blob: a65485502356f266d3bedaf68208ff607cc8ebc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_export.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_timeline.h"
#include "cc/animation/keyframe_model.h"
#include "cc/paint/element_id.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace cc {
class ScrollTree;
// A ScrollTimeline is an animation timeline that bases its current time on the
// progress of scrolling in some scroll container.
// This is the compositor-side representation of the web concept expressed in
class CC_ANIMATION_EXPORT ScrollTimeline : public AnimationTimeline {
// cc does not know about writing modes. The ScrollDirection below is
// converted using blink::scroll_timeline_util::ConvertOrientation which takes
// the spec-compliant ScrollDirection enumeration.
enum ScrollDirection {
// 100% is represented as 100s or 100000ms. We store it here in Milliseconds
// because that is the time unit returned by functions like CurrentTime.
static constexpr double kScrollTimelineDurationMs = 100000;
ScrollTimeline(absl::optional<ElementId> scroller_id,
ScrollDirection direction,
const std::vector<double> scroll_offsets,
int animation_timeline_id);
static scoped_refptr<ScrollTimeline> Create(
absl::optional<ElementId> scroller_id,
ScrollDirection direction,
const std::vector<double> scroll_offsets);
// Create a copy of this ScrollTimeline intended for the impl thread in the
// compositor.
scoped_refptr<AnimationTimeline> CreateImplInstance() const override;
// ScrollTimeline is active if the scroll node exists in active or pending
// scroll tree.
virtual bool IsActive(const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) const;
// Calculate the current time of the ScrollTimeline. This is either a
// base::TimeTicks value or absl::nullopt if the current time is unresolved.
// The internal calculations are performed using doubles and the result is
// converted to base::TimeTicks. This limits the precision to 1us.
virtual absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> CurrentTime(
const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) const;
void UpdateScrollerIdAndScrollOffsets(
absl::optional<ElementId> scroller_id,
const std::vector<double> scroll_offsets);
void PushPropertiesTo(AnimationTimeline* impl_timeline) override;
void ActivateTimeline() override;
bool TickScrollLinkedAnimations(
const std::vector<scoped_refptr<Animation>>& ticking_animations,
const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) override;
absl::optional<ElementId> GetActiveIdForTest() const { return active_id_; }
absl::optional<ElementId> GetPendingIdForTest() const { return pending_id_; }
ScrollDirection GetDirectionForTest() const { return direction_; }
absl::optional<double> GetStartScrollOffsetForTest() const {
if (scroll_offsets_.empty())
return absl::nullopt;
return scroll_offsets_[0];
absl::optional<double> GetEndScrollOffsetForTest() const {
if (scroll_offsets_.empty())
return absl::nullopt;
return scroll_offsets_[1];
bool IsScrollTimeline() const override;
~ScrollTimeline() override;
// The scroller which this ScrollTimeline is based on. The same underlying
// scroll source may have different ids in the pending and active tree (see
absl::optional<ElementId> active_id_;
absl::optional<ElementId> pending_id_;
// The direction of the ScrollTimeline indicates which axis of the scroller
// it should base its current time on, and where the origin point is.
ScrollDirection direction_;
// This defines scroll ranges of the scroller that the ScrollTimeline is
// active within. If no ranges are defined the timeline is inactive.
std::vector<double> scroll_offsets_;
inline ScrollTimeline* ToScrollTimeline(AnimationTimeline* timeline) {
return static_cast<ScrollTimeline*>(timeline);
inline const ScrollTimeline* ToScrollTimeline(
const AnimationTimeline* timeline) {
return static_cast<const ScrollTimeline*>(timeline);
template <typename T>
double ComputeProgress(double current_offset, const T& resolved_offsets) {
// 1. Let scroll offsets be the result of applying the procedure to resolve
// scroll timeline offsets for scrollOffsets.
DCHECK_GE(resolved_offsets.size(), 2u);
// When start offset is greater than end offset, current time is calculated
// outside of this method.
DCHECK_LT(resolved_offsets[0], resolved_offsets[resolved_offsets.size() - 1]);
// When animation is in before or after phase, current time is calculated
// outside of this method.
DCHECK_GE(current_offset, resolved_offsets[0]);
DCHECK_LT(current_offset, resolved_offsets[resolved_offsets.size() - 1]);
// Traverse scroll offsets from the back to find first interval that
// contains the current offset. In case of overlapping offsets, last matching
// interval in the list is used to calculate the current time. The rational
// for choosing last matching offset is to be consistent with CSS property
// overrides.
// 2. Let offset index correspond to the position of the last offset in scroll
// offsets whose value is less than or equal to offset and the value at the
// following position greater than offset
int offset_index;
for (offset_index = resolved_offsets.size() - 2;
offset_index > 0 && resolved_offsets[offset_index] > current_offset;
offset_index--) {
DCHECK_LT(current_offset, resolved_offsets[offset_index + 1]);
// 3. Let start offset be the offset value at position offset index in
// scroll offsets.
double start_offset = resolved_offsets[offset_index];
// 4. Let end offset be the value of next offset in scroll offsets after
// start offset.
double end_offset = resolved_offsets[offset_index + 1];
// 5. Let size be the number of offsets in scroll offsets.
unsigned int size = resolved_offsets.size();
// 6. Let offset weight be the result of evaluating 1 / (size - 1).
double offset_weight = 1.0 / (size - 1);
// 7. Let interval progress be the result of evaluating
// (offset - start offset) / (end offset - start offset).
double interval_progress =
(current_offset - start_offset) / (end_offset - start_offset);
// 8. Return the result of evaluating
// (offset index + interval progress) × offset weight.
return (offset_index + interval_progress) * offset_weight;
} // namespace cc