blob: fd32d3954c36056606a6b7ac3682431083dc2b4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The Safe Browsing service is responsible for downloading anti-phishing and
// anti-malware tables and checking urls against them.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/hit_report.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/util.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing_db/v4_protocol_manager_util.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
} // namespace net
namespace safe_browsing {
// Value returned by some Check*Whitelist() calls that may or may not have an
// immediate answer.
enum class AsyncMatch {
ASYNC, // No answer yet -- Client will get a callback
MATCH, // URL matches the list. No callback.
NO_MATCH, // URL doesn't match. No callback.
struct V4ProtocolConfig;
class V4GetHashProtocolManager;
// Base class to either the locally-managed or a remotely-managed database.
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> {
// Callers requesting a result should derive from this class.
// The destructor should call db_manager->CancelCheck(client) if a
// request is still pending.
class Client {
virtual ~Client() {}
// Called when the result of checking the API blacklist is known.
// TODO(kcarattini): Consider if we need |url| passed here, remove if not.
virtual void OnCheckApiBlacklistUrlResult(const GURL& url,
const ThreatMetadata& metadata) {}
// Called when the result of checking a browse URL is known or the result of
// checking the URL for subresource filter is known.
virtual void OnCheckBrowseUrlResult(const GURL& url,
SBThreatType threat_type,
const ThreatMetadata& metadata) {}
// Called when the result of checking a download URL is known.
virtual void OnCheckDownloadUrlResult(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain,
SBThreatType threat_type) {}
// Called when the result of checking a set of extensions is known.
virtual void OnCheckExtensionsResult(
const std::set<std::string>& threats) {}
// Called when the result of checking the resource blacklist is known.
virtual void OnCheckResourceUrlResult(const GURL& url,
SBThreatType threat_type,
const std::string& threat_hash) {}
// Called when the result of checking a whitelist is known.
// Currently only used for CSD whitelist.
virtual void OnCheckWhitelistUrlResult(bool is_whitelisted) {}
// Methods called by the client to cancel pending checks.
// Called on the IO thread to cancel a pending API check if the result is no
// longer needed. Returns true if the client was found and the check
// successfully cancelled.
virtual bool CancelApiCheck(Client* client);
// Called on the IO thread to cancel a pending check if the result is no
// longer needed. Also called after the result has been handled. Api checks
// are handled separately. To cancel an API check use CancelApiCheck.
virtual void CancelCheck(Client* client) = 0;
// Methods to check whether the database manager supports a certain feature.
// Returns true if this resource type should be checked.
virtual bool CanCheckResourceType(
content::ResourceType resource_type) const = 0;
virtual bool CanCheckSubresourceFilter() const = 0;
// Returns true if the url's scheme can be checked.
virtual bool CanCheckUrl(const GURL& url) const = 0;
// Returns true if checks are never done synchronously, and therefore
// always have some latency.
virtual bool ChecksAreAlwaysAsync() const = 0;
// Methods to check (possibly asynchronously) whether a given resource is
// safe. If the database manager can't determine it synchronously, the
// appropriate method on the |client| is called back when the reputation of
// the resource is known.
// Called on the IO thread to check if the given url has blacklisted APIs.
// "client" is called asynchronously with the result when it is ready. Callers
// should wait for results before calling this method a second time with the
// same client. This method has the same implementation for both the local and
// remote database managers since it pings Safe Browsing servers directly
// without accessing the database at all. Returns true if we can
// synchronously determine that the url is safe. Otherwise it returns false,
// and "client" is called asynchronously with the result when it is ready.
virtual bool CheckApiBlacklistUrl(const GURL& url, Client* client);
// Check if the |url| matches any of the full-length hashes from the client-
// side phishing detection whitelist. The 3-state return value indicates
// the result or that the Client will get a callback later with the result.
virtual AsyncMatch CheckCsdWhitelistUrl(const GURL& url, Client* client) = 0;
// Called on the IO thread to check if the given url is safe or not. If we
// can synchronously determine that the url is safe, CheckUrl returns true.
// Otherwise it returns false, and "client" is called asynchronously with the
// result when it is ready. The URL will only be checked for the threat types
// in |threat_types|.
virtual bool CheckBrowseUrl(const GURL& url,
const SBThreatTypeSet& threat_types,
Client* client) = 0;
// Check if the prefix for |url| is in safebrowsing download add lists.
// Result will be passed to callback in |client|.
virtual bool CheckDownloadUrl(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain,
Client* client) = 0;
// Check which prefixes in |extension_ids| are in the safebrowsing blacklist.
// Returns true if not, false if further checks need to be made in which case
// the result will be passed to |client|.
virtual bool CheckExtensionIDs(const std::set<std::string>& extension_ids,
Client* client) = 0;
// Check if |url| is in the resources blacklist. Returns true if not, false
// if further checks need to be made in which case the result will be passed
// to callback in |client|.
virtual bool CheckResourceUrl(const GURL& url, Client* client) = 0;
// Called on the IO thread to check if the given url belongs to a list the
// subresource cares about. If the url doesn't belong to any such list and the
// check can happen synchronously, returns true. Otherwise it returns false,
// and "client" is called asynchronously with the result when it is ready.
// Returns true if the list is not yet available.
virtual bool CheckUrlForSubresourceFilter(const GURL& url,
Client* client) = 0;
// Match*(): Methods to synchronously check if various types are safe.
// Check if the |url| matches any of the full-length hashes from the client-
// side phishing detection whitelist. Returns true if there was a match and
// false otherwise. To make sure we are conservative we will return true if
// an error occurs. This method must be called on the IO thread.
virtual bool MatchCsdWhitelistUrl(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Check if |str| matches any of the full-length hashes from the download
// whitelist. Returns true if there was a match and false otherwise. To make
// sure we are conservative we will return true if an error occurs. This
// method must be called on the IO thread.
virtual bool MatchDownloadWhitelistString(const std::string& str) = 0;
// Check if the |url| matches any of the full-length hashes from the download
// whitelist. Returns true if there was a match and false otherwise. To make
// sure we are conservative we will return true if an error occurs. This
// method must be called on the IO thread.
virtual bool MatchDownloadWhitelistUrl(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Check if the given IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) matches the malware
// IP blacklist.
virtual bool MatchMalwareIP(const std::string& ip_address) = 0;
// Check if |str|, a lowercase DLL file name, matches any of the full-length
// hashes from the module whitelist. Returns true if there was a match and
// false otherwise. To make sure we are conservative we will return true if
// an error occurs. This method must be called on the IO thread.
virtual bool MatchModuleWhitelistString(const std::string& str) = 0;
// Methods to check the config of the DatabaseManager.
// Returns the lists that this DatabaseManager should get full hashes for.
virtual StoresToCheck GetStoresForFullHashRequests();
// Returns the ThreatSource for this implementation.
virtual ThreatSource GetThreatSource() const = 0;
// Check if the CSD whitelist kill switch is turned on.
virtual bool IsCsdWhitelistKillSwitchOn() = 0;
// Returns whether download protection is enabled.
virtual bool IsDownloadProtectionEnabled() const = 0;
// Check if the CSD malware IP matching kill switch is turned on.
virtual bool IsMalwareKillSwitchOn() = 0;
// Returns true if URL-checking is supported on this build+device.
// If false, calls to CheckBrowseUrl may dcheck-fail.
virtual bool IsSupported() const = 0;
// Methods to indicate when to start or suspend the SafeBrowsing operations.
// These functions are always called on the IO thread.
// Called to initialize objects that are used on the io_thread, such as the
// v4 protocol manager. This may be called multiple times during the life of
// the DatabaseManager. Must be called on IO thread. All subclasses should
// override this method, set enabled_ to true and call the base class method
// at the top of it.
virtual void StartOnIOThread(
net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
const V4ProtocolConfig& config);
// Called to stop or shutdown operations on the io_thread. All subclasses
// should override this method, set enabled_ to false and call the base class
// method at the bottom of it.
virtual void StopOnIOThread(bool shutdown);
// Bundled client info for an API abuse hash prefix check.
class SafeBrowsingApiCheck {
SafeBrowsingApiCheck(const GURL& url, Client* client);
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
Client* client() const { return client_; }
GURL url_;
// Not owned.
Client* client_;
virtual ~SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager>;
// Called on the IO thread when the SafeBrowsingProtocolManager has received
// the full hash and api results for prefixes of the |url| argument in
// CheckApiBlacklistUrl.
void OnThreatMetadataResponse(std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingApiCheck> check,
const ThreatMetadata& md);
typedef std::set<SafeBrowsingApiCheck*> ApiCheckSet;
// In-progress checks. This set owns the SafeBrowsingApiCheck pointers and is
// responsible for deleting them when removing from the set.
ApiCheckSet api_checks_;
// Whether the service is running. 'enabled_' is used by the
// SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager on the IO thread during normal operations.
bool enabled_;
// Created and destroyed via StartOnIOThread/StopOnIOThread.
std::unique_ptr<V4GetHashProtocolManager> v4_get_hash_protocol_manager_;
// Returns an iterator to the pending API check with the given |client|.
ApiCheckSet::iterator FindClientApiCheck(Client* client);
}; // class SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager
} // namespace safe_browsing