blob: 8e2980dab0a0aba8e9402f113d5375c6f7680fa8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/capture/animated_content_sampler.h"
#include "media/capture/smooth_event_sampler.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace media {
// VideoCaptureOracle manages the producer-side throttling of captured frames
// from a video capture device. It is informed of every update by the device;
// this empowers it to look into the future and decide if a particular frame
// ought to be captured in order to achieve its target frame rate.
class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureOracle {
enum Event {
enum {
// The recommended minimum amount of time between calls to
// ObserveEventAndDecideCapture() for the kTimerPoll Event type. Anything
// lower than this isn't harmful, just wasteful.
kMinTimerPollPeriodMillis = 125, // 8 FPS
explicit VideoCaptureOracle(base::TimeDelta min_capture_period);
virtual ~VideoCaptureOracle();
// Record a event of type |event|, and decide whether the caller should do a
// frame capture. |damage_rect| is the region of a frame about to be drawn,
// and may be an empty Rect, if this is not known. If the caller accepts the
// oracle's proposal, it should call RecordCapture() to indicate this.
bool ObserveEventAndDecideCapture(Event event,
const gfx::Rect& damage_rect,
base::TimeTicks event_time);
// Record the start of a capture. Returns a frame_number to be used with
// CompleteCapture().
int RecordCapture();
// Notify of the completion of a capture, and whether it was successful.
// Returns true iff the captured frame should be delivered. |frame_timestamp|
// is set to the timestamp that should be provided to the consumer of the
// frame.
bool CompleteCapture(int frame_number,
bool capture_was_successful,
base::TimeTicks* frame_timestamp);
base::TimeDelta min_capture_period() const {
return smoothing_sampler_.min_capture_period();
// Returns the oracle's estimate of the duration of the next frame. This
// should be called just after ObserveEventAndDecideCapture(), and will only
// be non-zero if the call returned true.
base::TimeDelta estimated_frame_duration() const {
return duration_of_next_frame_;
// Retrieve/Assign a frame timestamp by capture |frame_number|.
base::TimeTicks GetFrameTimestamp(int frame_number) const;
void SetFrameTimestamp(int frame_number, base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Incremented every time a paint or update event occurs.
int next_frame_number_;
// Stores the last |event_time| from the last observation/decision. Used to
// sanity-check that event times are monotonically non-decreasing.
base::TimeTicks last_event_time_[kNumEvents];
// Updated by the last call to ObserveEventAndDecideCapture() with the
// estimated duration of the next frame to sample. This is zero if the method
// returned false.
base::TimeDelta duration_of_next_frame_;
// Stores the frame number from the last successfully delivered frame.
int last_successfully_delivered_frame_number_;
// Stores the number of pending frame captures.
int num_frames_pending_;
// These track present/paint history and propose whether to sample each event
// for capture. |smoothing_sampler_| uses a "works for all" heuristic, while
// |content_sampler_| specifically detects animated content (e.g., video
// playback) and decides which events to sample to "lock into" that content.
SmoothEventSampler smoothing_sampler_;
AnimatedContentSampler content_sampler_;
// Recent history of frame timestamps proposed by VideoCaptureOracle. This is
// a ring-buffer, and should only be accessed by the Get/SetFrameTimestamp()
// methods.
enum { kMaxFrameTimestamps = 16 };
base::TimeTicks frame_timestamps_[kMaxFrameTimestamps];
} // namespace media