blob: 3c068ee1152ac5dd75dd9c59de2cbaa3ca8876a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "capture_mode_session_focus_cycler.h"
namespace ash {
class CaptureModeSession;
class CaptureModeBarView;
class CaptureModeSettingsView;
class UserNudgeController;
class MagnifierGlass;
// Wrapper for CaptureModeSession that exposes internal state to test functions.
class CaptureModeSessionTestApi {
explicit CaptureModeSessionTestApi(CaptureModeSession* session);
CaptureModeSessionTestApi(CaptureModeSessionTestApi&) = delete;
CaptureModeSessionTestApi& operator=(CaptureModeSessionTestApi&) = delete;
~CaptureModeSessionTestApi() = default;
CaptureModeBarView* GetCaptureModeBarView();
CaptureModeSettingsView* GetCaptureModeSettingsView();
views::Widget* GetCaptureModeSettingsWidget();
views::Widget* GetCaptureLabelWidget();
views::Widget* GetDimensionsLabelWidget();
UserNudgeController* GetUserNudgeController();
MagnifierGlass& GetMagnifierGlass();
bool IsUsingCustomCursor(CaptureModeType type);
CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler::FocusGroup GetCurrentFocusGroup();
size_t GetCurrentFocusIndex();
CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler::HighlightableView* GetCurrentFocusedView();
// Returns false if `current_focus_group_` equals to `kNone` which means
// there's no focus on any focus group for now. Otherwise, returns true;
bool HasFocus();
bool IsFolderSelectionDialogShown();
// Returns true if all UIs (cursors, widgets, and paintings on the layer) of
// the capture mode session is visible.
bool IsAllUisVisible();
CaptureModeSession* const session_;
} // namespace ash