blob: 975e2185c461e5e85849fc1acc368ac8e5f8accd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/login_status.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session_types.h"
#include "ash/public/interfaces/session_controller.mojom.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
class AccountId;
namespace ash {
class SessionStateObserver;
// Implements mojom::SessionController to cache session related info such as
// session state, meta data about user sessions to support synchronous
// queries for ash. It is targeted as a replacement for SessionStateDelegate.
class ASH_EXPORT SessionController
: NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public mojom::SessionController) {
~SessionController() override;
// Binds the mojom::SessionControllerRequest to this object.
void BindRequest(mojom::SessionControllerRequest request);
// Returns the maximum possible number of logged in users.
int GetMaximumNumberOfLoggedInUsers() const;
// Returns the number of signed in users. If 0 is returned, there is either
// no session in progress or no active user.
int NumberOfLoggedInUsers() const;
// Gets the policy of adding a user session to ash.
AddUserSessionPolicy GetAddUserPolicy() const;
// Returns |true| if the session has been fully started for the active user.
// When a user becomes active, the profile and browser UI are not immediately
// available. Only once this method starts returning |true| is the browser
// startup complete and both profile and UI are fully available.
bool IsActiveUserSessionStarted() const;
// Returns true if the screen can be locked.
bool CanLockScreen() const;
// Returns true if the screen is currently locked.
bool IsScreenLocked() const;
// Returns true if the screen should be locked automatically when the screen
// is turned off or the system is suspended.
bool ShouldLockScreenAutomatically() const;
// Returns true if user session blocked by some overlying UI. It can be
// login screen, lock screen or screen for adding users into multi-profile
// session.
bool IsUserSessionBlocked() const;
// Convenience function that returns true if session state is LOGIN_SECONDARY.
bool IsInSecondaryLoginScreen() const;
// Gets the ash session state.
session_manager::SessionState GetSessionState() const;
// Gets the user sessions in LRU order with the active session being first.
const std::vector<mojom::UserSessionPtr>& GetUserSessions() const;
// Convenience helper to gets the user session at a given index. Returns
// nullptr if no user session is found for the index.
const mojom::UserSession* GetUserSession(UserIndex index) const;
// Locks the screen. The locking happens asynchronously.
void LockScreen();
// Switches to another active user with |account_id| (if that user has
// already signed in).
void SwitchActiveUser(const AccountId& account_id);
// Switches the active user to the next or previous user, with the same
// ordering as user sessions are created.
void CycleActiveUser(CycleUserDirection direction);
void AddSessionStateObserver(SessionStateObserver* observer);
void RemoveSessionStateObserver(SessionStateObserver* observer);
// Returns the ash notion of login status.
// NOTE: Prefer GetSessionState() in new code because the concept of
// SessionState more closes matches the state in chrome.
LoginStatus login_status() const { return login_status_; }
// mojom::SessionController
void SetClient(mojom::SessionControllerClientPtr client) override;
void SetSessionInfo(mojom::SessionInfoPtr info) override;
void UpdateUserSession(mojom::UserSessionPtr user_session) override;
void SetUserSessionOrder(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& user_session_order) override;
void RunUnlockAnimation(const RunUnlockAnimationCallback& callback) override;
// Test helpers.
void ClearUserSessionsForTest();
void FlushMojoForTest();
void LockScreenAndFlushForTest();
void SetSessionState(session_manager::SessionState state);
void AddUserSession(mojom::UserSessionPtr user_session);
// Calculate login status based on session state and active user session.
LoginStatus CalculateLoginStatus() const;
// Helper that returns login status when the session state is ACTIVE.
LoginStatus CalculateLoginStatusForActiveSession() const;
// Update the |login_status_| and notify observers.
void UpdateLoginStatus();
// Bindings for mojom::SessionController interface.
mojo::BindingSet<mojom::SessionController> bindings_;
// Client interface to session manager code (chrome).
mojom::SessionControllerClientPtr client_;
// Cached session info.
bool can_lock_ = false;
bool should_lock_screen_automatically_ = false;
AddUserSessionPolicy add_user_session_policy_ = AddUserSessionPolicy::ALLOWED;
session_manager::SessionState state_;
// Cached user session info sorted by the order from SetUserSessionOrder.
// Currently the session manager code (chrome) sets a LRU order with the
// active session being the first.
std::vector<mojom::UserSessionPtr> user_sessions_;
// The user session id of the current active user session. User session id
// is managed by session manager code, starting at 1. 0u is an invalid id
// to detect first active user session.
uint32_t active_session_id_ = 0u;
// Last known login status. Used to track login status changes.
LoginStatus login_status_ = LoginStatus::NOT_LOGGED_IN;
// Whether unlocking is in progress. The flag is set when the pre-unlock
// animation starts and reset when session state is no longer LOCKED.
bool is_unlocking_ = false;
base::ObserverList<ash::SessionStateObserver> observers_;
} // namespace ash