blob: e4b0be2bd5e74b195ae1c8bb85ec7558e4222f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/enum_set.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service_observer.h"
struct CoreAccountInfo;
class GoogleServiceAuthError;
class GURL;
namespace syncer {
class ProtocolEventObserver;
class SyncCycleSnapshot;
struct TypeEntitiesCount;
struct SyncTokenStatus;
class SyncUserSettings;
struct SyncStatus;
// UIs that need to prevent Sync startup should hold an instance of this class
// until the user has finished modifying sync settings. This is not an inner
// class of SyncService to enable forward declarations.
class SyncSetupInProgressHandle {
// UIs should not construct this directly, but instead call
// SyncService::GetSetupInProgress().
explicit SyncSetupInProgressHandle(base::OnceClosure on_destroy);
base::OnceClosure on_destroy_;
// SyncService is the layer between browser subsystems like bookmarks and the
// sync engine. Each subsystem is logically thought of as being a sync datatype.
// Individual datatypes can, at any point, be in a variety of stages of being
// "enabled". Here are some specific terms for concepts used in this class:
// 'Registered' (feature suppression for a datatype)
// When a datatype is registered, the user has the option of syncing it.
// The sync opt-in UI will show only registered types; a checkbox should
// never be shown for an unregistered type, nor can it ever be synced.
// 'Preferred' (user preferences and opt-out for a datatype)
// This means the user's opt-in or opt-out preference on a per-datatype
// basis. The sync service will try to make active exactly these types.
// If a user has opted out of syncing a particular datatype, it will
// be registered, but not preferred. Also note that not all datatypes can
// be directly chosen by the user: e.g. AUTOFILL_PROFILE is implied by
// AUTOFILL but can't be selected separately. If AUTOFILL is chosen by the
// user, then AUTOFILL_PROFILE will also be considered preferred. See
// SyncPrefs::ResolvePrefGroups.
// This state is controlled by SyncUserSettings::SetChosenDataTypes. They
// are stored in the preferences system and persist; though if a datatype
// is not registered, it cannot be a preferred datatype.
// 'Active' (run-time initialization of sync system for a datatype)
// An active datatype is a preferred datatype that is actively being
// synchronized: the syncer has been instructed to querying the server
// for this datatype, first-time merges have finished, and there is an
// actively installed ChangeProcessor that listens for changes to this
// datatype, propagating such changes into and out of the sync engine
// as necessary.
// When a datatype is in the process of becoming active, it may be
// in some intermediate state. Those finer-grained intermediate states
// are differentiated by the DataTypeController state, but not exposed.
// Sync Configuration:
// Sync configuration is accomplished via SyncUserSettings, in particular:
// * SetChosenDataTypes(): Set the data types the user wants to sync.
// * SetDecryptionPassphrase(): Attempt to decrypt the user's encrypted data
// using the passed passphrase.
// * SetEncryptionPassphrase(): Re-encrypt the user's data using the passed
// passphrase.
// Initial sync setup:
// For privacy reasons, it is usually desirable to avoid syncing any data
// types until the user has finished setting up sync. There are two APIs
// that control the initial sync download:
// * SyncUserSettings::SetFirstSetupComplete()
// * GetSetupInProgressHandle()
// SetFirstSetupComplete() should be called once the user has finished setting
// up sync at least once on their account. GetSetupInProgressHandle() should
// be called while the user is actively configuring their account. The handle
// should be deleted once configuration is complete.
// Once first setup has completed and there are no outstanding
// setup-in-progress handles, datatype configuration will begin.
class SyncService : public KeyedService {
// The set of reasons due to which Sync-the-feature can be disabled. Note that
// Sync-the-transport might still start up even in the presence of (some)
// disable reasons. Meant to be used as a enum set.
enum DisableReason {
// Sync is disabled by enterprise policy, either browser policy (through
// prefs) or account policy received from the Sync server.
// Sync can't start because there is no authenticated user.
// Sync is suppressed by user choice, either by disabling all the data
// type toggles (*), or a “Reset Sync” operation from the dashboard. This is
// also set if there's simply no signed-in user (in addition to
// (*) As of 01/2022, this is only true on mobile, where the logic was
// introduced as part of a migration (see
// Sync has encountered an unrecoverable error. It won't attempt to start
// again until either the browser is restarted, or the user fully signs out
// and back in again.
using DisableReasonSet =
// The overall state of Sync-the-transport, in ascending order of
// "activeness". Note that this refers to the transport layer, which may be
// active even if Sync-the-feature is turned off.
enum class TransportState {
// Sync is inactive, e.g. due to enterprise policy, or simply because there
// is no authenticated user.
// Sync is paused, e.g. because the user signed out on the web, and the
// engine is inactive.
// Sync's startup was deferred, so that it doesn't slow down browser
// startup. Once the deferral time (usually 10s) expires, or something
// requests immediate startup, Sync will actually start.
// The Sync engine is in the process of initializing.
// The Sync engine is initialized, but the process of configuring the data
// types hasn't been started yet. This usually occurs if the user hasn't
// completed the initial Sync setup yet (i.e. IsFirstSetupComplete() is
// false), but it can also occur if a (non-initial) Sync setup happens to be
// ongoing while the Sync service is starting up.
// The Sync engine itself is up and running, but the individual data types
// are being (re)configured. GetActiveDataTypes() will still be empty.
// The Sync service is up and running. Note that this *still* doesn't
// necessarily mean any particular data is being uploaded, e.g. individual
// data types might be disabled or might have failed to start (check
// GetActiveDataTypes()).
SyncService(const SyncService&) = delete;
SyncService& operator=(const SyncService&) = delete;
~SyncService() override {}
// Returns the SyncUserSettings, which encapsulate all the user-configurable
// bits for Sync.
virtual SyncUserSettings* GetUserSettings() = 0;
virtual const SyncUserSettings* GetUserSettings() const = 0;
// Returns the set of reasons that are keeping Sync disabled, as a bitmask of
// DisableReason enum entries.
// Note: This refers to Sync-the-feature. Sync-the-transport may be running
// even in the presence of disable reasons.
virtual DisableReasonSet GetDisableReasons() const = 0;
// Helper that returns whether GetDisableReasons() contains the given |reason|
// (possibly among others).
bool HasDisableReason(DisableReason reason) const {
return GetDisableReasons().Has(reason);
// Returns the overall state of the SyncService transport layer. See the enum
// definition for what the individual states mean.
// Note: This refers to Sync-the-transport, which may be active even if
// Sync-the-feature is disabled by the user, by enterprise policy, etc.
// Note: If your question is "Are we actually sending this data to Google?" or
// "Am I allowed to send this type of data to Google?", you probably want
// syncer::GetUploadToGoogleState instead of this.
virtual TransportState GetTransportState() const = 0;
// Returns true if the local sync backend server has been enabled through a
// command line flag or policy. In this case sync is considered active but any
// implied consent for further related services e.g. Suggestions, Web History
// etc. is considered not granted.
virtual bool IsLocalSyncEnabled() const = 0;
// Information about the primary account. Note that this account doesn't
// necessarily have Sync consent (in that case, only Sync-the-transport may be
// running).
virtual CoreAccountInfo GetAccountInfo() const = 0;
// Whether the primary account has consented to Sync (see IdentityManager). If
// this is false, then IsSyncFeatureEnabled will also be false, but
// Sync-the-transport might still run.
virtual bool HasSyncConsent() const = 0;
// Returns whether the SyncService has completed at least one Sync cycle since
// starting up (i.e. since browser startup or signin). This can be useful
// in combination with GetAuthError(), if you need to know if the user's
// refresh token is really valid: Before a Sync cycle has been completed,
// Sync hasn't tried using the refresh token, so doesn't know if it's valid.
// TODO( If Chrome would persist auth errors, this would not
// be necessary.
bool HasCompletedSyncCycle() const;
// The last authentication error that was encountered by the SyncService. This
// error can be either from Chrome's identity system (e.g. while trying to get
// an access token), or from the Sync server. It gets cleared when the error
// is resolved.
virtual GoogleServiceAuthError GetAuthError() const = 0;
virtual base::Time GetAuthErrorTime() const = 0;
// Returns true if the Chrome client is too old and needs to be updated for
// Sync to work.
virtual bool RequiresClientUpgrade() const = 0;
// Returns whether all conditions are satisfied for Sync-the-feature to start.
// This means that there is a Sync-consented account, no disable reasons, and
// first-time Sync setup has been completed by the user.
// Note: This does not imply that Sync is actually running. Check
// IsSyncFeatureActive or GetTransportState to get the current state.
bool IsSyncFeatureEnabled() const;
// Equivalent to "HasDisableReason(DISABLE_REASON_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR)".
bool HasUnrecoverableError() const;
// Equivalent to GetTransportState() returning one of
// Note: This refers to Sync-the-transport, which may be active even if
// Sync-the-feature is disabled by the user, by enterprise policy, etc.
bool IsEngineInitialized() const;
// Returns whether Sync-the-feature can (attempt to) start. This means that
// there is a Sync-consented account and no disable reasons. It does *not*
// require first-time Sync setup to be complete, because that can only happen
// after the engine has started.
// Note: This refers to Sync-the-feature. Sync-the-transport may be running
// even if this is false.
bool CanSyncFeatureStart() const;
// Returns whether Sync-the-feature is active, which means
// GetTransportState() is either CONFIGURING or ACTIVE and
// IsSyncFeatureEnabled() is true.
// To see which datatypes are actually syncing, see GetActiveDataTypes().
// Note: This refers to Sync-the-feature. Sync-the-transport may be active
// even if this is false.
bool IsSyncFeatureActive() const;
// Called by the UI to notify the SyncService that UI is visible, so any
// changes to Sync settings should *not* take effect immediately (e.g. if the
// user accidentally enabled a data type, we should give them a chance to undo
// the change before local and remote data are irrevocably merged).
// The UI calls this and holds onto the instance for as long as any part of
// the Sync setup/configuration UI is visible.
virtual std::unique_ptr<SyncSetupInProgressHandle>
GetSetupInProgressHandle() = 0;
// Whether a Sync setup is currently in progress, i.e. a setup UI is being
// shown.
virtual bool IsSetupInProgress() const = 0;
// Returns the set of types which are preferred for enabling. This is a
// superset of the active types (see GetActiveDataTypes()). This also includes
// any forced types.
virtual ModelTypeSet GetPreferredDataTypes() const = 0;
// Returns the set of currently active data types (those chosen or configured
// by the user which have not also encountered a runtime error).
// Note that if the Sync engine is in the middle of a configuration, this will
// be the empty set. Once the configuration completes the set will be updated.
virtual ModelTypeSet GetActiveDataTypes() const = 0;
// Stops and disables Sync-the-feature and clears all local data.
// Sync-the-transport may remain active after calling this.
virtual void StopAndClear() = 0;
// Called when a datatype (SyncableService) has a need for sync to start
// ASAP, presumably because a local change event has occurred but we're
// still in deferred start mode, meaning the SyncableService hasn't been
// told to MergeDataAndStartSyncing yet.
virtual void OnDataTypeRequestsSyncStartup(ModelType type) = 0;
// Triggers a GetUpdates call for the specified |types|, pulling any new data
// from the sync server. Used by tests and debug UI (sync-internals).
virtual void TriggerRefresh(const ModelTypeSet& types) = 0;
// Informs the data type manager that the preconditions for a controller have
// changed. If preconditions are NOT met, the datatype will be stopped
// according to the metadata clearing policy returned by the controller's
// GetPreconditionState(). Otherwise, if preconditions are newly met,
// reconfiguration will be triggered so that |type| gets started again. No-op
// if the type's state didn't actually change.
virtual void DataTypePreconditionChanged(ModelType type) = 0;
// Enables/disables invalidations for session sync related datatypes.
// The session sync generates a lot of changes, which results in many
// invalidations. This can negatively affect the battery life on Android. For
// that reason, on Android, the invalidations for sessions should be received
// only when user is interested in session sync data, e.g. the history sync
// page is opened.
virtual void SetInvalidationsForSessionsEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
// Processes trusted vault encryption keys retrieved from the web. Unused and
// ignored on platforms where keys are retrieved by other means.
// |last_key_version| represents the key version of the last element in
// |keys| (unused if empty).
virtual void AddTrustedVaultDecryptionKeysFromWeb(
const std::string& gaia_id,
const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& keys,
int last_key_version) = 0;
// Registers a new trusted recovery method that can be used to retrieve
// trusted vault encryption keys.
virtual void AddTrustedVaultRecoveryMethodFromWeb(
const std::string& gaia_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key,
int method_type_hint,
base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
// Adds/removes an observer. SyncService does not take ownership of the
// observer.
virtual void AddObserver(SyncServiceObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(SyncServiceObserver* observer) = 0;
// Returns true if |observer| has already been added as an observer.
virtual bool HasObserver(const SyncServiceObserver* observer) const = 0;
// Returns the state of the access token and token request, for display in
// internals UI.
virtual SyncTokenStatus GetSyncTokenStatusForDebugging() const = 0;
// Initializes a struct of status indicators with data from the engine.
// Returns false if the engine was not available for querying; in that case
// the struct will be filled with default data.
virtual bool QueryDetailedSyncStatusForDebugging(
SyncStatus* result) const = 0;
virtual base::Time GetLastSyncedTimeForDebugging() const = 0;
// Returns some statistics on the most-recently completed sync cycle.
virtual SyncCycleSnapshot GetLastCycleSnapshotForDebugging() const = 0;
// Returns a ListValue indicating the status of all registered types.
// The format is:
// [ {"name": <name>, "value": <value>, "status": <status> }, ... ]
// where <name> is a type's name, <value> is a string providing details for
// the type's status, and <status> is one of "error", "warning" or "ok"
// depending on the type's current status.
// This function is used by to help populate the
// chrome://sync-internals page. It returns a ListValue rather than a
// DictionaryValue in part to make it easier to iterate over its elements when
// constructing that page.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> GetTypeStatusMapForDebugging() = 0;
// Retrieves the TypeEntitiesCount for all registered data types.
virtual void GetEntityCountsForDebugging(
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<TypeEntitiesCount>&)> callback)
const = 0;
virtual const GURL& GetSyncServiceUrlForDebugging() const = 0;
virtual std::string GetUnrecoverableErrorMessageForDebugging() const = 0;
virtual base::Location GetUnrecoverableErrorLocationForDebugging() const = 0;
virtual void AddProtocolEventObserver(ProtocolEventObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveProtocolEventObserver(ProtocolEventObserver* observer) = 0;
// Asynchronously fetches base::Value representations of all sync nodes and
// returns them to the specified callback on this thread.
// These requests can live a long time and return when you least expect it.
// For safety, the callback should be bound to some sort of WeakPtr<> or
// scoped_refptr<>.
virtual void GetAllNodesForDebugging(
base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue>)> callback) = 0;
SyncService() {}
} // namespace syncer