blob: 72975cd4773ffbba15098af368404b3c72342eed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/win/metro.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
namespace base {
namespace win {
bool IsChromeMetroSupported() {
const Version win_version = GetVersion();
return win_version >= VERSION_WIN8 && win_version < VERSION_WIN10;
HMODULE GetMetroModule() {
const HMODULE kUninitialized = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(1);
static HMODULE metro_module = kUninitialized;
if (metro_module == kUninitialized) {
// Initialize the cache, note that the initialization is idempotent
// under the assumption that metro_driver is never unloaded, so the
// race to this assignment is safe.
metro_module = GetModuleHandleA("metro_driver.dll");
if (metro_module != NULL) {
// This must be a metro process if the metro_driver is loaded.
DCHECK(metro_module != kUninitialized);
return metro_module;
bool IsMetroProcess() {
enum ImmersiveState {
// The immersive state of a process can never change.
// Look it up once and cache it here.
static ImmersiveState state = kImmersiveUnknown;
if (state == kImmersiveUnknown) {
if (IsProcessImmersive(::GetCurrentProcess())) {
state = kImmersiveTrue;
} else {
state = kImmersiveFalse;
DCHECK_NE(kImmersiveUnknown, state);
return state == kImmersiveTrue;
bool IsProcessImmersive(HANDLE process) {
typedef BOOL (WINAPI* IsImmersiveProcessFunc)(HANDLE process);
HMODULE user32 = ::GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll");
DCHECK(user32 != NULL);
IsImmersiveProcessFunc is_immersive_process =
::GetProcAddress(user32, "IsImmersiveProcess"));
if (is_immersive_process)
return is_immersive_process(process) ? true: false;
return false;
wchar_t* LocalAllocAndCopyString(const string16& src) {
size_t dest_size = (src.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
wchar_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(LocalAlloc(LPTR, dest_size));
base::wcslcpy(dest, src.c_str(), dest_size);
return dest;
// Metro driver exports for getting the launch type, initial url, initial
// search term, etc.
extern "C" {
typedef const wchar_t* (*GetInitialUrl)();
typedef const wchar_t* (*GetInitialSearchString)();
typedef base::win::MetroLaunchType (*GetLaunchType)(
base::win::MetroPreviousExecutionState* previous_state);
MetroLaunchType GetMetroLaunchParams(string16* params) {
HMODULE metro = base::win::GetMetroModule();
if (!metro)
return base::win::METRO_LAUNCH_ERROR;
GetLaunchType get_launch_type = reinterpret_cast<GetLaunchType>(
::GetProcAddress(metro, "GetLaunchType"));
base::win::MetroLaunchType launch_type = get_launch_type(NULL);
if ((launch_type == base::win::METRO_PROTOCOL) ||
(launch_type == base::win::METRO_LAUNCH)) {
GetInitialUrl initial_metro_url = reinterpret_cast<GetInitialUrl>(
::GetProcAddress(metro, "GetInitialUrl"));
*params = initial_metro_url();
} else if (launch_type == base::win::METRO_SEARCH) {
GetInitialSearchString initial_search_string =
::GetProcAddress(metro, "GetInitialSearchString"));
*params = initial_search_string();
return launch_type;
} // namespace win
} // namespace base