blob: 4fb93a63d71a43d80d63a2cb44e33ba49b33b526 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "extensions/browser/value_store/value_store.h"
#include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/db.h"
namespace leveldb {
class Iterator;
} // namespace leveldb
// Manages a lazy connection to a leveldb database. "lazy" means that the
// leveldb database will be opened, when necessary, when any *public* method is
// called. Derived classes are responsible for calling EnsureDbIsOpen() before
// calling any other *protected* method.
class LazyLevelDb {
// Creates a new database iterator. This iterator *must* be deleted before
// this database is closed.
ValueStore::Status CreateIterator(const leveldb::ReadOptions& read_options,
scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator>* iterator);
// Converts a leveldb::Status to a ValueStore::Status. Will also sanitize path
// to eliminate user data path.
ValueStore::Status ToValueStoreError(const leveldb::Status& status);
// Deletes a value (identified by |key|) from the database.
ValueStore::Status Delete(const std::string& key);
LazyLevelDb(const std::string& uma_client_name, const base::FilePath& path);
// Closes, if necessary, and deletes the database directory.
bool DeleteDbFile();
// Fixes the |key| or database. If |key| is not null and the database is open
// then the key will be deleted. Otherwise the database will be repaired, and
// failing that will be deleted.
ValueStore::BackingStoreRestoreStatus FixCorruption(const std::string* key);
// Reads a |key| from the database, and populates |value| with the result. If
// the specified value does not exist in the database then an "OK" status will
// be returned and value will be unchanged. Caller must ensure the database is
// open before calling this method.
ValueStore::Status Read(const std::string& key,
scoped_ptr<base::Value>* value);
// Opens the underlying database if not yet open. If the open fails due to
// corruption will attempt to repair the database. Failing that, will attempt
// to delete the database. Will only attempt a single recovery.
ValueStore::Status EnsureDbIsOpen();
const std::string& open_histogram_name() const {
return open_histogram_->histogram_name();
leveldb::DB* db() { return db_.get(); }
const leveldb::ReadOptions& read_options() const { return read_options_; }
const leveldb::WriteOptions& write_options() const { return write_options_; }
ValueStore::BackingStoreRestoreStatus LogRestoreStatus(
ValueStore::BackingStoreRestoreStatus restore_status) const;
// The leveldb to which this class reads/writes.
scoped_ptr<leveldb::DB> db_;
// The path to the underlying leveldb.
const base::FilePath db_path_;
// The options to be used when this database is lazily opened.
leveldb::Options open_options_;
// The options to be used for all database read operations.
leveldb::ReadOptions read_options_;
// The options to be used for all database write operations.
leveldb::WriteOptions write_options_;
// Set when this database has tried to repair (and failed) to prevent
// unbounded attempts to open a bad/unrecoverable database.
bool db_unrecoverable_ = false;
// Used for UMA logging.
base::HistogramBase* open_histogram_ = nullptr;
base::HistogramBase* db_restore_histogram_ = nullptr;
base::HistogramBase* value_restore_histogram_ = nullptr;