blob: 494dd13e7506ebf08de61e3ccb4c36dc8f11e1ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/login/login_export.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace login {
// Class that collects Localized Values for translation.
class LOGIN_EXPORT LocalizedValuesBuilder {
explicit LocalizedValuesBuilder(base::DictionaryValue* dict);
explicit LocalizedValuesBuilder(const std::string& prefix,
base::DictionaryValue* dict);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message| is text of the message.
void Add(const std::string& key, const std::string& message);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message| is text of the message.
void Add(const std::string& key, const std::u16string& message);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message.
void Add(const std::string& key, int message_id);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message. Message is expected to have
// one format parameter subsituted by |a|.
void AddF(const std::string& key, int message_id, const std::u16string& a);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message. Message is expected to have
// two format parameters subsituted by |a| and |b| respectively.
void AddF(const std::string& key,
int message_id,
const std::u16string& a,
const std::u16string& b);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message. Message is expected to have
// two format parameters subsituted by |a|, |b| and |c| respectively.
void AddF(const std::string& key,
int message_id,
const std::u16string& a,
const std::u16string& b,
const std::u16string& c);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message. Message is expected to have
// one format parameter subsituted by resource identified by |message_id_a|.
void AddF(const std::string& key, int message_id, int message_id_a);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message. Message is expected to have
// two format parameters subsituted by resource identified by |message_id_a|
// and |message_id_b| respectively.
void AddF(const std::string& key,
int message_id,
int message_id_a,
int message_id_b);
// Method to declare localized value. |key| is the i18n key used in html.
// |message_id| is a resource id of message. Message is expected to have
// three format parameters subsituted by resource identified by
// |message_id_a|, |message_id_b| and |message_id_c| respectively.
void AddF(const std::string& key,
int message_id,
int message_id_a,
int message_id_b,
int message_id_c);
std::string prefix_;
// Not owned.
base::DictionaryValue* dict_;
} // namespace login