blob: 568681d6b0c6f6808d4b1d61fd4c5a8fd92dfdd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace prefs {
// Synced boolean pref. Privacy Sandbox APIs may only be enabled when this is
// enabled, but each API will respect its own enabling logic if this pref is
// true. When this pref is false ALL Privacy Sandbox APIs are disabled.
// TODO( Deprecate this preference once all users have been
// migrated to the V2 pref.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxApisEnabled[];
// Un-synced boolean pref. This is a replacement for the synced preference
// above. It performs the exact same functionality, but is unsynced. This
// preference is only consulted when the kPrivacySandboxSettings3 feature is
// enabled.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxApisEnabledV2[];
// Un-synced boolean pref. This is set to true when the one-time initialization
// of the users kPrivacySandboxApisEnabledV2 has run. Some users may have the V2
// pref enabled by default by the PrivacySandboxService.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxApisEnabledV2Init[];
// Synced boolean that indicates if a user has manually toggled the settings
// associated with the PrivacySandboxSettings feature.
// TODO( Deprecate this preference once all users have been
// migrated to the V2 pref.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxManuallyControlled[];
// Un-synced boolean pref. This is a replacement for the synced preference
// above. It it set to true when the user manually toggles the setting on the
// updated settings page.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxManuallyControlledV2[];
// Boolean to indicate whether or not the preferences have been reconciled for
// this device. This occurs for each device once when privacy sandbox is first
// enabled.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxPreferencesReconciled[];
// Boolean that indicates whether the privacy sandbox desktop page at
// chrome://settings/privacySandbox has been viewed.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxPageViewed[];
// The point in time from which history is eligible to be used when calculating
// a user's FLoC ID.
// TODO( Deprecate this preference once Privacy Sandbox
// Settings 3 has been launched.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxFlocDataAccessibleSince[];
// The point in time from which history is eligible to be used when calculating
// a user's Topics API topics.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxTopicsDataAccessibleSince[];
// Synced boolean that controls whether FLoC is enabled. Requires that the
// kPrivacySandboxApisEnabled preference be enabled to take effect.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxFlocEnabled[];
// List of entries representing Topics API topics which are blocked for
// the profile. Blocked topics cannot be provided to site, or considered as
// part of the profile's "top topics". Entries in the list are dictionaries
// containing the CanonicalTopic and the time the setting was created.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxBlockedTopics[];
// Dictionary of entries representing top frame origins on which the profile
// cannot be joined to an interest group. Keys are the blocked origins, and
// values are the time the setting was applied.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxFledgeJoinBlocked[];
// Boolean that indicates that the Privacy Sandbox notice was shown to the
// profile.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxNoticeDisplayed[];
// Boolean that indicates that this profile has made a decision on the Privacy
// Sandbox consent.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxConsentDecisionMade[];
// Boolean that indicates a Privacy Sandbox confirmation was not shown to the
// profile because the profile had already disabled the Privacy Sandbox.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxNoConfirmationSandboxDisabled[];
// Boolean that indicates a Privacy Sandbox confirmation was not shown to the
// profile because the Privacy Sandbox was being restricted.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxNoConfirmationSandboxRestricted[];
// Boolean that indicates a Privacy Sandbox confirmation was not shown to the
// profile because the Privacy Sandbox was being managed.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxNoConfirmationSandboxManaged[];
// Boolean that indicates a Privacy Sandbox confirmation was not shown to the
// profile because the third party cookies were being blocked.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxNoConfirmationThirdPartyCookiesBlocked[];
// Boolean that indicates a Privacy Sandbox confirmation was not shown to the
// profile because the Privacy Sandbox is being manually controlled.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxNoConfirmationManuallyControlled[];
// Boolean that indicates the user's Privacy Sandbox setting was disabled
// automatically because they do not have the correct level of confirmation.
extern const char kPrivacySandboxDisabledInsufficientConfirmation[];
} // namespace prefs
namespace privacy_sandbox {
// Registers user preferences related to privacy sandbox.
void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
} // namespace privacy_sandbox