blob: dd3f4c582e3f26f4fe2c3b802446c6972534ad80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace search_provider_logos {
// The maximum number of milliseconds that a logo can be cached.
extern const int64_t kMaxTimeToLiveMS;
enum class LogoType {
// Note: whenever a new field is added here, LogoCache must be updated to
// serialize and deserialize that field.
struct LogoMetadata {
LogoMetadata(const LogoMetadata&);
LogoMetadata(LogoMetadata&&) noexcept;
LogoMetadata& operator=(const LogoMetadata&);
LogoMetadata& operator=(LogoMetadata&&) noexcept;
// For use by the client ----------------------------------------------------
LogoType type = LogoType::SIMPLE;
// SIMPLE, ANIMATED: The URL to load when the logo is clicked.
// INTERACTIVE: Unused, on Desktop. Same as SIMPLE/ANIMATED on Mobile.
GURL on_click_url;
// INTERACTIVE: The URL of a full-page version of the logo. On Desktop, logo
// is embedded into an <iframe> on the NTP.
// SIMPLE, ANIMATED: not used.
GURL full_page_url;
// SIMPLE: The accessibility text for the logo.
// ANIMATED: The accessibility text for the CTA and animated logos.
// INTERACTIVE: The accessibility text for the iframe, on Desktop.
std::string alt_text;
// SIMPLE: The mime type of the logo image.
// ANIMATED: The mime type of the CTA image.
std::string mime_type;
// ANIMATED: The URL for an animated image to display when the call to action
// logo is clicked. If |animated_url| is not empty, |encoded_image| refers to
// a call to action image.
GURL animated_url;
// The URL to ping when the CTA image is clicked. May be empty.
GURL cta_log_url;
// The URL to ping when the main image is clicked (i.e. the animated image if
// there is one, or the only image otherwise). May be empty.
GURL log_url;
// SIMPLE, ANIMATED: ignored
// INTERACTIVE: appropriate dimensions for the iframe.
int iframe_width_px = 0;
int iframe_height_px = 0;
// For use by LogoService ---------------------------------------------------
// The URL from which the logo was downloaded (without the fingerprint param).
GURL source_url;
// A fingerprint (i.e. hash) identifying the logo. Used when revalidating the
// logo with the server.
std::string fingerprint;
// Whether the logo can be shown optimistically after it's expired while a
// fresh logo is being downloaded.
bool can_show_after_expiration = false;
// When the logo expires. After this time, the logo will not be used and will
// be deleted.
base::Time expiration_time;
enum class LogoCallbackReason {
// The default search engine does not support logos.
// |logo| is nullopt. No logo should be displayed.
// The logo was successfully determined.
// If |logo| is non-nullopt, it should be displayed. If nullopt, then any
// visible logo should be cleared.
// The fresh logo is the same as the cached logo. Only used for fresh logos.
// |logo| is non-nullopt, and the cached logo should be kept.
// The default search engine could not be contacted, or provided invalid logo
// data. Only used for fresh logos.
// |logo| is non-nullopt, and the cached logo should be kept.
// The default search engine was changed while fetching the logo.
// |logo| is nullopt. No logo should be displayed.
struct EncodedLogo {
EncodedLogo(const EncodedLogo&);
EncodedLogo(EncodedLogo&&) noexcept;
EncodedLogo& operator=(const EncodedLogo& other);
EncodedLogo& operator=(EncodedLogo&& other) noexcept;
// The jpeg- or png-encoded image.
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString> encoded_image;
// Metadata about the logo.
LogoMetadata metadata;
using EncodedLogoCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(LogoCallbackReason type,
const base::Optional<EncodedLogo>& logo)>;
struct Logo {
// The logo image.
SkBitmap image;
// Metadata about the logo.
LogoMetadata metadata;
using LogoCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(LogoCallbackReason type,
const base::Optional<Logo>& logo)>;
struct LogoCallbacks {
EncodedLogoCallback on_cached_encoded_logo_available;
LogoCallback on_cached_decoded_logo_available;
EncodedLogoCallback on_fresh_encoded_logo_available;
LogoCallback on_fresh_decoded_logo_available;
LogoCallbacks(LogoCallbacks&&) noexcept;
LogoCallbacks& operator=(LogoCallbacks&&) noexcept;
// Parses the response from the server and returns it as an EncodedLogo. Returns
// null if the response is invalid.
using ParseLogoResponse = base::Callback<std::unique_ptr<EncodedLogo>(
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response,
base::Time response_time,
bool* parsing_failed)>;
// Encodes the fingerprint of the cached logo in the logo URL. This enables the
// server to verify whether the cached logo is up to date.
using AppendQueryparamsToLogoURL =
base::Callback<GURL(const GURL& logo_url, const std::string& fingerprint)>;
} // namespace search_provider_logos