blob: 14244b7b1fe80384f477f7fbfacdfced7c7b374b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/debug/activity_tracker.h"
namespace base {
namespace debug {
// This class provides analysis of data captured from a ThreadActivityTracker.
// When created, it takes a snapshot of the data held by the tracker and
// makes that information available to other code.
class BASE_EXPORT ThreadActivityAnalyzer {
// This class provides keys that uniquely identify a thread, even across
// multiple processes.
class ThreadKey {
ThreadKey(int64_t pid, int64_t tid) : pid_(pid), tid_(tid) {}
bool operator<(const ThreadKey& rhs) const {
if (pid_ != rhs.pid_)
return pid_ < rhs.pid_;
return tid_ < rhs.tid_;
bool operator==(const ThreadKey& rhs) const {
return (pid_ == rhs.pid_ && tid_ == rhs.tid_);
int64_t pid_;
int64_t tid_;
// Creates an analyzer for an existing activity |tracker|. A snapshot is taken
// immediately and the tracker is not referenced again.
explicit ThreadActivityAnalyzer(const ThreadActivityTracker& tracker);
// Creates an analyzer for a block of memory currently or previously in-use
// by an activity-tracker. A snapshot is taken immediately and the memory
// is not referenced again.
ThreadActivityAnalyzer(void* base, size_t size);
// Creates an analyzer for a block of memory held within a persistent-memory
// |allocator| at the given |reference|. A snapshot is taken immediately and
// the memory is not referenced again.
ThreadActivityAnalyzer(PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator,
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference reference);
// Returns true iff the contained data is valid. Results from all other
// methods are undefined if this returns false.
bool IsValid() { return activity_snapshot_valid_; }
// Gets the name of the thread.
const std::string& GetThreadName() {
return activity_snapshot_.thread_name;
// Gets the TheadKey for this thread.
ThreadKey GetThreadKey() {
return ThreadKey(activity_snapshot_.process_id,
friend class GlobalActivityAnalyzer;
// The snapshot of the activity tracker taken at the moment of construction.
ActivitySnapshot activity_snapshot_;
// Flag indicating if the snapshot data is valid.
bool activity_snapshot_valid_;
// A reference into a persistent memory allocator, used by the global
// analyzer to know where this tracker came from.
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference allocator_reference_ = 0;
// This class manages analyzers for all known processes and threads as stored
// in a persistent memory allocator. It supports retrieval of them through
// iteration and directly using a ThreadKey, which allows for cross-references
// to be resolved.
// Note that though atomic snapshots are used and everything has its snapshot
// taken at the same time, the multi-snapshot itself is not atomic and thus may
// show small inconsistencies between threads if attempted on a live system.
class BASE_EXPORT GlobalActivityAnalyzer {
using ThreadKey = ThreadActivityAnalyzer::ThreadKey;
// Creates a global analyzer from a persistent memory allocator.
explicit GlobalActivityAnalyzer(
std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator);
#if !defined(OS_NACL)
// Creates a global analyzer using the contents of a file given in
// |file_path|.
static std::unique_ptr<GlobalActivityAnalyzer> CreateWithFile(
const FilePath& file_path);
#endif // !defined(OS_NACL)
// Iterates over all known valid analyzers or returns null if there are no
// more. Ownership stays with the global analyzer object and all existing
// analyzer pointers are invalidated when GetFirstAnalyzer() is called.
ThreadActivityAnalyzer* GetFirstAnalyzer();
ThreadActivityAnalyzer* GetNextAnalyzer();
// Gets the analyzer for a specific thread or null if there is none.
// Ownership stays with the global analyzer object.
ThreadActivityAnalyzer* GetAnalyzerForThread(const ThreadKey& key);
using AnalyzerMap =
std::map<ThreadKey, std::unique_ptr<ThreadActivityAnalyzer>>;
// Finds, creates, and indexes analyzers for all known processes and threads.
void PrepareAllAnalyzers();
// The persistent memory allocator holding all tracking data.
std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator_;
// The iterator for finding tracking information in the allocator.
PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator allocator_iterator_;
// A set of all tracker memory references found within the allocator.
std::set<PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference> tracker_references_;
// A map, keyed by ThreadKey, of all valid activity analyzers.
AnalyzerMap analyzers_;
// The iterator within the analyzers_ map for returning analyzers through
// first/next iteration.
AnalyzerMap::iterator analyzers_iterator_;
} // namespace debug
} // namespace base