blob: 7efb736535590b61a421c9b6937ea5ff74269e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/browser/info_map.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "extensions/browser/content_verifier.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_resource.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_set.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/incognito_info.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/shared_module_info.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_data.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using content::BrowserThread;
namespace extensions {
namespace {
void CheckOnValidThread() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::IO); }
} // namespace
struct InfoMap::ExtraData {
// When the extension was installed.
base::Time install_time;
// True if the user has allowed this extension to run in incognito mode.
bool incognito_enabled;
// True if the user has disabled notifications for this extension manually.
bool notifications_disabled;
: incognito_enabled(false), notifications_disabled(false) {
InfoMap::ExtraData::~ExtraData() {}
InfoMap::InfoMap() {
const ExtensionSet& InfoMap::extensions() const {
return extensions_;
const ExtensionSet& InfoMap::disabled_extensions() const {
return disabled_extensions_;
void InfoMap::AddExtension(const Extension* extension,
base::Time install_time,
bool incognito_enabled,
bool notifications_disabled) {
extra_data_[extension->id()].install_time = install_time;
extra_data_[extension->id()].incognito_enabled = incognito_enabled;
extra_data_[extension->id()].notifications_disabled = notifications_disabled;
void InfoMap::RemoveExtension(const std::string& extension_id,
const UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) {
const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(extension_id);
extra_data_.erase(extension_id); // we don't care about disabled extra data
bool was_uninstalled = (reason != UnloadedExtensionInfo::REASON_DISABLE &&
reason != UnloadedExtensionInfo::REASON_TERMINATE);
if (extension) {
if (!was_uninstalled)
} else if (was_uninstalled) {
// If the extension was uninstalled, make sure it's removed from the map of
// disabled extensions.
} else {
// NOTE: This can currently happen if we receive multiple unload
// notifications, e.g. setting incognito-enabled state for a
// disabled extension (e.g., via sync). See
// .
NOTREACHED() << extension_id;
base::Time InfoMap::GetInstallTime(const std::string& extension_id) const {
ExtraDataMap::const_iterator iter = extra_data_.find(extension_id);
if (iter != extra_data_.end())
return iter->second.install_time;
return base::Time();
bool InfoMap::IsIncognitoEnabled(const std::string& extension_id) const {
// Keep in sync with duplicate in extensions/browser/
ExtraDataMap::const_iterator iter = extra_data_.find(extension_id);
if (iter != extra_data_.end())
return iter->second.incognito_enabled;
return false;
bool InfoMap::CanCrossIncognito(const Extension* extension) const {
// This is duplicated from ExtensionService :(.
return IsIncognitoEnabled(extension->id()) &&
void InfoMap::RegisterExtensionProcess(const std::string& extension_id,
int process_id,
int site_instance_id) {
if (!process_map_.Insert(extension_id, process_id, site_instance_id)) {
NOTREACHED() << "Duplicate extension process registration for: "
<< extension_id << "," << process_id << ".";
void InfoMap::UnregisterExtensionProcess(const std::string& extension_id,
int process_id,
int site_instance_id) {
if (!process_map_.Remove(extension_id, process_id, site_instance_id)) {
NOTREACHED() << "Unknown extension process registration for: "
<< extension_id << "," << process_id << ".";
void InfoMap::UnregisterAllExtensionsInProcess(int process_id) {
bool InfoMap::SecurityOriginHasAPIPermission(
const GURL& origin,
int process_id,
APIPermission::ID permission) const {
if (origin.SchemeIs(kExtensionScheme)) {
const std::string& id =;
const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetByID(id);
return extension &&
extension->permissions_data()->HasAPIPermission(permission) &&
process_map_.Contains(id, process_id);
for (const auto& extension : extensions_) {
if (extension->web_extent().MatchesSecurityOrigin(origin) &&
extension->permissions_data()->HasAPIPermission(permission) &&
process_map_.Contains(extension->id(), process_id)) {
return true;
return false;
// This function is security sensitive. Bugs could cause problems that break
// restrictions on local file access or NaCl's validation caching. If you modify
// this function, please get a security review from a NaCl person.
bool InfoMap::MapUrlToLocalFilePath(const GURL& file_url,
bool use_blocking_api,
base::FilePath* file_path) {
// Check that the URL is recognized by the extension system.
const Extension* extension = extensions_.GetExtensionOrAppByURL(file_url);
if (!extension)
return false;
// This is a short-cut which avoids calling a blocking file operation
// (GetFilePath()), so that this can be called on the IO thread. It only
// handles a subset of the urls.
if (!use_blocking_api) {
if (file_url.SchemeIs(extensions::kExtensionScheme)) {
std::string path = file_url.path();
base::TrimString(path, "/", &path); // Remove first slash
*file_path = extension->path().AppendASCII(path);
return true;
return false;
std::string path = file_url.path();
ExtensionResource resource;
if (SharedModuleInfo::IsImportedPath(path)) {
// Check if this is a valid path that is imported for this extension.
std::string new_extension_id;
std::string new_relative_path;
path, &new_extension_id, &new_relative_path);
const Extension* new_extension = extensions_.GetByID(new_extension_id);
if (!new_extension)
return false;
if (!SharedModuleInfo::ImportsExtensionById(extension, new_extension_id))
return false;
resource = new_extension->GetResource(new_relative_path);
} else {
// Check that the URL references a resource in the extension.
resource = extension->GetResource(path);
if (resource.empty())
return false;
// GetFilePath is a blocking function call.
const base::FilePath resource_file_path = resource.GetFilePath();
if (resource_file_path.empty())
return false;
*file_path = resource_file_path;
return true;
QuotaService* InfoMap::GetQuotaService() {
if (!quota_service_)
quota_service_.reset(new QuotaService());
return quota_service_.get();
void InfoMap::SetNotificationsDisabled(
const std::string& extension_id,
bool notifications_disabled) {
ExtraDataMap::iterator iter = extra_data_.find(extension_id);
if (iter != extra_data_.end())
iter->second.notifications_disabled = notifications_disabled;
bool InfoMap::AreNotificationsDisabled(
const std::string& extension_id) const {
ExtraDataMap::const_iterator iter = extra_data_.find(extension_id);
if (iter != extra_data_.end())
return iter->second.notifications_disabled;
return false;
void InfoMap::SetContentVerifier(ContentVerifier* verifier) {
content_verifier_ = verifier;
InfoMap::~InfoMap() {
if (quota_service_) {
BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, quota_service_.release());
} // namespace extensions