blob: 9f54ac347bb1095e49bbeadf00fef0cbc2eb58fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/installable/installable_metrics.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/components/web_app_icon_generator.h"
#include "chrome/common/web_application_info.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
struct InstallableData;
class InstallableManager;
class Profile;
class SkBitmap;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace web_app {
enum class ForInstallableSite;
class WebAppIconDownloader;
} // namespace web_app
namespace extensions {
class CrxInstaller;
class Extension;
class ExtensionService;
// A helper class for creating bookmark apps from a WebContents.
class BookmarkAppHelper : public content::NotificationObserver {
typedef base::Callback<void(const Extension*, const WebApplicationInfo&)>
// This helper class will create a bookmark app out of |web_app_info| and
// install it to |service|. Icons will be downloaded from the URLs in
// |web_app_info.icons| using |contents| if |contents| is not NULL.
// All existing icons from WebApplicationInfo will also be used. The user
// will then be prompted to edit the creation information via a bubble and
// will have a chance to cancel the operation.
// |install_source| indicates how the installation was triggered.
BookmarkAppHelper(Profile* profile,
WebApplicationInfo web_app_info,
content::WebContents* contents,
WebappInstallSource install_source);
~BookmarkAppHelper() override;
// It is important that the linked app information in any extension that
// gets created from sync matches the linked app information that came from
// sync. If there are any changes, they will be synced back to other devices
// and could potentially create a never ending sync cycle.
// This function updates |web_app_info| with the image data of any icon from
// |bitmap_map| that has a URL and size matching that in |web_app_info|, as
// well as adding any new images from |bitmap_map| that have no URL.
static void UpdateWebAppIconsWithoutChangingLinks(
std::map<int, web_app::BitmapAndSource> bitmap_map,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app_info);
// Begins the asynchronous bookmark app creation.
void Create(const CreateBookmarkAppCallback& callback);
// If called, the installed extension will be considered policy installed.
void set_is_policy_installed_app() { is_policy_installed_app_ = true; }
bool is_policy_installed_app() { return is_policy_installed_app_; }
// Forces the creation of a shortcut app instead of a PWA even if installation
// is available.
void set_shortcut_app_requested() { shortcut_app_requested_ = true; }
// If called, the installed extension will be considered default installed.
void set_is_default_app() { is_default_app_ = true; }
bool is_default_app() { return is_default_app_; }
// If called, the installed extension will be considered system installed.
void set_is_system_app() { is_system_app_ = true; }
bool is_system_app() { return is_system_app_; }
// If called, desktop shortcuts will not be created.
void set_skip_shortcut_creation() { create_shortcuts_ = false; }
bool create_shortcuts() const { return create_shortcuts_; }
// If called, the installability check won't test for a service worker.
void set_bypass_service_worker_check() {
DCHECK(is_default_app() || is_system_app());
bypass_service_worker_check_ = true;
// If called, the installation will only succeed if a manifest is found.
void set_require_manifest() {
require_manifest_ = true;
// If called, the installed app will launch in |launch_type|. User might still
// be able to change the launch type depending on the type of app.
void set_forced_launch_type(LaunchType launch_type) {
forced_launch_type_ = launch_type;
const base::Optional<LaunchType>& forced_launch_type() const {
return forced_launch_type_;
// Protected methods for testing.
// Called by the InstallableManager when the installability check is
// completed.
void OnDidPerformInstallableCheck(const InstallableData& data);
// Performs post icon download tasks including installing the bookmark app.
virtual void OnIconsDownloaded(
bool success,
const std::map<GURL, std::vector<SkBitmap>>& bitmaps);
// Downloads icons from the given WebApplicationInfo using the given
// WebContents.
std::unique_ptr<web_app::WebAppIconDownloader> web_app_icon_downloader_;
// Called after the bubble has been shown, and the user has either accepted or
// the dialog was dismissed.
void OnBubbleCompleted(bool user_accepted,
const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info);
// Called when the installation of the app is complete to perform the final
// installation steps.
void FinishInstallation(const Extension* extension);
// Overridden from content::NotificationObserver:
void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) override;
// The profile that the bookmark app is being added to.
Profile* profile_;
// The web contents that the bookmark app is being created for.
content::WebContents* contents_;
// The WebApplicationInfo that the bookmark app is being created for.
WebApplicationInfo web_app_info_;
// Called on app creation or failure.
CreateBookmarkAppCallback callback_;
// Used to install the created bookmark app.
scoped_refptr<extensions::CrxInstaller> crx_installer_;
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
InstallableManager* installable_manager_;
web_app::ForInstallableSite for_installable_site_;
base::Optional<LaunchType> forced_launch_type_;
bool is_policy_installed_app_ = false;
bool shortcut_app_requested_ = false;
bool is_default_app_ = false;
bool is_system_app_ = false;
bool create_shortcuts_ = true;
bool bypass_service_worker_check_ = false;
bool require_manifest_ = false;
// The mechanism via which the app creation was triggered.
WebappInstallSource install_source_;
// With fast tab unloading enabled, shutting down can cause BookmarkAppHelper
// to be destroyed before the bookmark creation bubble. Use weak pointers to
// prevent a heap-use-after free in this instance (
base::WeakPtrFactory<BookmarkAppHelper> weak_factory_;
// Creates or updates a bookmark app from the given |web_app_info|. Icons will
// be downloaded from the icon URLs provided in |web_app_info|.
void CreateOrUpdateBookmarkApp(ExtensionService* service,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app_info,
bool is_locally_installed);
// Returns whether the given |url| is a valid user bookmark app url.
bool IsValidBookmarkAppUrl(const GURL& url);
} // namespace extensions