blob: c97e9a7dc5991a5127c4f1338a152dffd6db2e49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/channel_layout.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/pipeline_status.h"
#include "media/base/sample_format.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace base {
class RunLoop;
class TimeDelta;
namespace media {
class AudioBuffer;
class DecoderBuffer;
// Return a callback that expects to be run once.
base::Closure NewExpectedClosure();
base::Callback<void(bool)> NewExpectedBoolCB(bool success);
PipelineStatusCB NewExpectedStatusCB(PipelineStatus status);
// Helper class for running a message loop until a callback has run. Useful for
// testing classes that run on more than a single thread.
// Events are intended for single use and cannot be reset.
class WaitableMessageLoopEvent : public base::NonThreadSafe {
explicit WaitableMessageLoopEvent(base::TimeDelta timeout);
// Returns a thread-safe closure that will signal |this| when executed.
base::Closure GetClosure();
PipelineStatusCB GetPipelineStatusCB();
// Runs the current message loop until |this| has been signaled.
// Fails the test if the timeout is reached.
void RunAndWait();
// Runs the current message loop until |this| has been signaled and asserts
// that the |expected| status was received.
// Fails the test if the timeout is reached.
void RunAndWaitForStatus(PipelineStatus expected);
bool is_signaled() const { return signaled_; }
void OnCallback(PipelineStatus status);
void OnTimeout();
bool signaled_;
PipelineStatus status_;
std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
const base::TimeDelta timeout_;
// Provides pre-canned VideoDecoderConfig. These types are used for tests that
// don't care about detailed parameters of the config.
class TestVideoConfig {
// Returns a configuration that is invalid.
static VideoDecoderConfig Invalid();
static VideoDecoderConfig Normal();
static VideoDecoderConfig NormalEncrypted();
// Returns a configuration that is larger in dimensions than Normal().
static VideoDecoderConfig Large();
static VideoDecoderConfig LargeEncrypted();
// Returns coded size for Normal and Large config.
static gfx::Size NormalCodedSize();
static gfx::Size LargeCodedSize();
// Provides pre-canned AudioParameters objects.
class TestAudioParameters {
static AudioParameters Normal();
// Create an AudioBuffer containing |frames| frames of data, where each sample
// is of type T. |start| and |increment| are used to specify the values for the
// samples, which are created in channel order. The value for frame and channel
// is determined by:
// |start| + |channel| * |frames| * |increment| + index * |increment|
// E.g., for a stereo buffer the values in channel 0 will be:
// start
// start + increment
// start + 2 * increment, ...
// While, values in channel 1 will be:
// start + frames * increment
// start + (frames + 1) * increment
// start + (frames + 2) * increment, ...
// |start_time| will be used as the start time for the samples.
template <class T>
scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakeAudioBuffer(SampleFormat format,
ChannelLayout channel_layout,
size_t channel_count,
int sample_rate,
T start,
T increment,
size_t frames,
base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Create a fake video DecoderBuffer for testing purpose. The buffer contains
// part of video decoder config info embedded so that the testing code can do
// some sanity check.
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> CreateFakeVideoBufferForTest(
const VideoDecoderConfig& config,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
base::TimeDelta duration);
// Verify if a fake video DecoderBuffer is valid.
bool VerifyFakeVideoBufferForTest(const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer,
const VideoDecoderConfig& config);
MATCHER_P(HasTimestamp, timestamp_in_ms, "") {
return arg.get() && !arg->end_of_stream() &&
arg->timestamp().InMilliseconds() == timestamp_in_ms;
MATCHER(IsEndOfStream, "") {
return arg.get() && arg->end_of_stream();
MATCHER_P(SegmentMissingFrames, track_id, "") {
arg, "Media segment did not contain any coded frames for track " +
MATCHER(StreamParsingFailed, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "Append: stream parsing failed.");
MATCHER_P(FoundStream, stream_type_string, "") {
arg, "found_" + std::string(stream_type_string) + "_stream") &&
CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "true");
MATCHER_P2(CodecName, stream_type_string, codec_string, "") {
std::string(stream_type_string) + "_codec_name") &&
CONTAINS_STRING(arg, std::string(codec_string));
MATCHER_P2(InitSegmentMismatchesMimeType, stream_type, codec_name, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, std::string(stream_type) + " stream codec " +
std::string(codec_name) +
" doesn't match SourceBuffer codecs.");
MATCHER_P(InitSegmentMissesExpectedTrack, missing_codec, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "Initialization segment misses expected " +
std::string(missing_codec) + " track.");
MATCHER_P2(UnexpectedTrack, track_type, id, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, std::string("Got unexpected ") + track_type +
" track track_id=" + id);
MATCHER_P2(GeneratedSplice, duration_microseconds, time_microseconds, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "Generated splice of overlap duration " +
base::IntToString(duration_microseconds) +
"us into new buffer at " +
base::IntToString(time_microseconds) + "us.");
"") {
arg, "Skipping splice frame generation: first new buffer at " +
base::IntToString(new_microseconds) +
"us begins at or before existing buffer at " +
base::IntToString(existing_microseconds) + "us.");
MATCHER_P(SkippingSpliceAlreadySpliced, time_microseconds, "") {
arg, "Skipping splice frame generation: overlapped buffers at " +
base::IntToString(time_microseconds) +
"us are in a previously buffered splice.");
MATCHER_P(WebMSimpleBlockDurationEstimated, estimated_duration_ms, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "Estimating WebM block duration to be " +
base::IntToString(estimated_duration_ms) +
"ms for the last (Simple)Block in the "
"Cluster for this Track. Use BlockGroups "
"with BlockDurations at the end of each "
"Track in a Cluster to avoid estimation.");
MATCHER_P(WebMNegativeTimecodeOffset, timecode_string, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "Got a block with negative timecode offset " +
MATCHER(WebMOutOfOrderTimecode, "") {
arg, "Got a block with a timecode before the previous block.");
MATCHER(WebMClusterBeforeFirstInfo, "") {
return CONTAINS_STRING(arg, "Found Cluster element before Info.");
} // namespace media