blob: e6b7f9f7d6b45ed2444cc7d3c59cb6cde825e722 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace extensions {
// Extra information about an event that is used in event filtering.
// This is the information that is matched against criteria specified in JS
// extension event listeners. Eg:
// chrome.someApi.onSomeEvent.addListener(cb,
// {url: [{hostSuffix: ''}],
// tabId: 1});
class EventFilteringInfo {
EventFilteringInfo(const EventFilteringInfo& other);
void SetWindowExposedByDefault(bool exposed);
void SetWindowType(const std::string& window_type);
void SetURL(const GURL& url);
void SetInstanceID(int instance_id);
void SetServiceType(const std::string& service_type) {
service_type_ = service_type;
// Note: window type & visible are Chrome concepts, so arguably
// doesn't belong in the extensions module. If the number of Chrome
// concept grows, consider a delegation model with a
// ChromeEventFilteringInfo class.
bool has_window_type() const { return has_window_type_; }
const std::string& window_type() const { return window_type_; }
// By default events related to windows are filtered based on the
// listener's extension. This parameter will be set if the listener
// didn't set any filter on window types.
bool has_window_exposed_by_default() const {
return has_window_exposed_by_default_;
bool window_exposed_by_default() const { return window_exposed_by_default_; }
bool has_url() const { return has_url_; }
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
bool has_instance_id() const { return has_instance_id_; }
int instance_id() const { return instance_id_; }
bool has_service_type() const { return !service_type_.empty(); }
const std::string& service_type() const { return service_type_; }
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> AsValue() const;
bool has_url_;
GURL url_;
std::string service_type_;
bool has_instance_id_;
int instance_id_;
bool has_window_type_;
std::string window_type_;
bool has_window_exposed_by_default_;
bool window_exposed_by_default_;
// Allow implicit copy and assignment.
} // namespace extensions