blob: 84e5850ff3c71b7b9113d61fbc098e059d2da34b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/entity_metadata.pb.h"
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkNode;
namespace syncer {
struct EntityData;
namespace sync_bookmarks {
// This class is responsible for keeping the mapping between bookmarks node in
// the local model and the server-side corresponding sync entities. It manages
// the metadata for its entity and caches entity data upon a local change until
// commit confirmation is received.
class SyncedBookmarkTracker {
class Entity {
// |bookmark_node| must not be null and must outlive this object.
explicit Entity(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* bookmark_node);
// Returns true if this data is out of sync with the server.
// A commit may or may not be in progress at this time.
bool IsUnsynced() const;
// Check whether |data| matches the stored specifics hash.
bool MatchesData(const syncer::EntityData& data) const;
// It never returns null.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* bookmark_node() const {
return bookmark_node_;
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* const bookmark_node_;
// Returns null if not entity is found.
const Entity* GetEntityForSyncId(const std::string& sync_id) const;
// Associates a server id with the corresponding local bookmark node in
// |sync_id_to_entities_map_|.
void Associate(const std::string& sync_id,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* bookmark_node);
// Removes the association that corresponds to |sync_id| from
// |sync_id_to_entities_map_|.
void Disassociate(const std::string& sync_id);
// Returns number of tracked entities. Used only in test.
std::size_t TrackedEntitiesCountForTest() const;
// A map of sync server ids to sync entities. This should contain entries and
// metadata for almost everything. However, since local data are loaded only
// when needed (e.g. before a commit cycle), the entities may not always
// contain model type data/specifics.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Entity>> sync_id_to_entities_map_;
} // namespace sync_bookmarks