blob: 2eee52f99666c336098390877082cc3289c083ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module device.mojom;
import "mojo/common/time.mojom";
import "gpu/ipc/common/mailbox_holder.mojom";
import "gpu/ipc/common/sync_token.mojom";
// A field of view, given by 4 degrees describing the view from a center point.
struct VRFieldOfView {
float upDegrees;
float downDegrees;
float leftDegrees;
float rightDegrees;
// A display's position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration state at the
// given timestamp.
struct VRPose {
array<float, 4>? orientation;
array<float, 3>? position;
array<float, 3>? angularVelocity;
array<float, 3>? linearVelocity;
array<float, 3>? angularAcceleration;
array<float, 3>? linearAcceleration;
struct VRDisplayCapabilities {
bool hasOrientation;
bool hasPosition;
bool hasExternalDisplay;
bool canPresent;
// Information about the optical properties for an eye in a VRDisplay.
struct VREyeParameters {
VRFieldOfView fieldOfView;
array<float, 3> offset;
uint32 renderWidth;
uint32 renderHeight;
struct VRStageParameters {
array<float, 16> standingTransform;
float sizeX;
float sizeZ;
struct VRDisplayInfo {
uint32 index;
string displayName;
VRDisplayCapabilities capabilities;
VRStageParameters? stageParameters;
VREyeParameters leftEye;
VREyeParameters rightEye;
struct VRLayerBounds {
float left;
float top;
float width;
float height;
enum VRDisplayEventReason {
NONE = 0,
// TODO( : Add comments to describe these interfaces about
// how to use and where they live.
interface VRService {
// TODO( : Use a factory function which took a
// VRServiceClient so we would never have a half-initialized VRService.
SetClient(VRServiceClient client) => (uint32 numberOfConnectedDevices);
// Inform the service that the page is listening for vrdisplayactivate events.
SetListeningForActivate(bool listening);
interface VRServiceClient {
OnDisplayConnected(VRDisplay display, VRDisplayClient& request,
VRDisplayInfo displayInfo);
interface VRSubmitFrameClient {
interface VRDisplay {
RequestPresent(bool secureOrigin, VRSubmitFrameClient client) => (bool success);
SubmitFrame(int16 frameId, gpu.mojom.MailboxHolder mailboxHolder);
UpdateLayerBounds(int16 frameId, VRLayerBounds leftBounds,
VRLayerBounds rightBounds, int16 sourceWidth,
int16 sourceHeight);
GetVRVSyncProvider(VRVSyncProvider& request);
interface VRVSyncProvider {
enum Status { SUCCESS, CLOSING };
// The frameId maps a VSync to a frame arriving from the compositor. IDs will
// be reused after the frame arrives from the compositor. Negative IDs imply
// no mapping.
GetVSync() => (VRPose? pose, mojo.common.mojom.TimeDelta time, int16 frameId,
Status status);
interface VRDisplayClient {
OnChanged(VRDisplayInfo display);
OnActivate(VRDisplayEventReason reason);
OnDeactivate(VRDisplayEventReason reason);