blob: ca27f54a06b7cea65849a0c223ca8ea08a280b9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/online_wallpaper_params.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/online_wallpaper_variant.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/wallpaper_info.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
namespace backdrop {
class Image;
namespace ash {
class WallpaperControllerClient;
// Resolves wallpaper variants from WallpaperInfo for WallpaperController.
class ASH_EXPORT OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher {
enum class ColorMode {
kDarkMode = 0,
OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher(const OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher&) =
OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher& operator=(
const OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher&) = delete;
void SetClient(WallpaperControllerClient* client);
// Callback for Fetch* methods which populates the |unit_id| and |variants|
// fields in OnlineWallpaperParams.
using FetchParamsCallback =
// Fetches the wallpaper variants for |info| to produce a fully populated
// OnlineWallpaperParams in |callback|. The selected wallpaper will is
// designated by asset_id in |info|.
void FetchOnlineWallpaper(const AccountId& account_id,
const WallpaperInfo& info,
OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher::ColorMode mode,
FetchParamsCallback callback);
// Always fetches a new daily refresh wallpaper and calls |callback| with a
// fully populated OnlineWallpaperParams.
bool FetchDailyWallpaper(const AccountId& account_id,
const WallpaperInfo& info,
OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher::ColorMode mode,
FetchParamsCallback callback);
// An internal representation of the partial information required to construct
// a complete OnlineWallpaperParams object as provided by the caller of
// Fetch*.
class OnlineWallpaperRequest {
OnlineWallpaperRequest(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& collection_id,
WallpaperLayout layout,
bool daily_refresh_enabled,
OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher::ColorMode mode);
OnlineWallpaperRequest(const OnlineWallpaperRequest&) = delete;
OnlineWallpaperRequest& operator=(const OnlineWallpaperRequest&) = delete;
AccountId account_id;
std::string collection_id;
WallpaperLayout layout;
bool daily_refresh_enabled;
OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher::ColorMode mode;
// Handles the response for a single random image in a collection and proceeds
// to fetch the rest of the collection.
void OnSingleFetch(std::unique_ptr<OnlineWallpaperRequest> request,
FetchParamsCallback callback,
bool success,
const backdrop::Image& image);
// Finishes variants fetch by populating the remaining fields for
// OnlineWallpaperParams in |callback|. Combines data from |request| with
// |images| and the matching variant in |images| for |asset_id|.
void FindAndSetOnlineWallpaperVariants(
std::unique_ptr<OnlineWallpaperRequest> request,
uint64_t asset_id,
FetchParamsCallback callback,
bool success,
const std::vector<backdrop::Image>& images);
raw_ptr<WallpaperControllerClient> wallpaper_controller_client_ =
nullptr; // not owned
base::WeakPtrFactory<OnlineWallpaperVariantInfoFetcher> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash