blob: 6a63414b619b3c18cf6a2dba19a239dd70a805c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace browser_watcher {
// Stores and retrieves metrics related to crash dump attempts.
class CrashReportingMetrics {
// Represents the currently stored metrics.
struct Values {
// A count of crash dump attempts.
int crash_dump_attempts;
// A count of successful crash dump attempts.
int successful_crash_dumps;
// A count of failed crash dump attempts.
int failed_crash_dumps;
// A count of dump without crash attempts.
int dump_without_crash_attempts;
// A count of successful dump without crash attempts.
int successful_dumps_without_crash;
// A count of failed dump without crash attempts.
int failed_dumps_without_crash;
// Instantiates an instance that will store and retrieve its metrics from
// |registry_path|.
explicit CrashReportingMetrics(const base::string16& registry_path);
// Records that a crash dump is being attempted.
void RecordCrashDumpAttempt();
// Records that a dump without crash is being attempted.
void RecordDumpWithoutCrashAttempt();
// Records the result of a crash dump attempt.
void RecordCrashDumpAttemptResult(bool succeeded);
// Records the result of a dump without crash attempt.
void RecordDumpWithoutCrashAttemptResult(bool succeeded);
// Returns the currently stored metrics and resets them to 0.
Values RetrieveAndResetMetrics();
base::string16 registry_path_;
} // namespace browser_watcher