blob: b0b893f6903850511897a60184f78cea71e25fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/open_from_clipboard/clipboard_recent_content.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
@class NSDate;
@class NSUserDefaults;
@class PasteboardNotificationListenerBridge;
class ClipboardRecentContentIOSTest;
// IOS implementation of ClipboardRecentContent
class ClipboardRecentContentIOS : public ClipboardRecentContent {
// |application_scheme| is the URL scheme that can be used to open the
// current application, may be empty if no such scheme exists. Used to
// determine whether or not the clipboard contains a relevant URL.
// |group_user_defaults| is the NSUserDefaults used to store information on
// pasteboard entry expiration. This information will be shared with other
// application in the application group.
explicit ClipboardRecentContentIOS(const std::string& application_scheme,
NSUserDefaults* group_user_defaults);
~ClipboardRecentContentIOS() override;
// Notifies that the content of the pasteboard may have changed.
void PasteboardChanged();
// Checks if pasteboard changed since last time a pasteboard change was
// registered.
bool HasPasteboardChanged(base::TimeDelta uptime);
// Loads information from the user defaults about the latest pasteboard entry.
void LoadFromUserDefaults();
// ClipboardRecentContent implementation.
bool GetRecentURLFromClipboard(GURL* url) const override;
base::TimeDelta GetClipboardContentAge() const override;
void SuppressClipboardContent() override;
void RecentURLDisplayed() override;
friend class ClipboardRecentContentIOSTest;
// Helper constructor for testing. |uptime| is how long ago the device has
// started, while |application_scheme| has the same meaning as the public
// constructor.
ClipboardRecentContentIOS(const std::string& application_scheme,
base::TimeDelta uptime);
// Initializes the object. |uptime| is how long ago the device has started.
void Init(base::TimeDelta uptime);
// Saves information to the user defaults about the latest pasteboard entry.
void SaveToUserDefaults();
// Returns the URL contained in the clipboard (if any).
GURL URLFromPasteboard();
// Contains the URL scheme opening the app. May be empty.
std::string application_scheme_;
// The pasteboard's change count. Increases everytime the pasteboard changes.
NSInteger last_pasteboard_change_count_;
// Estimation of the date when the pasteboard changed.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSDate> last_pasteboard_change_date_;
// Estimation of the copy date of the last displayed URL.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSDate> last_displayed_pasteboard_entry_;
// MD5 hash of the last registered pasteboard entry.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSData> last_pasteboard_entry_md5_;
// Cache of the GURL contained in the pasteboard (if any).
GURL url_from_pasteboard_cache_;
// Bridge to receive notification when the pasteboard changes.
// The user defaults from the app group used to optimize the pasteboard change
// detection.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSUserDefaults> shared_user_defaults_;