_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Job> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace net