blob: 706dfbe866664f70832398c26b2e5bb1550846f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "components/os_crypt/key_storage_util_linux.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
class WaitableEvent;
} // namespace base
namespace os_crypt {
struct Config;
// An API for retrieving OSCrypt's password from the system's password storage
// service.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(OS_CRYPT) KeyStorageLinux {
KeyStorageLinux() = default;
KeyStorageLinux(const KeyStorageLinux&) = delete;
KeyStorageLinux& operator=(const KeyStorageLinux&) = delete;
virtual ~KeyStorageLinux() = default;
// Tries to load the appropriate key storage. Returns null if none succeed.
std::unique_ptr<KeyStorageLinux> CreateService(
const os_crypt::Config& config);
// Gets the encryption key from the OS password-managing library. If a key is
// not found, a new key will be generated, stored and returned.
absl::optional<std::string> GetKey();
// Get the backend's favourite task runner, or nullptr for no preference.
virtual base::SequencedTaskRunner* GetTaskRunner();
// Loads the key storage. Returns false if the service is not available.
// This iwill be called on the backend's preferred thread.
virtual bool Init() = 0;
// The implementation of GetKey() for a specific backend. This will be called
// on the backend's preferred thread.
virtual absl::optional<std::string> GetKeyImpl() = 0;
// The name of the group, if any, containing the key.
static const char kFolderName[];
// The name of the entry with the encryption key.
static const char kKey[];
#if defined(USE_LIBSECRET) || defined(USE_KEYRING) || defined(USE_KWALLET)
// Tries to load the appropriate key storage. Returns null if none succeed.
static std::unique_ptr<KeyStorageLinux> CreateServiceInternal(
os_crypt::SelectedLinuxBackend selected_backend,
const os_crypt::Config& config);
#endif // defined(USE_LIBSECRET) || defined(USE_KEYRING) ||
// defined(USE_KWALLET)
// Performs Init() on the backend's preferred thread.
bool WaitForInitOnTaskRunner();
// Perform the blocking calls to the backend to get the Key. Store it in
// |password| and signal completion on |on_password_received|.
void BlockOnGetKeyImplThenSignal(base::WaitableEvent* on_password_received,
absl::optional<std::string>* password);
// Perform the blocking calls to the backend to initialise. Store the
// initialisation result in |success| and signal completion on |on_inited|.
void BlockOnInitThenSignal(base::WaitableEvent* on_inited, bool* success);