blob: bce1ad2c6d9e789868b8f47c97495492b68afab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/args.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "tools/gn/variables.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
const char kBuildArgs_Help[] =
"Build Arguments Overview\n"
" Build arguments are variables passed in from outside of the build\n"
" that build files can query to determine how the build works.\n"
"How build arguments are set\n"
" First, system default arguments are set based on the current system.\n"
" The built-in arguments are:\n"
" - cpu_arch (by default this is the same as \"default_cpu_arch\")\n"
" - default_cpu_arch\n"
" - default_os\n"
" - os (by default this is the same as \"default_os\")\n"
" If specified, arguments from the --args command line flag are used. If\n"
" that flag is not specified, args from previous builds in the build\n"
" directory will be used (this is in the file in the build\n"
" directory).\n"
" Last, for targets being compiled with a non-default toolchain, the\n"
" toolchain overrides are applied. These are specified in the\n"
" toolchain_args section of a toolchain definition. The use-case for\n"
" this is that a toolchain may be building code for a different\n"
" platform, and that it may want to always specify Posix, for example.\n"
" See \"gn help toolchain_args\" for more.\n"
" If you specify an override for a build argument that never appears in\n"
" a \"declare_args\" call, a nonfatal error will be displayed.\n"
" gn args out/FooBar\n"
" Create the directory out/FooBar and open an editor. You would type\n"
" something like this into that file:\n"
" enable_doom_melon=false\n"
" os=\"android\"\n"
" gn gen out/FooBar --args=\"enable_doom_melon=true os=\\\"android\\\"\"\n"
" This will overwrite the build directory with the given arguments.\n"
" (Note that the quotes inside the args command will usually need to\n"
" be escaped for your shell to pass through strings values.)\n"
"How build arguments are used\n"
" If you want to use an argument, you use declare_args() and specify\n"
" default values. These default values will apply if none of the steps\n"
" listed in the \"How build arguments are set\" section above apply to\n"
" the given argument, but the defaults will not override any of these.\n"
" Often, the root build config file will declare global arguments that\n"
" will be passed to all buildfiles. Individual build files can also\n"
" specify arguments that apply only to those files. It is also useful\n"
" to specify build args in an \"import\"-ed file if you want such\n"
" arguments to apply to multiple buildfiles.\n";
Args::Args() {
Args::Args(const Args& other)
: overrides_(other.overrides_),
declared_arguments_(other.declared_arguments_) {
Args::~Args() {
void Args::AddArgOverride(const char* name, const Value& value) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
overrides_[base::StringPiece(name)] = value;
all_overrides_[base::StringPiece(name)] = value;
void Args::AddArgOverrides(const Scope::KeyValueMap& overrides) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
for (const auto& cur_override : overrides) {
overrides_[cur_override.first] = cur_override.second;
all_overrides_[cur_override.first] = cur_override.second;
const Value* Args::GetArgOverride(const char* name) const {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
Scope::KeyValueMap::const_iterator found =
if (found == all_overrides_.end())
return NULL;
return &found->second;
Scope::KeyValueMap Args::GetAllOverrides() const {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
return all_overrides_;
void Args::SetupRootScope(Scope* dest,
const Scope::KeyValueMap& toolchain_overrides) const {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
ApplyOverridesLocked(overrides_, dest);
ApplyOverridesLocked(toolchain_overrides, dest);
bool Args::DeclareArgs(const Scope::KeyValueMap& args,
Scope* scope_to_set,
Err* err) const {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
for (const auto& arg : args) {
// Verify that the value hasn't already been declared. We want each value
// to be declared only once.
// The tricky part is that a buildfile can be interpreted multiple times
// when used from different toolchains, so we can't just check that we've
// seen it before. Instead, we check that the location matches.
Scope::KeyValueMap::iterator previously_declared =
if (previously_declared != declared_arguments_.end()) {
if (previously_declared->second.origin() != arg.second.origin()) {
// Declaration location mismatch.
*err = Err(arg.second.origin(),
"Duplicate build argument declaration.",
"Here you're declaring an argument that was already declared "
"elsewhere.\nYou can only declare each argument once in the entire "
"build so there is one\ncanonical place for documentation and the "
"default value. Either move this\nargument to the build config "
"file (for visibility everywhere) or to a .gni file\nthat you "
"\"import\" from the files where you need it (preferred).");
"Previous declaration.",
"See also \"gn help buildargs\" for more on how "
"build arguments work."));
return false;
} else {
// Only set on the current scope to the new value if it hasn't been already
// set. Mark the variable used so the build script can override it in
// certain cases without getting unused value errors.
if (!scope_to_set->GetValue(arg.first)) {
scope_to_set->SetValue(arg.first, arg.second, arg.second.origin());
return true;
bool Args::VerifyAllOverridesUsed(Err* err) const {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
return VerifyAllOverridesUsed(all_overrides_, declared_arguments_, err);
bool Args::VerifyAllOverridesUsed(
const Scope::KeyValueMap& overrides,
const Scope::KeyValueMap& declared_arguments,
Err* err) {
for (const auto& override : overrides) {
if (declared_arguments.find(override.first) == declared_arguments.end()) {
// Get a list of all possible overrides for help with error finding.
// It might be nice to do edit distance checks to see if we can find one
// close to what you typed.
std::string all_declared_str;
for (Scope::KeyValueMap::const_iterator cur_str =
cur_str != declared_arguments.end(); ++cur_str) {
if (cur_str != declared_arguments.begin())
all_declared_str += ", ";
all_declared_str += cur_str->first.as_string();
*err = Err(override.second.origin(), "Build argument has no effect.",
"The variable \"" + override.first.as_string() +
"\" was set as a build "
"argument\nbut never appeared in a declare_args() block in any "
"buildfile.\n\nPossible arguments: " + all_declared_str);
return false;
return true;
void Args::MergeDeclaredArguments(Scope::KeyValueMap* dest) const {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
for (const auto& arg : declared_arguments_)
(*dest)[arg.first] = arg.second;
void Args::SetSystemVarsLocked(Scope* dest) const {
// Host OS.
const char* os = NULL;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
os = "win";
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
os = "mac";
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
os = "linux";
#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
os = "android";
#error Unknown OS type.
Value os_val(NULL, std::string(os));
dest->SetValue(variables::kBuildOs, os_val, NULL);
dest->SetValue(variables::kOs, os_val, NULL);
// Host architecture.
static const char kX86[] = "x86";
static const char kX64[] = "x64";
const char* arch = NULL;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// ...on Windows, set the CPU architecture based on the underlying OS, not
// whatever the current bit-tedness of the GN binary is.
const base::win::OSInfo* os_info = base::win::OSInfo::GetInstance();
switch (os_info->architecture()) {
case base::win::OSInfo::X86_ARCHITECTURE:
arch = kX86;
case base::win::OSInfo::X64_ARCHITECTURE:
arch = kX64;
CHECK(false) << "Windows architecture not handled.";
// ...on all other platforms, just use the bit-tedness of the current
// process.
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
arch = kX64;
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_X86)
arch = kX86;
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL)
static const char kArm[] = "arm";
arch = kArm;
#error Unknown architecture.
// Avoid unused var warning.
Value arch_val(NULL, std::string(arch));
dest->SetValue(variables::kBuildCpuArch, arch_val, NULL);
dest->SetValue(variables::kCpuArch, arch_val, NULL);
// Save the OS and architecture as build arguments that are implicitly
// declared. This is so they can be overridden in a toolchain build args
// override, and so that they will appear in the "gn args" output.
// Do not declare the build* variants since these shouldn't be changed.
// Mark these variables used so the build config file can override them
// without geting a warning about overwriting an unused variable.
declared_arguments_[variables::kOs] = os_val;
declared_arguments_[variables::kCpuArch] = arch_val;
void Args::ApplyOverridesLocked(const Scope::KeyValueMap& values,
Scope* scope) const {
for (const auto& val : values)
scope->SetValue(val.first, val.second, val.second.origin());
void Args::SaveOverrideRecordLocked(const Scope::KeyValueMap& values) const {
for (const auto& val : values)
all_overrides_[val.first] = val.second;