blob: c8f578d98fb546cff83b215a458474377cddc940 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// C++ bindings for base.
/// This mod contains all the FFI bindings for C++ types in the base
/// namespace. It should declare shared types, and the 'extern "C++"'
/// section indicating C++ functions that are callable from Rust.
/// Other [cxx::bridge] mods throughout the //base codebase may exist
/// for exporting Rust functions to C++.
/// C++ functions which exist only for the benefit of calls from
/// Rust->C++ should live within the base::rs_glue C++ namespace.
pub(crate) mod ffi {
unsafe extern "C++" {
/// C++ `base::Value`
type Value;
// Bindings to existing base::Value methods which happen to
// line up with our needs precisely.
#[cxx_name = "Append"]
fn ValueAppendBool(self: Pin<&mut Value>, val: bool);
#[cxx_name = "Append"]
fn ValueAppendInteger(self: Pin<&mut Value>, val: i32);
#[cxx_name = "Append"]
fn ValueAppendDouble(self: Pin<&mut Value>, val: f64);
// Free functions in C++ for cases where existing base::Value
// APIs don't quite match our needs.
// Set a key on a base::Value of type DICTIONARY to the given
// value.
fn ValueSetNoneKey(v: Pin<&mut Value>, key: &str);
fn ValueSetBoolKey(v: Pin<&mut Value>, key: &str, val: bool);
fn ValueSetIntegerKey(v: Pin<&mut Value>, key: &str, val: i32);
fn ValueSetDoubleKey(v: Pin<&mut Value>, key: &str, val: f64);
fn ValueSetStringKey(v: Pin<&mut Value>, key: &str, value: &str);
// Returns a new child base::Value, of type DICTIONARY.
fn ValueSetDictKey<'a>(v: Pin<&'a mut Value>, key: &str) -> Pin<&'a mut Value>;
// Returns a new child base::Value, of type LIST.
fn ValueSetListKey<'a>(v: Pin<&'a mut Value>, key: &str) -> Pin<&'a mut Value>;
// Appends to a base::Value of type LIST.
fn ValueAppendNone(v: Pin<&mut Value>);
fn ValueAppendString(v: Pin<&mut Value>, value: &str);
// Returns a new child base::Value, of type DICTIONARY.
fn ValueAppendDict(v: Pin<&mut Value>) -> Pin<&mut Value>;
// Returns a new child base::Value, of type LIST.
fn ValueAppendList(v: Pin<&mut Value>) -> Pin<&mut Value>;
fn ValueReserveSize(v: Pin<&mut Value>, len: usize);
/// Represents a slot (on stack or heap) into which a new
/// `base::Value` can be constructed. Only C++ code can construct
/// such a slot.
/// This type exists because we want to expose many functions
/// which *construct* a `base::Value` which needs to live somewhere.
/// For that reason, we can't simply extract a reference
/// to the underlying base::Value because it doesn't yet exist.
/// Future interop tools should support constructing a base::Value
/// in Rust and moving it (by value).
/// TODO( Use bindgen-like tools to generate
/// direct bindings to C++ constructors.
type ValueSlot;
// Construct a base::Value of the given type, with the given value.
fn ConstructNoneValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>);
fn ConstructBoolValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>, val: bool);
fn ConstructIntegerValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>, val: i32);
fn ConstructDoubleValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>, val: f64);
fn ConstructStringValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>, value: &str);
// Returns a reference to the base::Value within the
// `absl::optional<base::Value>` (which is of type DICTIONARY)
// so that it can be populated.
fn ConstructDictValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>) -> Pin<&mut Value>;
// Returns a reference to the base::Value within the
// `absl::optional<base::Value>` (which is of type LIST)
// so that it can be populated.
fn ConstructListValue(v: Pin<&mut ValueSlot>) -> Pin<&mut Value>;
fn DumpValueSlot(v: &ValueSlot) -> String;
// Defined for Rust tests to crate a ValueSlot, because it requires C++ to do the creation
// at this time.
fn NewValueSlotForTesting() -> UniquePtr<ValueSlot>;