blob: 38d4a3d834f1fb04f8637c0a0c40975c47125e63 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module to convert json responses from test-results into data frames."""
import datetime
import os
import pandas
except ImportError:
pandas = None
CACHE_DIR = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'test_results'))
'timestamp', 'builder', 'build_number', 'commit_pos', 'test_suite',
'test_case', 'result', 'time')
def BuildersDataFrame(data):
"""Convert a builders request response into a data frame."""
def iter_rows():
for master in data['masters']:
for test_type, builders in master['tests'].iteritems():
for builder_name in builders['builders']:
yield master['name'], builder_name, test_type
return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(
iter_rows(), columns=('master', 'builder', 'test_type'))
def _RunLengthDecode(count_value_pairs):
"""Iterator to expand a run length encoded sequence.
The test results dashboard compresses some long lists using "run length
encoding", for example:
['F', 'F', 'F', 'P', 'P', 'P', 'P', 'F', 'F']
[[3, 'F'], [4, 'P'], [2, 'F']]
This function takes the encoded version and returns an iterator that yields
the elements of the expanded one.
count_value_pairs: A list of [count, value] pairs.
Each value of the expanded sequence, one at a time.
for count, value in count_value_pairs:
for _ in xrange(count):
yield value
def _IterTestResults(tests_dict, test_path=None):
"""Parse and iterate over the "tests" section of a test results response.
The test results dashboard supports multiple levels of "subtests" organised
as a tree of nested dicts. The leafs of the tree are "results" dicts.
This iterator "flattens out" the test path names, splitting them into a
test_suite (the top level name) and test_case (all other "sub" names, if any).
For example:
'A': {
'1': {'results': [...]},
'2': {'results': [...]}
'B': {
'3': {
'a': {'results': [...]},
'b': {'results': [...]},
'c': {'results': [...]}
'C': {'results': [...]}
Will generate 6 responses when iterated over:
('A', '1', {'results': [...]})
('A', '2', {'results': [...]})
('B', '3/a', {'results': [...]})
('B', '3/b', {'results': [...]})
('B', '3/c', {'results': [...]})
('C', '', {'results': [...]})
tests_dict: The 'tests' dictionary as contained in a test results response.
test_path: An optional prefix for the test path. (Not meant to be used
directly, needed for the recursive implementation.)
A tripe (test_suite, test_case, test_results) for each test path contained
in the input.
if 'results' in tests_dict:
assert test_path # Should not be missing or empty.
yield test_path[0], '/'.join(test_path[1:]), tests_dict
if test_path is None:
test_path = []
for test_name, subtests_dict in tests_dict.iteritems():
for test_row in _IterTestResults(subtests_dict, test_path):
yield test_row
assert test_path.pop() == test_name
def _AddDataFrameColumn(df, col, values, fill_value=0):
"""Add a sequence of values as a new column, filling values if needed.
df: A data frame on which to add the column, it is modified in place.
col: A string with the name for the new column.
values: A sequence of values for the column.
fill_value: If the sequence of values is shorter that the current number
of rows in the df, pad the sequence with extra copies of `fill_value`
to make the number of rows match.
df[col] = pandas.Series(list(values)).reindex(df.index, fill_value=fill_value)
def TestResultsDataFrame(data):
"""Convert a test results request response into a data frame."""
assert data['version'] == 4
dfs = []
for builder, builder_data in data.iteritems():
if builder == 'version':
continue # Skip, not a builder.
builds = pandas.DataFrame()
builds['timestamp'] = pandas.to_datetime(
builder_data['secondsSinceEpoch'], unit='s')
builds['builder'] = builder
builds['build_number'] = builder_data['buildNumbers']
_AddDataFrameColumn(builds, 'commit_pos', builder_data['chromeRevision'])
for test_suite, test_case, test_results in _IterTestResults(
df = builds.copy()
df['test_suite'] = test_suite
df['test_case'] = test_case
_AddDataFrameColumn(df, 'result', _RunLengthDecode(
test_results['results']), fill_value='N')
_AddDataFrameColumn(df, 'time', _RunLengthDecode(test_results['times']))
if dfs:
df = pandas.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
assert tuple(df.columns) == TEST_RESULTS_COLUMNS
# Return an empty data frame with the right column names otherwise.
df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=TEST_RESULTS_COLUMNS)
return df
def GetWithCache(filename, frame_maker, expires_after):
"""Get a data frame from cache or, if necessary, create and cache it.
filename: The name of a file for the cached copy of the data frame,
it will be stored in the CACHE_DIR.
frame_maker: A function that takes no arguments and returns a data frame,
only called to create the data frame if the cached copy does not exist
or is too old.
expires_after: A datetime.timedelta object, the cached copy will not be
used if it was created longer that this time ago.
filepath = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, filename)
timestamp = os.path.getmtime(filepath)
last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
expired = datetime.datetime.utcnow() > last_modified + expires_after
except OSError: # If the file does not exist.
expired = True
if expired:
df = frame_maker()
if not os.path.exists(CACHE_DIR):
df = pandas.read_pickle(filepath)
return df